
Release Notes

Discovery Accelerator June 1, 2017 (Version: 5.1.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now clone places. To clone a place, go under the File tab under Open/Save/Save As and right click on the place to clone to provide a new name.
BPMN Modeler June 1, 2017 (Version: 5.1.15)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now clone places. To clone a place, go under the File tab under Open/Save/Save As and right click on the place to clone to provide a new name.
BPMN Modeler May 29, 2017 (Version: 5.1.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to use multiple languages (FEEL, XPATH, JavaScript and Python) for all BPMN formal expressions.
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue with the documentation export that would fail for pages containing a shape with many special characters.
  • Corrected an issue with Data Input/Output that would in extreme conditions prevent the XML serialization to BPMN.
CMMN Modeler May 29, 2017 (Version: 5.1.14)
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue with the documentation export that would fail for pages containing a shape with many special characters.
DMN Modeler May 29, 2017 (Version: 5.1.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to create an output data type automatically based on a decision, context or relations implicit definition. For instance, if you have created a decision with 3 output columns, you can use the Create Output Data Type button from the DMN ribbon to associate a new type based on the output columns.
Bug Fixes:
  • Reduced the white margin of the list input/outputs when executing or animating decisions.
  • Corrected an issue with the documentation export that would fail for pages containing a shape with many special characters.
  • Prevent some cases where it was possible to create duplicate names for context entry, decision logic a data types.
  • When executing and animating decisions, for loops are now type aware.
May 29, 2017 (Version: 5.1.14)
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue that would sometimes prevent the file panel from closing on the first click.
  • Corrected an issue with the documentation export that would fail for pages containing a shape with many special characters.
CMMN Modeler May 12, 2017 (Version: 5.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Heatmap visualization is now available through the View->Manage Heatmaps ribbon button. They can also be accessed using the flame icon in the top right shortcuts. You can now visualize an heatmap of value and quality that will overlay the data that you entered in your diagram.
DMN Modeler May 12, 2017 (Version: 5.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • New interface to define Java and PMML functions.
Bug Fixes:
  • Decision tables outputs were too much constrained; you can now write more type of expression in the output columns.
  • Improved the retention of the last values entered for animation/execution in a list input.
  • Enumerations can now contain commas inside quotes.
  • Many improvements in the execution engine.
May 12, 2017 (Version: 5.1.13)
Bug Fixes:
  • When exporting the documentation with only sticky notes inside an image, the notes would not get properly exported.
Discovery Accelerator May 12, 2017 (Version: 5.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Heatmap visualization is now available through flame icon in the top right shortcuts. You can now visualize an heatmap of value and quality that will overlay the data that you entered in your diagram.
BPMN Modeler May 12, 2017 (Version: 5.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Heatmap visualization is now available through the View->Manage Heatmaps ribbon button. They can also be accessed using the flame icon in the top right shortcuts. You can now visualize an heatmap of value and quality that will overlay the data that you entered in your diagram.
DMN Modeler May 8, 2017 (Version: 5.1.12)
Bug Fixes:
  • There was an issue with the input and output of certain kind of lists. Now all types of list behave properly in both input and output.
BPMN Modeler May 8, 2017 (Version: 5.1.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • Script tasks edition have been improved. You can now use syntax highlighting of the scripts in FEEL, XPATH, Java, JavaScript and Python languages.
Kommunicator May 1, 2017 (Version: 1.0.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • While navigating internally to a different page in a model, the X icon to go back will not close the model anymore but instead will return to the previous page.
BPMN Modeler May 1, 2017 (Version: 5.1.11)
Bug Fixes:
  • When changing a shape of type, some non-visual attributes were lost and are now kept.
CMMN Modeler May 1, 2017 (Version: 5.1.11)
Bug Fixes:
  • When changing a shape of type, some non-visual attributes were lost and are now kept.

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