
Release Notes

CMMN Modeler November 23, 2018 (Version: 6.1.15)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now easier to move the label of a shape when it conflicts with the Quick Connect Arrows.
Bug fixes:
  • When moving a group of shapes to a new parent, label that were moved from their default position would not always be correctly positioned.
  • When using the spacer tool, sometimes labels were moved farther than expected.
  • When copy/pasting links with labels that were moved from their default position the label would not always be correctly positioned.
DMN Modeler November 8, 2018 (Version: 6.1.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • The addition of “Copy of” before the name of elements when pasting them is now optional. To turn it off, go to the Preferences inside the File tab.
  • Context entry name auto-completion suggestion is now improved for complex and deep structures.
  • Improved the DMN names normalization on element names and data types names (any number of spaces count as a single space).
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the proper loading of models on safari for OSX/iOS.
  • Fixed an issue with FEEL auto-completion that did not suggest functions names inside filters.
  • Fixed an issue with FEEL auto-completion after the equality symbol for certain filters
  • The details icon on graphical elements would sometime disappear too soon.
  • Copy Of when pasting in a different file should never be used.
CMMN Modeler November 8, 2018 (Version: 6.1.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • The addition of “Copy of” before the name of elements when pasting them is now optional. To turn it off, go to the Preferences inside the File tab.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the proper loading of models on safari for OSX/iOS.
  • The details icon on graphical elements would sometime disappear too soon.
  • Copy Of when pasting in a different file should never be used.
  • When linking to a CMMN model and selecting the current model, an internal link is now created.
BPMN Modeler November 8, 2018 (Version: 6.1.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • The addition of “Copy of” before the name of elements when pasting them is now optional. To turn it off, go to the Preferences inside the File tab.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue preventing a choreography task from being dropped into an expanded sub-choreography.
  • Data type is now kept when switching a Data Input or a Data Output to a Data object and vice versa.
  • Message intermediate interputing / non-interupting events were not always using the right depiction in the detail pane and the report.
  • Improved the import of data state from BPMN XML files that diverge slightly from the BPMN specification.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the proper loading of models on safari for OSX/iOS.
  • The details icon on graphical elements would sometime disappear too soon.
  • Copy Of when pasting in a different file should never be used.
  • When linking to a BPMN model and selecting the current model, an internal link is now created.
November 8, 2018 (Version: 6.1.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • The addition of “Copy of” before the name of elements when pasting them is now optional. To turn it off, go to the Preferences inside the File tab.
Bug fixes:
  • The details icon on graphical elements would sometime disappear too soon.
  • When linking to a Landscaping model and selecting the current model, an internal link is now created.
  • Copy Of when pasting in a different file should never be used.
November 8, 2018 (Version: 6.1.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • The addition of “Copy of” before the name of elements when pasting them is now optional. To turn it off, go to the Preferences inside the File tab.
Bug fixes:
  • The details icon on graphical elements would sometime disappear too soon.
  • Copy Of when pasting in a different file should never be used.
Discovery Accelerator November 8, 2018 (Version: 5.3.6)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed some issues with the undo/redo of attributes.
November 8, 2018 (Version: 2.0.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Aligned the styling of the preference window with the suite.
November 8, 2018 (Version: 2.0.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • Aligned the styling of the preference window with the suite.
Kommunicator November 8, 2018 (Version: 1.0.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Aligned the styling of the preference window with the suite.
  • Now supports the elementId query parameter to open a diagram directly.
DMN Modeler October 31, 2018 (Version: 6.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the auto-completion suggestion on decision table headers to propose breath first elements instead of depth first elements. This has the double benefit of greatly improving the performance on large data models and improving the quality of the proposed results.
  • When copy/pasting elements between two models, non visible references will now be transferred to the target model.
  • Custom attributes values will now offer auto-completion based on values already entered for the same custom attribute key.
  • Using the dictionary, it is now possible to view included data types details the same way we can edit locally defined data types.
  • A logout button was added to the file menu and the preference menu styling was aligned with the rest of the application.
  • The digital enterprise graph and dictionary elements are now sorted in alphabetical order.
Bug fixes:
  • When serializing to DMN 1.2, Java function type were not property serialized according to the DMN 1.2 specification.
  • Various bug fixes around properly supporting Input Data with dots in their name when they were not included.
  • Fixed an incorrect caption on the test case button title.
CMMN Modeler October 31, 2018 (Version: 6.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • When copy/pasting elements between two models, non visible references will now be transferred to the target model.
  • Custom attributes values will now offer auto-completion based on values already entered for the same custom attribute key.
  • A logout button was added to the file menu and the preference menu styling was aligned with the rest of the application.
  • The digital enterprise graph elements are now sorted in alphabetical order.
BPMN Modeler October 31, 2018 (Version: 6.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • When copy/pasting elements between two models, non visible references will now be transferred to the target model.
  • Custom attributes values will now offer auto-completion based on values already entered for the same custom attribute key.
  • A logout button was added to the file menu and the preference menu styling was aligned with the rest of the application.
  • Details of Message Events Definitions Operations are now present in the report.
  • Operations were added to the list of hidden items.
  • The digital enterprise graph elements are now sorted in alphabetical order.
Bug fixes:
  • Fix BPMN import to support other vendors incorrectly using QNames with the modeling namespaces instead of the targetNamespace.
  • Fixed the invalid error message that would sometime appear when animating a message connecting to an attached intermediate event.
October 31, 2018 (Version: 6.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • When copy/pasting elements between two models, non visible references will now be transferred to the target model.
  • Custom attributes values will now offer auto-completion based on values already entered for the same custom attribute key.
  • A logout button was added to the file menu and the preference menu styling was aligned with the rest of the application.
  • The digital enterprise graph elements are now sorted in alphabetical order.
October 31, 2018 (Version: 6.1.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • When copy/pasting elements between two models, non visible references will now be transferred to the target model.
  • Custom attributes values will now offer auto-completion based on values already entered for the same custom attribute key.
  • A logout button was added to the file menu and the preference menu styling was aligned with the rest of the application.
  • The digital enterprise graph elements are now sorted in alphabetical order.
Discovery Accelerator October 31, 2018 (Version: 5.3.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • Custom attributes values will now offer auto-completion based on values already entered for the same custom attribute key.
  • A logout button was added to the file menu and the preference menu styling was aligned with the rest of the application.
  • The digital enterprise graph elements are now sorted in alphabetical order.

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