
Release Notes

Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon September 12, 2023 (Version: 11.9.4)
Bug fixes:
  • When synchronizing changes on large models, a performance issue could significantly delay the synching of an element.
  • CDS Hooks would refuse calls without prefetched data.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon August 20, 2023 (Version: 11.9.3)
Bug fixes:
  • When exporting to DMN 1.4, some literal expressions were not converted from FEEL 1.3 to FEEL 1.4.
  • When loading test cases, it was possible that the type matching was too eager resulting in an incorrect dialog of type incompatibility.
  • It was possible that the initial values for user tasks to not properly filled when testing a process.
  • When deploying a case to automation, some errors were not properly propagated to the user.
  • Under some specific circumstances, the horizontal and vertical spacer were not properly following the mouse.
  • The label placement algorithm for embedded stages was wrapping the text too eagerly.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 17, 2023 (Version: 11.9.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Some services (Workflow, Case, Decisions) generated with data types containing spaces were not always generating the system of engagement forms properly.
  • Saving a test case with a list of list could not be loaded properly.
  • Saving a test case with a text value of empty string would save it as a null value instead.
  • Excel import of complex type in test cases could result in a list of letters for a collection of data types that were derived from text.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 17, 2023 (Version: 11.9.2)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where a ghost layer was prenventing the proper scrolling on a decision logic page.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 11, 2023 (Version: 11.9.0)
New and improved features:
  • User tasks can now be visualized for a given execution environment.
  • The REST API of the Digital Enterprise Suite now contains an additional resource that allows to query user tasks across services and environments.
  • The Help now contains a documentation page with the possible operations on the Digital Enterprise Suite REST API.
Bug fixes:
  • Downloading a Digital Distributed Container that did not exist returned an error message that was not properly displayed by the Docker client.
  • Improved our support of advanced OpenAPI 3.0 constructs in the Operation Library import.
  • When renaming an included model, inputs data in the Scope Panel were not renamed and we could not drag them.
  • Comparing a KEM model that has a change on some properties fails.
  • Editing a data type that has hundreds of components takes a long time.
  • When importing a data type from the graph, sometimes the takes a long time to render the result.
  • When sorting data types, reused data types were not sorted.
  • The data type association is not kept when pasting a term in the Knowledge Entity Modeler.
  • Renaming a data object without a name could fail under certain rare conditions.
  • A process with only a data store in a pool/expanded call activity does not generate the proper BPMN XML export.
Additional notes:
Clients hosting the Digital Enterprise Suite themselves will need to execute the following command in their container to index user tasks: des-cli automation usertask-reindex
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 4, 2023 (Version: 11.8.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Subscribers of the Digital Enterprise Graph that did not deploy accelerators could loose access to the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Fixed a documentation link that was broken for the technical documentation of the forms renderer in the Trisotech Help.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 3, 2023 (Version: 11.8.0)
New and improved features:
  • Integration with Microsoft Teams:
    • New notification channel for user tasks in workflow and cases.
    • Send teams messages as part of a workflow or case.
    • Receive messages from teams to resume or start a workflow or case.
  • It is now possible to develop custom JavaScript widgets for the system of engagement forms (inputs and outputs). More information on building your own widget and tooling is available in our public GitLab repository.
  • SVG export now generates SVG files without foreign objects to increase the compatibility with SVG editors.
  • The image export label clarity was greatly improved.
  • Publishing a service now generates an SVG image instead of a PNG.
  • Publishing as an HTML report now uses an SVG image instead of a PNG for better quality.
  • The PDF images generated now has clearer and selectable text.
  • The performance of the full-text search in the Digital Enterprise Graph was greatly improved. It also now require a minimum of three character to start searching.
  • When a WebHook emitter is disabled, the notification email now includes the last encountered error.
  • The settings page to configure emitters now allows to download the audit logs directly from the user interface when defining an emitter of type Audit.
  • The pager of the Cloud Execution Running instances was optimized for a large number of pages.
  • The display of the name and tags of instances in the Cloud Execution was improved to completely display the information.
Bug fixes:
  • APIKey identity encoding used in the query parameter were not properly encoded when it contained special characters.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause an error when the automation was under very heavy load.
  • The JSON schema data type import was not supporting reusable schema portions defined under $def.
  • Types with the same name as FEEL types are not recognized when importing JSON Schema.
  • Use the file name as a default for the type created from a JSON schema import when there’s no title.
  • External link markers replace lock markers if a synchronization occurs while testing or animating a model.
  • Custom FEEL functions associated data types did not properly autocomplete.
  • Data type validation would not always be checked for collection on a constrained type.
  • In FEEL, a for literal expression with multiple iterators depending on each other will now generate the right value.
  • The validation would output an incorrect message when trying to access an attribute of a variable defined in a for literal expression.
  • The number FEEL function can now be used with a variable number of parameters.
  • Script tasks without data inputs were not able to properly access their inner data inputs variables at runtime.
  • Allow null was removed from enumerations when importing a foreign DMN XML.
  • Reusing a data type with a missing type could fail.
  • Terms could be duplicated when reusing a term with a recursive reference.
  • The transfrom and delete action buttons are not updated when changing the type of a decision logic.
  • The dialog informing that a testing session was closed due to innactivity could not be dismissed.
  • The content of a Knowledge Entity Model or Capability Model imported from Excel did not properly display in the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Terms references were not always properly cleaned up when a local term was deleted.
