
Release Notes

DMN Modeler October 31, 2017 (Version: 5.2.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Dragging an artifact from an accelerator such as the Digital Enterprise Graph will also copy the Data Type associated with that artifact.
  • You can now search in the accelerator window.
CMMN Modeler October 31, 2017 (Version: 5.2.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Dragging an artifact from an accelerator such as the Digital Enterprise Graph will also copy the Data Type associated with that artifact.
  • You can now search in the accelerator window.
BPMN Modeler October 31, 2017 (Version: 5.2.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Dragging an artifact from an accelerator such as the Digital Enterprise Graph will also copy the Data Type associated with that artifact.
  • You can now search in the accelerator window.
Discovery Accelerator October 31, 2017 (Version: 5.1.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now search in the accelerator window.
Insight Analyzer October 31, 2017 (Version: 1.2.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Capabilities and capabilities models are now part of the Digitale Enteprise Graph.
  • You can now search in the accelerator window.
October 31, 2017 (Version: 5.2.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Capabilities are now indexed in the Digital Enterprise Graph and can be dropped on the canvas.
  • You can now search in the accelerator window.
BPMN Modeler October 19, 2017 (Version: 5.2.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to reorder the data types in the Data Type dialog by dragging and dropping them.
Bug Fixes:
  • Data types are now included in the documentation.
CMMN Modeler October 19, 2017 (Version: 5.2.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to reorder the data types in the Data Type dialog by dragging and dropping them.
Bug Fixes:
  • Data types are now included in the documentation.
DMN Modeler October 19, 2017 (Version: 5.2.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • A FEEL functions group was added to the DMN ribbon to provide a reference of the FEEL language. The functions are broken down in the following categories
    • Logical
    • Text
    • Date and Time
    • List
    • Math
  • Hovering over one of the FEEL function will give you its documentation, alternatively, you can click on them to view the documentation.
  • When editing a FEEL expression in a decision logic, clicking on a FEEL functions can be used to directly insert that function at your carret position.
  • It is now possible to reorder the data types in the Data Type dialog by dragging and dropping them.
Bug Fixes:
  • Now the autocompletion will propose true and false automatically for decision table output columns of type boolean.
  • We now serialize the di:text attribute that was accepted for DMN 1.2. This replaces the Trisotech vendor extension triso:displayName.
October 12, 2017 (Version: 3.3.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • Users without licenses can now request access directly when trying to connect and an email will be sent to the administrator for authorization.
  • Added a list of access requests in the Client Access License page.
  • Added Public API calls for users create/delete and on access requests.
  • Added a search to filter the list of users for assigning to places and execution repositories.
  • Added additional protection to prevent an administrator from removing his own license.
Bug Fixes:
  • Improved the styling of tables.
DMN Modeler October 12, 2017 (Version: 5.2.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • When viewing a decision logic, you can now go back to the diagram depicting the decision or BKM by clicking on the new Digram button in the DMN Ribbon.
  • While defining data types, it is now possible to expand inline other complex types that are part of the structure. Previously, they opened in a separate dialog.
Bug Fixes:
  • When using the XSD import, we have improved the error messages when dealing with incomplete types, imports and includes.
  • When using the FEEL autocomplete, long variable names are now easier to pick.
  • Improved the autocompletion of decision table output column for values that contain mathematical operators defined as possible output values.
  • FEEL parser improvement to recognize the item keywork in a filter applied to an implicit list.
  • Removed an unnecessary warning that would incorrectly report an DMN XML import issue when importing a data type referenced another datatype defined later in the file.
  • In some cases, test cases expecting null values as decision output would not report properly.
CMMN Modeler October 12, 2017 (Version: 5.2.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • While defining data types, it is now possible to expand inline other complex types that are part of the structure. Previously, they opened in a separate dialog.
Bug Fixes:
  • When using the XSD import, we have improved the error messages when dealing with incomplete types, imports and includes.
BPMN Modeler October 12, 2017 (Version: 5.2.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • While defining data types, it is now possible to expand inline other complex types that are part of the structure. Previously, they opened in a separate dialog.
Bug Fixes:
  • When using the XSD import, we have improved the error messages when dealing with incomplete types, imports and includes.
October 12, 2017 (Version: 1.2.0)
Bug fixes:
  • Improved the styling of the error messages.
October 2, 2017 (Version: 5.2.6)
Bug Fixes:
  • Visio import improved support for orphean shapes without master stencils.
October 2, 2017 (Version: 5.2.6)
Bug Fixes:
  • Visio import improved support for orphean shapes without master stencils.

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