
Release Notes

BPMN Modeler February 1, 2018 (Version: 6.0.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • A new description overlay is now available. When toggled on (through the overlay panel), a text icon will appear in the bottom right of the shape if a description is entered. Hovering on that icon will display the description.
Bug fixes:
  • Link created with the quick connect arrow between two tasks in different lanes now generate a sequence flow instead of a message flow
  • The buttons to change color will now always display the current color of the selected element.
  • Data Type with the collection attribute will now always display the collection icon in the report.
  • The Identifier overlay will not overlap with other overlays in certain conditions.
  • The page order was not always saved in certain conditions.
CMMN Modeler February 1, 2018 (Version: 6.0.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • A new description overlay is now available. When toggled on (through the overlay panel), a text icon will appear in the bottom right of the shape if a description is entered. Hovering on that icon will display the description.
Bug fixes:
  • The buttons to change color will now always display the current color of the selected element.
  • Data Type with the collection attribute will now always display the collection icon in the report.
  • The Identifier overlay will not overlap with other overlays in certain conditions.
  • The page order was not always saved in certain conditions.
DMN Modeler February 1, 2018 (Version: 6.0.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • A new description overlay is now available. When toggled on (through the overlay panel), a text icon will appear in the bottom right of the shape if a description is entered. Hovering on that icon will display the description.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved our FEEL syntax highlighting:
    • Properly recognized the date, time and duration properties (such as year, month, day, hour, …).
    • Operators (=, !=, <, >) when a number was the left operand.
    • Negative time duration.
    • Subtractions of numbers without spaces between the minus sign.
    • split() function.
    • Lists in sort functions.
    • Non-breakable spaces.
    • Keywords inside quotes.
  • Prevented an issue that would generate invalid test cases for decision tables with dash (-) in an output column of a decision table.
  • Fixed an issue preventing to import a DMN XML file with a custom logo.
  • The buttons to change color will now always display the current color of the selected element.
  • Data Type with the collection attribute will now always display the collection icon in the report.
  • The Identifier overlay will not overlap with other overlays in certain conditions.
  • The page order was not always saved in certain conditions.
January 28, 2018 (Version: 6.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • This new version brings major improvements in our modeling platform. These will be gradually exposed through new features in 6.X future releases. This version is fully backward compatible with the 5.X version from a user point of view.
  • The reporting (html and word) was improved to allow users to export the documentation elements in a user defined order:
    • Each shape now has the concept of an Identifier. This identifier has a numeric value with dots (1, 1.6,, …).
    • You can set the identifier of elements using the right click contextual menu under Attributes then Identifier.
    • There is also a new overlay available called Identifier that will display the current identifier (or a dash if none is currently set) in the top left corner of the element.
    • Using the overlay, you can click on the identifier to quickly enter a value.
    • In the documentation export dialog, you will now find an option to change the Sort Order and use By Identifier.
    • Note that exporting using the By Identifier ordering will not output elements that have no identifier defined.
Bug fixes:
  • When deleting a page, some graph relationship were not properly deleted.
CMMN Modeler January 28, 2018 (Version: 6.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • This new version brings major improvements in our modeling platform. These will be gradually exposed through new features in 6.X future releases. This version is fully backward compatible with the 5.X version from a user point of view.
  • The reporting (html and word) was improved to allow users to export the documentation elements in a user defined order:
    • Each shape now has the concept of an Identifier. This identifier has a numeric value with dots (1, 1.6,, …).
    • You can set the identifier of elements using the right click contextual menu under Attributes then Identifier.
    • There is also a new overlay available called Identifier that will display the current identifier (or a dash if none is currently set) in the top left corner of the element.
    • Using the overlay, you can click on the identifier to quickly enter a value.
    • In the documentation export dialog, you will now find an option to change the Sort Order and use By Identifier.
    • Note that exporting using the By Identifier ordering will not output elements that have no identifier defined.
Bug fixes:
  • Many improvements and bug fixes were done to the CMMN import and export to XML.
  • When renaming a Case File Item in the Details window, other Case File Items are not updated.
BPMN Modeler January 28, 2018 (Version: 6.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • This new version brings major improvements in our modeling platform. These will be gradually exposed through new features in 6.X future releases. This version is fully backward compatible with the 5.X version from a user point of view.
  • The reporting (html and word) was improved to allow users to export the documentation elements in a user defined order:
    • Each shape now has the concept of an Identifier. This identifier has a numeric value with dots (1, 1.6,, …).
