
Release Notes

BPMN Modeler April 30, 2015 (Version: 5.0.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the alignment of workflow pattern.
  • Improved the readability of the input text when renaming a page.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where deferred choice pattern events were not serialized properly in BPMN.
  • Fixed an issue where IDs would become duplicate.
  • Fixed an issue where the page insert dialog content would not be visible.
  • Fixed the Simulation Renew button functionality.
  • Fixed an issue were namespace of element on QName were not exported.
CMMN Modeler April 30, 2015 (Version: 5.0.1)
New and improved features:
  • Added CMMN 1.1 (alpha) export capability.
  • Improved the readability of the input text when renaming a page.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue were elements added from the accelerators, the sentries would not be properly placed in the proper parent.
BPMN Visio Add in April 16, 2015 (Version: 5.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Complete visual overhaul to align the design with the modern look of the Digital Enterprise Suite.
  • The Accelerator Viewer has been added in the Visio BPMN Modeler. It allows you to create processes from known frameworks and keep track of your alignment with them by using the highlight functionality.
  • Added the possibility to create Semantic Link with the frameworks or your own references.
  • It is now easier to create and share repositories with your team in the new and fully redesigned Repository Navigator.
  • Contextual Menu was improved with a simpler organization logic and addition of new icons for each action.
  • Semantic link property edition has been added.
  • It is now possible to export to SharePoint 2013 Workflow.
  • It is now possible to import a Fluxicon Disco file.
  • Added an about box for the Lanner BPSim Simulation.
  • It is now possible to add a BPMN property to all shapes via the new property editor.
  • The upgraded Repository Navigator now includes:
    • Support of Sharepoint document libraries,
    • Support of the CMIS standard,
    • New look and feel.
  • Choreographies now auto resize when participants are added to it.
  • Repositories now store BPMN file formats instead of Visio file formats.
  • Improved the performance and quality of BPMN import and export.
  • The colors are not kept when importing or exporting in BPMN.
  • Connections paths are not kept when importing or exporting in BPMN.
  • Added attachment property with proper icons to all BPMN 2.0 shapes.
  • Data objects and data source labels are now automatically synced with the data property.
  • Improved the confirmation message when renaming data object reference and made it also display for data store reference.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a color issue with the unconnected connections in Visio 2013.
  • Fixed an issue which would re-log the previous user upon performing the switch user function.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue for internet explorer users with Visio BPMN Modeler.
CMMN Modeler April 14, 2015 (Version: 5.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Complete visual overhaul to align the design with the modern look of the Digital Enterprise Suite.
  • The Accelerator Viewer has been added in the CMMN Modeler. It allows you to create case plan models from known frameworks and keep track of your alignment with them by using the highlight functionality.
  • Added the possibility to create Semantic Link with the frameworks or your own references.
  • It is now easier to create and share repositories with your team in the new and fully redesigned Repository Navigator.
  • Contextual Menu was improved with a simpler organization logic and addition of new icons for each action.
  • Semantic link property edition has been added.
  • The canvas and container shapes such as Stages now resize automatically when shapes are dragged or added outside its border.
  • Improved the behaviour of the spacers:
    • the labels now maintain their position in respect with their shapes,
    • the straight links now stay straight after the resizing.
  • Added an "All" button to display all the pages and access to them quickly.
  • Comments can now be added directly from the Contextual Menu.
  • When using the CMMN Modeler in SharePoint, the toolbar was removed and the redirection link back to SharePoint is now in the File menu.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue when moving an anchor point of a link, the links would get broken when using undo/redo function.
  • Changing the shape type now keeps the label position.
  • Fixed the About dialog that was not properly displayed in Internet Explorer 9.
  • Resetting the label position now resets its size too.
  • Fixed a project name loss when loading a model for the first time.
  • Fixed an issue where right resize handles were not properly placed on large Stages, Plan Fragment and Case Plan Model.
  • Restored the functionality to link Stages to another file.
  • Fixed an issue where, on import, the anchor point of a link on the other link would not be correct.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing pages with carriage return in their name to be exported to image.
  • Fixed an issue when creating content of a container to a blank page, the links would not be properly routed.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip was missing in the palette for the Event Listener and Planning Table.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the viewing of the log viewer when there was an error.
