
Release Notes

Discovery Accelerator November 16, 2016 (Version: 5.0.25)
New and Improved Features:
  • A sorting button has been added in the collections detail panel to sort the elements in alphabetical order.
  • Collections positions are now fixed and can be expanded outside of the width of the browser window. This position will be persistent in the model and Discovery Accelerator will no longer try to fit all collections in the browser window width on reload.
Discovery Accelerator November 8, 2016 (Version: 5.0.24)
New and Improved Features:
  • When viewing the relationships of an element, the type of each relationship is directly depicted in the HW5 view. The relationship type is clickable to modify the relationship or delete it.
Insight Analyzer November 8, 2016 (Version: 1.1.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • When viewing the relationships of an element, the type of each relationship is directly depicted in the HW5 view.
BPMN Modeler November 8, 2016 (Version: 5.0.35)
New and Improved Features:
  • When viewing the relationships of an element, the type of each relationship is directly depicted in the HW5 view. The relationship type is clickable to modify the relationship or delete it.
CMMN Modeler November 8, 2016 (Version: 5.0.35)
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected a rare occurrence where the report would not generate due to a discretionary item configuration.
DMN Modeler November 8, 2016 (Version: 5.0.35)
New and Improved Features:
  • When creating a decision logic, the inputs and outputs will be automatically prefilled from the information in the diagram if available. For instance, this means that having Input Data depicted graphically on the diagram and creating a Decision Table, the input columns will be prefilled with the information from the diagram.
  • Added the date type as a supported data type.
Bug Fixes:
  • Groups are now imported and exported in DMN xml serialization.
November 8, 2016 (Version: 5.0.35)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the ability to generate HTML and Word reports.
BPMN Modeler October 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.34)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the HW5 view for task, events, data objects and data stores. It is accessible by viewing the Details (3 bars) on a shape.
  • You can now create relationships in the BPMN modeler to items that are not normally depicted in BPMN such as Actors, System and Goals.
  • You can now manage hidden items that are not normally visible in a BPMN drawing. Those include the Actors, System and Goals that you can now define in the elements details but also extend to Messages, Signal, Errors and Escalation codes. This is accessible using the Manage hidden items button in the BPMN ribbon.
  • You can now create input/output relationship from a task to a data object that are not depicted graphically using the task details and adding to the what perspective.
  • You can now hide a Data Object depicted in the BPMN Diagram by right clicking on a Data Object while keeping the input relationship in the detail of the task.
  • You can now drag System and Goals from an accelerator to bring them in your BPMN context and reuse them.
  • The report was improved to add the new information that can be captured using the new HW5 view in BPMN.
Bug Fixes:
  • Prevented a rare case where on page creation, we would give the same name as an existing page.
Discovery Accelerator October 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.23)
New and Improved Features:
  • The BPMN Export now export more information that take advantage of the new feature of the BPMN Modeler to view the HW5 relationship between Activities, Actors, Artifacts, Events, System and Goals. For instance, Activity RACI relationship will now be exported to BPMN.
October 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.34)
New and Improved Features:
  • The Landscaping tool allows to communicate high level operational architecture as well using well as known canvases to capture business strategies.
  • This first public release contains 13 canvases ranging from the Business Model Canvas to the Six Thinking Hats .
  • It allows the creation of simple sticky notes or typed notes that will become part of your Digital Enterprise Graph and can be reused in our other modeling products.
  • Architectures can be built using a variety of basic shapes or directly by embedding rich images and using hotspots.
CMMN Modeler October 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.34)
Bug Fixes:
  • Prevented a rare case where on page creation, we would give the same name as an existing page.
DMN Modeler October 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.34)
New and Improved Features:
  • Export to DMN 1.2. This new version of the standard is under heavy development at the moment and should be used only for experimentation. DMN 1.1 is the version that should be used as a stable export from the DMN Modeler.
Bug Fixes:
  • The decision logic of Business Knowledge Model is now kept when you cut/paste them.
  • Corrected an issue with the undo of the creation of decision logic.
  • Prevented a rare case where on page creation, we would give the same name as an existing page.
BPMN Modeler September 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.33)
New and Improved Features:
  • New and improved Visio import. When importing Visio files, you can now map each shape from the stencil to get the best and most accurate import of your model.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the previous file name was still used in some rare cases.
  • Time Cycle is now outputted in the documentation.
  • Fixed an issue during the export to documentation where it would stop the export when encountering an empty diagram.
  • The Adhoc marker is now black on the collapsed adhoc sub-process.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple help windows would open.
CMMN Modeler September 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.33)
New and Improved Features:
  • New and improved Visio import. When importing Visio files, you can now map each shape from the stencil to get the best and most accurate import of your model.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the previous file name was still used in some rare cases.
  • Time Cycle is now outputted in the documentation.
  • Fixed an issue during the export to documentation where it would stop the export when encountering an empty diagram.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple help windows would open.
DMN Modeler September 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.33)
New and Improved Features:
  • New and improved Visio import. When importing Visio files, you can now map each shape from the stencil to get the best and most accurate import of your model.
  • When dropping accelerators which have several levels of artefacts, the top level is dropped as a shape and the lower levels become Data Types.
  • When importing files into the DMN Modeler, the external type is now displayed in itemDefinition and its components.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the previous file name was still used in some rare cases.
  • Fixed an issue during the export to documentation where it would stop the export when encountering an empty diagram.
  • Fixed a bug where parameters would be duplicated when copy/pasting a row of boxed function with context entries.
  • Fixed a bug where the Type Ref were not imported on function parameters and context entries.
  • Copy/pasting of item definition does not introduce duplicate IDs anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple help windows would open when more than one pages were created.
  • Rows and columns are now deleted only be clicking the remove icon and not the whole cell.
BPMN Modeler September 19, 2016 (Version: 5.0.32)
New and Improved Features:
  • Files are now filtered to the proper types when using import services.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where the markers would not be displayed in the diagram when using import services.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a page associated with a new sub-process, clicking on the plus button would do nothing.
  • Fixed an issue where pasting a Data Object from a BPMN model to another, it would lose its name and collection attribute.
  • Fixed a bug when assigning an external process to a call activity, it would come back as a task and lose the link when saved and opened in a repository.
  • Fixed a bug which would prevent from editing attributes in the latest version of the Chrome browser.

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