    • You can set the identifier of elements using the right click contextual menu under Attributes then Identifier.
    • There is also a new overlay available called Identifier that will display the current identifier (or a dash if none is currently set) in the top left corner of the element.
    • Using the overlay, you can click on the identifier to quickly enter a value.
    • In the documentation export dialog, you will now find an option to change the Sort Order and use By Identifier.
    • Note that exporting using the By Identifier ordering will not output elements that have no identifier defined.
  • Defining a global task is now easier than before. Global tasks are now located under the Manage Hidden Items of the BPMN ribbon.
  • Adding lanes and pools in a sub-process diagram is now supported.
  • BPMN Validation is now available in French.
  • Method and Style Validation is now available in French.
Bug fixes:
  • When changing the type of a choreography task, participant bands are not lost anymore.
  • The type of a call activity is kept (calling a global task or a process) even when the actual target is not yet defined after a save/load.
  • Attachments on diagrams are now properly saved to the BPMN XML file.
  • When deleting a page, some graph relationship were not properly deleted.
  • When collapsing a sub-process with flow attached to it, it would sometime disconnect the flows.
DMN Modeler January 28, 2018 (Version: 6.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • This new version brings major improvements in our modeling platform. These will be gradually exposed through new features in 6.X future releases. This version is fully backward compatible with the 5.X version from a user point of view.
  • The reporting (html and word) was improved to allow users to export the documentation elements in a user defined order:
    • Each shape now has the concept of an Identifier. This identifier has a numeric value with dots (1, 1.6,, …).
    • You can set the identifier of elements using the right click contextual menu under Attributes then Identifier.
    • There is also a new overlay available called Identifier that will display the current identifier (or a dash if none is currently set) in the top left corner of the element.
    • Using the overlay, you can click on the identifier to quickly enter a value.
    • In the documentation export dialog, you will now find an option to change the Sort Order and use By Identifier.
    • Note that exporting using the By Identifier ordering will not output elements that have no identifier defined.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved the excel list import of files that contains double quotes in their data.
  • Fixed a FEEL parsing issue with negative durations.
Discovery Accelerator January 28, 2018 (Version: 5.1.7)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a small undo issue in the creation of links between elements.
January 28, 2018 (Version: 6.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • This new version brings major improvements in our modeling platform. These will be gradually exposed through new features in 6.X future releases. This version is fully backward compatible with the 5.X version from a user point of view.
  • The reporting (html and word) was improved to allow users to export the documentation elements in a user defined order:
    • Each shape now has the concept of an Identifier. This identifier has a numeric value with dots (1, 1.6,, …).
    • You can set the identifier of elements using the right click contextual menu under Attributes then Identifier.
    • There is also a new overlay available called Identifier that will display the current identifier (or a dash if none is currently set) in the top left corner of the element.
    • Using the overlay, you can click on the identifier to quickly enter a value.
    • In the documentation export dialog, you will now find an option to change the Sort Order and use By Identifier.
    • Note that exporting using the By Identifier ordering will not output elements that have no identifier defined.
Bug fixes:
  • Sticky notes color were not properly restored in some cases when undoing a color change.
DMN Modeler December 7, 2017 (Version: 5.2.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • The FEEL autocompletion will now propose the current function name when editing a function inside a boxed context.
  • Relaxed the type checking when testing and animating decisions to accept non complete type mapping. This is particularly usefull when building a boxed context that has only a portion of the attributes of a type.
  • Improved the Excel import for relationships:
    • When importing in an empty relationship, columns will automatically be created.
    • When column header name mismatches, an warning will inform of the non matching columns.
    • Now converts the Excel data types to the relationship columns.
BPMN Modeler November 28, 2017 (Version: 5.2.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the loading time on the first use of the accelerator panel.
CMMN Modeler November 28, 2017 (Version: 5.2.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the loading time on the first use of the accelerator panel.
DMN Modeler November 28, 2017 (Version: 5.2.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the loading time on the first use of the accelerator panel.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the autocompletion not being populate properly in specific cases of deep recursion.
November 28, 2017 (Version: 5.2.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the loading time on the first use of the accelerator panel.
November 28, 2017 (Version: 5.2.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the loading time on the first use of the accelerator panel.
November 22, 2017 (Version: 5.2.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • Search in the accelerator panel can now be filtered by element type.

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