
Release Notes

DMN Modeler September 2, 2015 (Version: 5.0.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the possibility to Reverse Direction of links from the context menu.
  • Added the possibility, in the Decision Table’s Input column, to select from the available Input Data or Sub-Decision shapes in the canvas.
  • Added the Boxed function to the Business Knowledge Model.
  • Added the documentation functionality which allows to create documentation on DMN elements.
  • It is now possible to edit Complete Decision Attributes:
    • Decision Makers
    • Decision Owners
    • Supported Objective
    • Impacted Performance Indicators
    • List from organizations unites
    • List from objectives
    • List of performance indicators
  • It is now possible to edit Complete Knowledge Source Attributes:
    • Owner
    • Type
    • Location URI
    • Single organizational unit
    • Single string
  • Improved the feedback when moving nodes. The selection now has the same bounds as the shape, on multi-selection each selected shape shows its bounds and the links are not selected with a thick line anymore.
  • Added the Select All/Select None buttons in the ribbon to easily select all or none of the shapes in the canvas. For shortcut lovers, CTRL-A still works!
  • Made improvements to the ghost from the palette to better represent the selected shape.
  • In Decision Table, the fields are now automatically populated with existing values, if any, when changed an input or output type to collection.
Bug Fixes:
  • It is now easier to grab the end point of a link to connect it to a shape.
  • Fixed an issue where snap to guidelines function would miss shapes that were previously selected.
  • The Decision Table in Internet Explorer now shows the full hover color in the dropdown menu.
Discovery Accelerator September 2, 2015 (Version: 5.0.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Made minor improvements to the model serialization.
BPMN Modeler September 2, 2015 (Version: 5.0.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the possibility to Reverse Direction of links from the context menu.
  • It is now possible to edit startQuantity and completionQuantity of Activities.
  • Improved the feedback when moving nodes. The selection now has the same bounds as the shape, on multi-selection each selected shape shows its bounds and the links are not selected with a thick line.
  • Added the Select All/Select None buttons in the ribbon to easily select all or none of the shapes in the canvas. For shortcut lovers, CTRL-A still works!
  • When accelerators are added to the canvas, a page is created per collection of items.
  • Made improvements to the ghost from the palette to better represent the selected shape.
Bug Fixes:
  • It is now easier to grab the end point of a link to connect it to a shape.
  • Fixed an issue where a task was selected by default when changing page
  • Fixed an issue where when creating sub-process from selection would, in some cases, bring links to a new page and they would not be connected.
  • When inserting a shape between two linked shapes, the group does not break links anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where snap to guidelines function would miss shapes that were previously selected.
  • Fixed an issue where the link Sub-Process to page dialog would not show the currently selected page.
CMMN Modeler September 2, 2015 (Version: 5.0.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the documentation functionality which allows to create documentation on CMMN elements.
  • It is now possible to edit the Standard Event on onPart connector.
  • Added CMMN 1.1 new Discretionary Association link.
  • Unattached entry/exit criterion are now red.
  • Discretionary option is now in the Change Shape sub-menu.
  • Case Task can now be linked to a page.
  • Improved the feedback when moving nodes. The selection now has the same bounds as the shape, on multi-selection each selected shape shows its bounds and the links are not selected with a thick line anymore.
  • Added the Select All/Select None buttons in the ribbon to easily select all or none of the shapes in the canvas. For shortcut lovers, CTRL-A still works!
  • When accelerators are added to the canvas, a page is created per collection of items.
  • Made improvements to the ghost from the palette to better represent the selected shape.
Bug Fixes:
  • It is now easier to grab the end point of a link to connect it to a shape.
  • Fixed an issue where a task was selected by default when changing page.
  • Fixed an issue where when creating a Stage from selection would, in some cases, bring links to a new page and they would not be connected.
  • Fixed an issue where snap to guidelines function would miss shapes that were previously selected.
  • Fixed an issue where the link Stage to page dialog would not show the currently selected page.
DMN Modeler August 13, 2015 (Version: 5.0.11)
New and Improved Features:
  • Align to grid and guidelines now work when adding new shapes from the palette.
  • Feedback when adding new shapes now follow the zoom.
  • Alignment commands can now be access in the contextual menu.
  • It is now possible to merge cells in the Decision Table.
  • Added the possibility to insert columns in Decision Table.
  • Literal Expression can now be edited on decision.
Bug Fixes:
  • When moving a node with guidelines, its attached node are now ignored.
CMMN Modeler August 13, 2015 (Version: 5.0.11)
New and Improved Features:
  • Align to grid and guidelines now work when adding new shapes.
  • Feedback when adding new shapes now follow the zoom.
  • Alignment commands can now be access in the contextual menu.
  • Planning table are now a marker that is toggled from the contextual menu.