  • The instance of FEEL autocompletion now offers the option for list, context and functions.
  • The instance of FEEL autocompletion was using display name instead of the actual data type name.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon May 31, 2023 (Version: 11.7.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Renaming an input data could fail under rare and specific conditions.
  • When adding a row to a decision table, it was possible under specific conditions that the row was not editable.
  • The email sending capability (including sending feedback) could be impacted by a User Provider system that introduces escapable characters in user names.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon May 30, 2023 (Version: 11.7.2)
Bug fixes:
  • Data types containing accents in their names used as inputs or outputs of a service were not generating a valid Open API service descriptor also causing the test form to display those types incorrectly.
  • Changing the data type of a context entry triggered an excessive amount of calculation that impacted performance.
  • Types on conditional boxed context were not synchronized property with its context entry.
  • The bugfix in 11.7.1 on the parsing of specific data type introduced undesired side effects on other data types, we have re-adjusted this fix.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon May 25, 2023 (Version: 11.7.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Sending a feedback could omit to include the user message.
  • A very specific data type structure construction could cause the test functionality to incorrectly parse the form data and create incorrect test cases.
  • Fixed an issue with the FEEL context being lost in certain cases when inside a filter expression.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon May 22, 2023 (Version: 11.7.0)
New and improved features:
  • Data stores now supports collections and properties of a complex type by leveraging existing data types defined in the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • The case automation now supports case file items defined as folders.
  • The healthcare feature set now offers FHIR lifting custom FEEL functions.
  • The dialogs can now be maximized in the modelers.
  • When sending a feedback to the Trisotech support from the modelers, it is now possible to attach additional files (such as screenshots) and also include referenced models.
  • The Digital Enterprise Graph queries to synchronize and find dependencies have been optimized.
  • The trace panel from the testing functionality now has save buttons to download large traces.
  • It is now possible to select text from the test panel.
  • A prefix is now added to data types used by custom FEEL functions.
Bug fixes:
  • When using the data type validation: None, the decision table headers type error should not be reported.
  • The data type validation was incorrectly trying to validate the children elements of a null structure.
  • Breakpoints after a service task could not be resumed.
  • FEEL evaluation errors in script tasks were ignored.
  • An invocation of a function that was imported from a mode that contained the dot character could not be invoked properly.
  • BPMN XML import would not properly import some model that incorrectly used QName references to the default namespace without defining it.
  • When importing an Excel file, the note column would not be filled if a custom attribute was mapped.
  • When opening a model and quickly opening another one (or creating a new model), synchronization errors could still be shown for the previous model.
  • When opening a model in the Kommunicator, it will now be synchronized with the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • We could not edit the condition attribute on the required and repetition rules of a Milestone.
  • When trying to save or export a model that contained errors or warning on element with foreign characters, it was possible that the operation would fail.
  • When exporting to an HTML or Word report, ellipsis were incorrectly depicted with a black box in diagrams.
  • Data Stores available in the FEEL context of some expression were not properly dictated by the data associations.
  • Aligned the DMN specification interpretation that an invocation using a parameter of the wrong type returns null instead of invoking with null.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 28, 2023 (Version: 11.6.6)
Bug fixes:
  • Digital distributed containers would not start on OpenShift 4 due to an issue with group rights.
  • Exporting a model to DMN 1.2 could keep DMN 1.3/DMN 1.4 FEEL namespaces.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 27, 2023 (Version: 11.6.5)
Bug fixes:
  • Improved the validation of missing data type structure name message and made it clickable to easily locate the problematic data type.
  • Fixed an issue where the SCIM synchronization would generate error messages about a date/time format.
  • When an artifact name container a dot character, it could generate an invalid Kubernete template for the digital distributed containers.
  • Made the error message more descriptive when trying to test a base digital distributed container image that is served using a manifest using the deprecated v1 format.
  • Removed an error message when starting a digital distributed container or the digital enterprise suite when a service relied on external FEEL libraries.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 19, 2023 (Version: 11.6.4)
Bug fixes:
  • The DMN validation and XML export were producing incorrect results in the 11.6.3 build due to an issue with the compression and delivery of the decision modeler.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 18, 2023 (Version: 11.6.3)
Bug fixes:
  • An additional fix was required for using File data objects in service tasks for workflow automation under certain conditions.
  • Testing a model with multiple identities could not properly propagate the identities correctly.
  • Validation of an operation without parameters could cause an unexpected error.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 15, 2023 (Version: 11.6.2)
Bug fixes:
  • The title, author and publication date should not have been part of the Table of Content when exporting as a Word document.
  • When creating a new row in a decision table, it was possible that the FEEL context was not properly assigned resulting in some elements not being available for autocompletion.
  • When creating a copy of a workflow or case model using the Save As functionality, the identifier of process and cases are changed to make sure there is no collision in the automation.
  • Improved the error message when deploying two process models with the same identifier.
  • Importing an OpenAPI containing a schema using the oneOf keyword was incorrectly imported as a text.
  • Call activities with cycles in their reuse could not be properly tested or deployed.
  • Under certain conditions, it was not possible to use File data objects in service tasks for workflow automation.
  • Defining a path parameter in the Operation Library without adding that parameter to the path will now generate a validation error.
  • The REST API to download DMN and CMMN XML models was not working properly when deployed on OpenShift.
  • Data Store columns names were capitalized and should respect what was entered as an input.

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