
Release Notes

DMN Modeler September 21, 2017 (Version: 5.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • The decision Run button was renamed Test as this is really let you test your decision logic.
  • Using the decision test and animation features, we now save your input data you entered even if you did not run the test or animation.
  • The Cloud Publish (available from the Execution ribbon) now exposes the benefit of our DMN Cloud Execution offering.
  • You can now have access to some basic file information through the ribbon using File -> Info.
  • When testing or animating a decision, entering an empty line in a list will now be ignored.
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue that would in some very specific condition present a string result as an array of characters when testing or animating a decision.
  • DMN Viewer would sometime generate an error on load for certain models.
  • Page tabs with extremely long name would sometime hide the All tab.
  • Improved the touch interaction for laptops with touchscreens in chrome for windows.
  • List of boolean were sometime incorrectly viewed as NaN in the decision test and animation.
  • While testing or animating decisions, if a single value is returned when a list is expected, that value was viewed as a list.
  • When exporting a group with a background color in edge, that color would be painted over the content.
CMMN Modeler September 21, 2017 (Version: 5.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now simply assign Data Types for Case File Items directly from a shortcut under Attributes -> Data Type in the contextual menu.
  • You can now have access to some basic file information through the ribbon using File -> Info.
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected the input/output not being properly serialized in CMMN XML for Case.
  • Page tabs with extremely long name would sometime hide the All tab.
  • When exporting a group with a background color in edge, that color would be painted over the content.
BPMN Modeler September 21, 2017 (Version: 5.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now simply assign Data Types for Data Objects and Data Stores directly from a shortcut under Attributes -> Data Type in the contextual menu.
  • You can now have access to some basic file information through the ribbon using File -> Info.
Bug Fixes:
  • Page tabs with extremely long name would sometime hide the All tab.
  • When exporting a group with a background color in edge, that color would be painted over the content.
Insight Analyzer September 21, 2017 (Version: 1.1.4)
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected a styling issue where the dashboard percentage would be depicted under their circles.
Discovery Accelerator August 30, 2017 (Version: 5.1.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an error on startup for some Internet Explorer 9 users.
  • Fixed the generated viewer URL for external publication.
Insight Analyzer August 30, 2017 (Version: 1.1.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
Kommunicator August 30, 2017 (Version: 1.0.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
BPMN Modeler August 30, 2017 (Version: 5.2.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
  • You can now define directly in the BPMN modeler the Data Type associated with Data Objects and Data Store in a similar fashion that you would do in DMN.
    • All data types are available under the BPMN ribbon in the Data Type dialog.
    • Right-clicking on a Data Object/Store Item, you can select Attributes->Data to define the data type.
    • In BPMN, Data Types are attached to an extra layer of abstraction called Item Definition. To assign a type to an Item Definition, you need to select Data Type from the Definition Type dropdown of the Item Definition.
Bug Fixes:
  • Data Objects are now properly serialized to BPMN XML in a choreography.
  • In certain condition, a call activity to an external process would return as a task after a save/load.
  • Fixed an issue serializing expanded call activity with no children.
CMMN Modeler August 30, 2017 (Version: 5.2.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
DMN Modeler August 30, 2017 (Version: 5.2.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
  • Decision logic output data type is now depicted in italic under the decision logic name when viewing a decision logic tab.
  • Decision logic output data type can now be modified in the decision logic tab by clicking on it (under the decision logic name) or by using the contextual menu (right-click) of the decision logic name.
  • Relation (decision logic) now support their import and export using the excel format.
  • When animating or running a decision that contain lists, it is now possible to clear a list using the eraser button.
  • Previously saved test cases can now be reloaded in the decision run interface using the load button.
  • After running a decision, the Run button (to return to the decision input dialog) was renamed Back to remove the usage confusion.
Bug Fixes:
  • Test case buttons are not affected anymore by very long test cases names.
  • When saving a test case with an existing name, it will now replace it.
August 30, 2017 (Version: 5.2.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
August 30, 2017 (Version: 3.3.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
  • Users lists are now sorted in the user interface.
CMMN Modeler July 31, 2017 (Version: 5.2.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now define directly in the CMMN modeler the Data Type associated with Case File Items in a similar fashion that you would do in DMN.
    • All item definitions are available under the CMMN ribbon in the Data Type dialog.
    • Right-clicking on a Case File Item, you can select Attributes->Case File Item Definition to define the data type.
    • To use Item Definition like DMN, select Item Definition from the Definition Type dropdown.
DMN Modeler July 31, 2017 (Version: 5.2.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now save your execution results as Test Cases.
    • From the Run dialog in the Execution ribbon, once you have executed a decision, you can save the result as a Test Case.
    • You can view the test cases using the Test Cases button in the Execution and DMN ribbon.
    • From the Test Cases dialog, you can run a single test case or all Test Cases defined for a decision.
  • When running or animating a decision, you can now also download a template containing the current content of a list to facilitate the data entry in Excel for import.
  • When working with Boxed Contexts, a new small black arrow is now visible in the top right corner to facilitate the access to advanced attributes of the row such as toggling the collection attribute or deleting that row.
BPMN Modeler July 31, 2017 (Version: 5.2.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • The way we create references from a BPMN Model to another was aligned with the way we reference CMMN and DMN models. You will now have the BPMN logo in the Reuse section of the BPMN ribbon. Previously, this functionality was under the Sub-Process drop-down in the same ribbon.
  • Collapsing an expanded sub process is now easier to do as it has its separate option in the Sub Process actions in the BPMN ribbon. Previously it was a side effect of another option.
Bug Fixes:
  • Reported an error when trying to work with a BPMN model containing multiple non-call activity sub process referencing the same content.
July 27, 2017 (Version: 1.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Officially out of the beta period.
  • Support on premise and cloud based deployments.
  • Form generation automatically from decision model.
  • REST API automatically availablefrom decision model.
  • Suport multiple environment with user based access control and promotion between environment.

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