BPMN Modeler April 14, 2015 (Version: 5.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Complete visual overhaul to align the design with the modern look of the Digital Enterprise Suite.
  • The Accelerator Viewer has been added in the BPMN Modeler. It allows you to create processes from known frameworks and keep track of your alignment with them by using the highlight functionality.
  • Added the possibility to create Semantic Link with the frameworks or your own references.
  • It is now easier to create and share repositories with your team in the new and fully redesigned Repository Navigator.
  • Contextual Menu was improved with a simpler organization logic and addition of new icons for each action.
  • Semantic link property edition has been added.
  • The canvas and container shapes such as Sub-Processes now resize automatically when shapes are dragged or added outside its border.
  • It is now possible to export to SharePoint 2013 Workflow.
  • It is now possible to import a Fluxicon Disco file.
  • Improved the behaviour of the spacers:
    • the labels now maintain their position in respect with their shapes,
    • message flow now stays straight when you use the spacers in your collaboration. Added an "All" button to display all the pages and access them quickly.
  • Comments can now be added directly from the Contextual Menu.
  • Added an about box for the Lanner BPSim Simulation.
  • When using the BPMN Modeler in SharePoint, the toolbar was removed and the redirection link back to SharePoint is now in the File menu.
  • Removed the Welcome screen.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing border color to be changed for the Pool and Lane shapes.
  • Fixed an issue when moving an anchor point of a link, the links would get broken when using undo/redo function.
  • Changing the shape type now keeps the label position.
  • Fixed the About dialog that was not properly displayed in Internet Explorer 9.
  • Resetting the label position now resets its size too.
  • Fixed a project name loss when loading a model for the first time.
  • A None Intermediate Event is now always exported as Throwing to respect BPMN 2. 0 specification.
  • Fixed an issue where right resize handles were not properly placed on large Sub-Processes, Pools and Lanes.
  • Fixed an issue where when exporting a service task, the implementation was not set properly as defined in the specification.
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases, the annotations were placed on two pages when importing a BPMN file format. Fixed an issue where BPMN models could not be loaded in Safari browser.
  • Restored the functionality to link Sub-Processes to another file.
  • Fixed a BPMN import issue where the content of an expanded call activity would be put in the wrong page.
  • Prevent the addition of Participant bands directly on the canvas.
  • Fixed an issue where when deleting an attachment from a shape, the attachment marker would stay.
  • Fixed an issue where, on import, the anchor point of a link on the other link would not be correct.
  • Now labels will keep using default position unless user has specifically changed it even after a BPMN export or a save to the cloud.
  • Improved the confirmation message when renaming data object reference and made it displayed for Data Store reference too.
  • Fixed an issue with deleted participants on a choreography that were coming back.
  • Fixed an issue where when resizing a Collapsed Sub-Choreography, the bands would be misplaced.
  • Fixed an issue where links were not properly routed when the text annotation was automatically resized to match the text height.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing pages with carriage return in their name to be exported to image.
  • Fixed a Process Animator failure to start if a comment was present on a Pool shape.
  • Fixed an issue when creating content of a container to a blank page, the links would not be properly routed.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause pools that were copy/pasted to have their lanes place outside of them after a save to the cloud.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing file with a link connected to an unconnected link to be saved to the cloud or exported to BPMN.
Discovery Accelerator April 12, 2015 (Version: 5.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Complete visual overhaul to align the design with the Digital Enterprise Suite style.
  • Addition of visual queues in form of icons for each collection type.
  • It is now possible to create semantic links to your project entities.
  • Semantic linking is now present when exporting into BPMN.
  • Integration of new private repositories and their access functionalities.
  • Addition of the context menu in private repositories.
  • Improvements to the backend and repository functionalities.
  • Removed the "None/Other" collection type.
  • Added a highlight feature in the Framework Accelerator menu which highlights the used Accelerator’s collection in the board view.
  • Added Discovery Accelerator’s product documentation.
Bug Fixes:
  • Removed the possibility to have 2 different project names for one file.
  • Fixed export of the summary section into HTML format.
  • Fixed default avatar image.
  • Fixed present typos.
Discovery Accelerator November 18, 2014 (Version: 1.8.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • Discovery Projects can now be created from the 5 classic perspectives used in SIPOC. The SIPOC acronym stands for Supplier, Input, Process, Outputs and Customers.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the height of the description text area in the Item Modal would not adjust automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where sequence flow labels were not correctly exported in BPMN on discretionary activities.
