
Release Notes

January 9, 2017 (Version: 3.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Complete new look
  • Now re-use the products credentials instead of having separate credentials
  • It is now possible to have more than one user with administrator rights
  • Added the possibility to assign product licenses to specific users
BPMN Modeler December 21, 2016 (Version: 5.1.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • New overlays for HW5 (How, Who, What, Where, When, Why) are now available under the overlay pane accessible through the View Ribbon -> Manage Overlay (or the flag icon at the top right of the application). These can be toggled on/off individually or together.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fill and Font color can now be changed on multiple elements at a time.
CMMN Modeler December 21, 2016 (Version: 5.1.1)
Bug Fixes:
  • Fill and Font color can now be changed on multiple elements at a time.
DMN Modeler December 21, 2016 (Version: 5.1.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • Allow editing a complex type from the type assignment dialog.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fill and Font color can now be changed on multiple elements at a time.
December 21, 2016 (Version: 5.1.1)
Bug Fixes:
  • Limited the maximum size of images imported on the canvas to 2MB.
  • Added an error message when an image could not be copied to the clipboard because of a size restriction.
  • Fill and Font color can now be changed on multiple elements at a time.
Discovery Accelerator December 6, 2016 (Version: 5.0.27)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the way we share a place (repository):
    • Customize the email being sent for the invite
    • Option to not send the invite email
    • Auto-complete user names from the current users of your Digital Enterprise Server (only available to corporate users)
  • We have received some questions about the new launch screen of the Digital Enterprise Server and its interaction with the unsaved work cache that we used to have in the product. Simply put, this unsaved work cache is still there but to access the last unsaved model, you need to open the product using the tile menu at the top (9 small squares). Clicking on a model in the navigator will open the last saved version of that model from your place (repository).
BPMN Modeler December 6, 2016 (Version: 5.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • New overlays for analysis data (Time, Cost, Quality, Value) are now available under the overlay pane accessible through the View Ribbon -> Manage Overlay (or the flag icon at the top right of the application). These can be toggled on/off individually or together.
  • Improved the way we share a place (repository):
    • Customize the email being sent for the invite
    • Option to not send the invite email
    • Auto-complete user names from the current users of your Digital Enterprise Server (only available to corporate users)
  • We have received some questions about the new launch screen of the Digital Enterprise Server and its interaction with the unsaved work cache that we used to have in the product. Simply put, this unsaved work cache is still there but to access the last unsaved model, you need to open the product using the tile menu at the top (9 small squares). Clicking on a model in the navigator will open the last saved version of that model from your place (repository).
Bug Fixes:
  • In some rare cases, the delete key stopped responding when entering labels.
CMMN Modeler December 6, 2016 (Version: 5.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • New overlays for analysis data (Time, Cost, Quality, Value) are now available under the overlay pane accessible through the View Ribbon -> Manage Overlay (or the flag icon at the top right of the application). These can be toggled on/off individually or together.
  • Improved the way we share a place (repository):
    • Customize the email being sent for the invite
    • Option to not send the invite email
    • Auto-complete user names from the current users of your Digital Enterprise Server (only available to corporate users)
  • We have received some questions about the new launch screen of the Digital Enterprise Server and its interaction with the unsaved work cache that we used to have in the product. Simply put, this unsaved work cache is still there but to access the last unsaved model, you need to open the product using the tile menu at the top (9 small squares). Clicking on a model in the navigator will open the last saved version of that model from your place (repository).
Bug Fixes:
  • In some rare cases, the delete key stopped responding when entering labels.
DMN Modeler December 6, 2016 (Version: 5.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the way we share a place (repository):
    • Customize the email being sent for the invite
    • Option to not send the invite email
    • Auto-complete user names from the current users of your Digital Enterprise Server (only available to corporate users)
  • We have received some questions about the new launch screen of the Digital Enterprise Server and its interaction with the unsaved work cache that we used to have in the product. Simply put, this unsaved work cache is still there but to access the last unsaved model, you need to open the product using the tile menu at the top (9 small squares). Clicking on a model in the navigator will open the last saved version of that model from your place (repository).
Bug Fixes:
  • In some rare cases, the delete key stopped responding when entering labels.
  • Corrected an incorrect XML serialization of the constraint values
  • Formal parameters are now properly serialized in XML for BKM implementation with Decision Table
  • DMN XML serialization/deserialization use names to refer to item definitions
December 6, 2016 (Version: 5.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the way we share a place (repository):
    • Customize the email being sent for the invite
    • Option to not send the invite email
    • Auto-complete user names from the current users of your Digital Enterprise Server (only available to corporate users)
  • We have received some questions about the new launch screen of the Digital Enterprise Server and its interaction with the unsaved work cache that we used to have in the product. Simply put, this unsaved work cache is still there but to access the last unsaved model, you need to open the product using the tile menu at the top (9 small squares). Clicking on a model in the navigator will open the last saved version of that model from your place (repository).
Bug Fixes:
  • In some rare cases, the delete key stopped responding when entering labels.
  • Image shapes don’t show a black border anymore in the viewer
November 24, 2016 (Version: 5.0.36)
New and Improved Features:
  • Accelerators are now sorted alphabetically with the Digital Enterprise Graph always being the first.
  • Canvas are now internationalized in French.
  • Added a new canvas for Customer Journey.
Kommunicator November 24, 2016 (Version: 1.0.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the user photo in the sidebar with the ability to log out.
Discovery Accelerator November 24, 2016 (Version: 5.0.26)
New and Improved Features:
  • Accelerators are now sorted alphabetically with the Digital Enterprise Graph always being the first.
  • Element description can now be entered with character styling in full HTML.
BPMN Modeler November 24, 2016 (Version: 5.0.36)
New and Improved Features:
  • Accelerators are now sorted alphabetically with the Digital Enterprise Graph always being the first.
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue with the marker automatic refresh on Choreography Tasks.
CMMN Modeler November 24, 2016 (Version: 5.0.36)
New and Improved Features:
  • Accelerators are now sorted alphabetically with the Digital Enterprise Graph always being the first.
DMN Modeler November 24, 2016 (Version: 5.0.36)
New and Improved Features:
  • Accelerators are now sorted alphabetically with the Digital Enterprise Graph always being the first.
  • Improved the scrolling on decision logic on mobile devices.
  • Extended the automatic pre-filling of the decision logic parameters to invocations.

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