
Release Notes

October 2, 2017 (Version: 5.2.6)
Bug Fixes:
  • Visio import improved support for orphean shapes without master stencils.
October 2, 2017 (Version: 5.2.6)
Bug Fixes:
  • Visio import improved support for orphean shapes without master stencils.
DMN Modeler October 2, 2017 (Version: 5.2.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • Data Types can now be imported from an XML Schema file (XSD). When doing that import, elements defined in the XSD file will be imported as a data type.
  • Structure inside a data type can now be refactored as a first level data type by clicking on the black arrow in the right of an embedded structure and selecting Refactor as a Type from the dropdown menu.
  • For performance consideration, large data type are collapsed (with a show more button to expand) by default when accessing them.
Bug Fixes:
  • Visio import improved support for orphean shapes without master stencils.
October 1, 2017 (Version: 1.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Separated the Form, Api and Maven tabs in the package panel.
  • Forms now have an option to instead use an XML file as input.
Bug fixes:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
September 21, 2017 (Version: 3.2.2)
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue that would not display license information on Microsoft Edge in certain conditions.
September 21, 2017 (Version: 5.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now have access to some basic file information through the ribbon using File -> Info.
Bug Fixes:
  • Page tabs with extremely long name would sometime hide the All tab.
September 21, 2017 (Version: 5.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now have access to some basic file information through the ribbon using File -> Info.
  • When a capability is generated by importing an Excelfile, the documentation property can be a number.
Bug Fixes:
  • Page tabs with extremely long name would sometime hide the All tab.
DMN Modeler September 21, 2017 (Version: 5.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • The decision Run button was renamed Test as this is really let you test your decision logic.
  • Using the decision test and animation features, we now save your input data you entered even if you did not run the test or animation.
  • The Cloud Publish (available from the Execution ribbon) now exposes the benefit of our DMN Cloud Execution offering.
  • You can now have access to some basic file information through the ribbon using File -> Info.
  • When testing or animating a decision, entering an empty line in a list will now be ignored.
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue that would in some very specific condition present a string result as an array of characters when testing or animating a decision.
  • DMN Viewer would sometime generate an error on load for certain models.
  • Page tabs with extremely long name would sometime hide the All tab.
  • Improved the touch interaction for laptops with touchscreens in chrome for windows.
  • List of boolean were sometime incorrectly viewed as NaN in the decision test and animation.
  • While testing or animating decisions, if a single value is returned when a list is expected, that value was viewed as a list.
  • When exporting a group with a background color in edge, that color would be painted over the content.
CMMN Modeler September 21, 2017 (Version: 5.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now simply assign Data Types for Case File Items directly from a shortcut under Attributes -> Data Type in the contextual menu.
  • You can now have access to some basic file information through the ribbon using File -> Info.
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected the input/output not being properly serialized in CMMN XML for Case.
  • Page tabs with extremely long name would sometime hide the All tab.
  • When exporting a group with a background color in edge, that color would be painted over the content.
BPMN Modeler September 21, 2017 (Version: 5.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now simply assign Data Types for Data Objects and Data Stores directly from a shortcut under Attributes -> Data Type in the contextual menu.
  • You can now have access to some basic file information through the ribbon using File -> Info.
Bug Fixes:
  • Page tabs with extremely long name would sometime hide the All tab.
  • When exporting a group with a background color in edge, that color would be painted over the content.
Insight Analyzer September 21, 2017 (Version: 1.1.4)
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected a styling issue where the dashboard percentage would be depicted under their circles.
August 30, 2017 (Version: 3.3.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
  • Users lists are now sorted in the user interface.
Discovery Accelerator August 30, 2017 (Version: 5.1.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an error on startup for some Internet Explorer 9 users.
  • Fixed the generated viewer URL for external publication.
Insight Analyzer August 30, 2017 (Version: 1.1.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
Kommunicator August 30, 2017 (Version: 1.0.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
BPMN Modeler August 30, 2017 (Version: 5.2.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support for older version of Internet Explorer (version 9 and 10) will end in December 2017. Users still using these versions will get a non-blocking notification when they open a session. Microsoft have already deprecated its support of IE 9/10 since January 2016, you can refer to: for an upgrade. Support for Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome and Firefox will continue after December 2017.
  • You can now define directly in the BPMN modeler the Data Type associated with Data Objects and Data Store in a similar fashion that you would do in DMN.
    • All data types are available under the BPMN ribbon in the Data Type dialog.
    • Right-clicking on a Data Object/Store Item, you can select Attributes->Data to define the data type.
    • In BPMN, Data Types are attached to an extra layer of abstraction called Item Definition. To assign a type to an Item Definition, you need to select Data Type from the Definition Type dropdown of the Item Definition.
Bug Fixes:
  • Data Objects are now properly serialized to BPMN XML in a choreography.
  • In certain condition, a call activity to an external process would return as a task after a save/load.
  • Fixed an issue serializing expanded call activity with no children.

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