BPMN Modeler November 18, 2014 (Version: 4.2.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to drag and drop a shape on a link to add it to the flow.
  • The link constraints are now kept, whenever possible, when moving nodes.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where when the page was resized or when a link was changed which had a user position label, the label would not follow.
  • Fixed an issue where one could not redo an addition of a workflow pattern.
  • Fixed an issue where an expanded sub-choreography could not be sized down when using a spacer.
  • Fixed a failed export when mixing choreography activities with lanes.
  • Fixed an issue where when exporting to BPMN, the IsInterrupting issue would be lost on a start event.
  • Fixed the choreography participants which were not laid-out properly when a user moved them.
  • Capacity is now displayed on the Data Store in the Attribute Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the paste icon, in the contextual menu, would sometimes be missing when paste is disabled.
CMMN Modeler November 18, 2014 (Version: 4.2.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to drag and drop a shape on a link to add it to the flow.
  • The link constraints are now kept, whenever possible, when moving nodes.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where when the page was resized or when a link was changed which had a user position label, the label would not follow.
  • Fixed an issue where the paste icon, in the contextual menu, would sometimes be missing when paste is disabled.
BPMN Modeler November 5, 2014 (Version: 4.2.11)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to define timer events. Defining timer events allows you to time and/or schedule your events based on a specific date, cycle or duration.
  • Intermediate none catching events are now saved as Throwing events.
  • Fixed an export/import issue which would add extra comments shapes for replies.
  • Fixed an issue where invalid files would be created with Internet Explorer when a namespace was used by two prefixes.
Discovery Accelerator October 28, 2014 (Version: 1.8.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to Merge two items or collections together to refactor your board view. The merged items or collections relations and children are combined into a single item or collection.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an export into BPMN issue affecting only the Chrome browser.
CMMN Modeler October 21, 2014 (Version: 4.2.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • CMMN Web Modeler has been updated with the final CMMN 1.0 specification standards.
    • Repetition rule marker has been updated to adhere to the CMMN 1.0 standard.
    • Changed Automatic Activation to Manual Activation and aligned the marker.
  • Added vertical and horizontal spacers to easily add or remove space within your diagram.
  • The inner links constraints are now kept when moving a container.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where when you move or resize a container, the connected links would not be properly updated .
BPMN Modeler October 21, 2014 (Version: 4.2.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added vertical and horizontal spacers to easily add or remove space within your diagram.
  • Added defined performers support in BPSim Editor.
  • The inner links constraints are now kept when moving a container.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the comments would not be displayed after export from Discovery Accelerator, with comments, and import into the BPMN Web Modeler.
  • Fixed an issue where the sub-processes would be ignored by the BPSim Editor.
  • Fixed the creation of an invalid BPMN file after importing BPMN files with data association in some cases.
  • Fixed a duplicate ids issue when exporting into BPMN in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where when you move or resize a container, the connected links would not be properly updated .
Discovery Accelerator October 15, 2014 (Version: 1.7.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • Discovery Projects can now be created from the 4 classic perspectives used in a Balanced Scorecard.
CMMN Modeler October 9, 2014 (Version: 4.2.9)
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where sentries would go behind their target.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing tasks to get duplicated when undoing/redoing a type change.
  • Fixed an issue where the cursor would switch to a forbidden icon while resizing.
  • Tooltips is now discarded when the Log Viewer window is closed.
BPMN Modeler October 9, 2014 (Version: 4.2.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Pools and lanes handling improvements:
    • Spaces can now be created between lanes,
    • Improved the feedback on where the lane will be added or moved,
    • Pool’s and lane’s size will not reduce automatically,
    • When adding the first lane to a pool or a lane, the content of that pool and/or lane is now transferred to the new lane,
    • Improved the undo and redo function,
    • Improved the layout of the BPMN file that does not contain any graphical information.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where attached events would go behind their activities.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing events to get duplicated when undoing/redoing a type change.
  • Fixed an issue where the cursor would switch to a forbidden icon while resizing.
  • Fixed an import issue which was causing annotations to be displayed on the wrong page.
  • Tooltip is now discarded when the logviewer is closed.

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