  • Plan fragment are now dashed instead of dotted as per CMMN specification.
Bug Fixes:
  • When moving a node with guidelines, its attached node are now ignored.
BPMN Modeler August 13, 2015 (Version: 5.0.11)
New and Improved Features:
  • Align to grid and guidelines now work when adding new shapes.
  • Feedback when adding new shapes now follow the zoom.
  • Alignment commands can now be access in the contextual menu.
Bug Fixes:
  • When moving a node with guidelines, its attached node are now ignored.
  • Restored the process animation when using the publish function.
BPMN Modeler August 6, 2015 (Version: 5.0.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Introduced the alignment guides option.
  • Introduced the snap to grid feature.
  • It is now possible to show or hide the grid in the View Tab.
  • When attaching an intermediate event to a task the sequence flow will directly be linked to the event and not the task.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bottom marker position.
  • Fixed an issue where the reset link and reset label would not be undoable and redoable.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add comments and semantic links on lanes.
  • Fixed an issue where some shapes could not be pasted.
  • The shapes labels now follow the shapes when using the spacer function.
CMMN Modeler August 6, 2015 (Version: 5.0.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Introduced the alignment guides option.
  • Introduced the snap to grid feature.
  • It is now possible to show or hide the grid in the View Tab.
  • When attaching a sentry to a shape, the link will directly be linked to the sentry and not the shape.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bottom marker position.
  • Fixed an issue where the reset link and reset label would not be undoable and redoable.
  • Fixed an issue where some shapes could not be pasted.
  • The shapes labels now follow the shapes when using the spacer function.
DMN Modeler August 6, 2015 (Version: 5.0.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Introduced the alignment guides option.
  • Introduced the snap to grid feature.
  • Added group to DMN.
  • It is now possible to edit and sort collection items in decision table.
  • Added the navigation functionality in the decision table with the "Tab" button.
  • Aligned the visual aspects of the Decision Table with the DMN Modeler look.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bottom marker position.
  • Fixed an issue where the reset link and reset label would not be undoable and redoable.
  • Fixed an issue where some shapes could not be pasted.
  • The shapes labels now follow the shapes when using the spacer function.
Discovery Accelerator August 4, 2015 (Version: 5.0.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the Excel export capability in the Relationship View.
Discovery Accelerator July 22, 2015 (Version: 5.0.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added Input/Output relation between the systems and artifacts types.
  • Renamed Quick Wins to Gaps.
  • Added the Gaps to all type of elements, instead of just activity.
  • Added the possibility to create a new collection from the text view, if there are multiple collections already present of the same type.
  • Improved mobile device loading speed.
  • Made major improvements to the drag and drop functionality in the Board View.
  • Improved mobile device experience with the semantic links editor.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue which would paste the styling of the selected text. The style is not taken into account anymore.
  • Fixed non ASCII characters in the export functionality of CMMN, UML and HTML.
  • Fixed an issue with the inline edit function in Chrome in some cases.
BPMN Modeler July 16, 2015 (Version: 5.0.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Introduced the Reuse feature. The Reuse feature allows you to link certain tasks to either a DMN Decision or a CMMN Case Plan Model. You can link and unlink the models and also open a specific model directly in the chosen modeler.
  • When connecting shape with the quick connect arrow, the smart link will now create the proper type of link.
  • Added visual branding on mobile devices.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to get duplicated attributes for namespace declaration upon BPMN export.
  • Fixed an issue where the modal would be better than the available space.
  • Fixed a layout issue in Internet Explorer 10.
CMMN Modeler July 16, 2015 (Version: 5.0.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Introduced the Reuse feature. The Reuse feature allows you to link certain tasks to either a DMN Decision or a CMMN Case Plan Model. You can link and unlink the models and also open a specific model directly in the chosen modeler.
  • It is now possible to edit the IfPart on sentries.
  • CMMN now has a Decision Task.
  • Added visual branding on mobile devices.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the modal would be better than the available space.
  • Fixed a layout issue in Internet Explorer 10.
DMN Modeler July 16, 2015 (Version: 5.0.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • When connecting shape with the quick connect arrow, the smart link will now create the proper type of link.
  • It is now possible to copy/paste rule in the Decision Table.
  • It is now possible to clear the Decision Table.
  • Added visual branding on mobile devices.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed multiple cross browser issues in the DMN Modeler.
  • Fixed an issue where the modal would be better than the available space.
  • Fixed an issue where the decision table would be too large in Internet Explorer 9.
  • Fixed a layout issue in Internet Explorer 10.
  • Fixed an issue where the lines between shapes were not straight event when the shapes were aligned.
Discovery Accelerator July 7, 2015 (Version: 5.0.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • Updated Discovery Accelerator visual branding.

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