
Release Notes

BPMN Modeler June 5, 2019 (Version: 6.2.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • When moving the label of a link to a custom position, it will now follow the link when a movement occurs on the connected shapes or the link routing.
Bug fixes:
  • When exporting the documentation, the wrong diagram would sometime be used for a page.
  • When changing the heatmap to Value or Quality, participant on choreography background color incorrectly changed from grey to white.
  • Attached nodes would not always properly attach when being dragged from the palette.
June 5, 2019 (Version: 6.2.4)
Bug fixes:
  • When exporting the documentation, the wrong diagram would sometime be used for a page.
June 5, 2019 (Version: 6.2.4)
Bug fixes:
  • When exporting the documentation, the wrong diagram would sometime be used for a page.
DMN Modeler June 5, 2019 (Version: 6.2.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support element names with invalid characters in diagrams. The label of the element now contains the invalid character but the actual name (referenceable from FEEL) is sanitized.
  • Decision table header dialog now contains an Allow null option to accept the null value in the column. This option is turned on by default for new decision tables.
  • It is now possible to export inputs lists to Excel for test cases.
  • We now export a custom extension to DMN XML to keep the merged state of decision table cells.
Bug fixes:
  • When exporting the documentation, the wrong diagram would sometime be used for a page.
  • Importing a DMN XML file with more inputEntry than inputExpression in a decision table failed. It now generates a warning.
CMMN Modeler June 5, 2019 (Version: 6.2.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • When moving the label of a link to a custom position, it will now follow the link when a movement occurs on the connected shapes or the link routing.
Bug fixes:
  • When exporting the documentation, the wrong diagram would sometime be used for a page.
  • Sometime, the wrong choices were proposed for standard events with plan item.
  • Fixed an issue that in certain condition would generate an invalid CMMN XML file when exporting.
  • Attached nodes would not always properly attach when being dragged from the palette.
DMN Modeler May 22, 2019 (Version: 6.2.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to resize the shapes to their default sizes if they were resized. This functionality is accessible by selecting Reset Size in the contextual menu (right-click) of a resized shape.
  • The default position of labels on links can now be changed using the contextual menu (right-click) under the Label Position menu.
  • Updated the Microsoft products icons with their new branding.
  • The DMN XML export now adds an extended attribute for the modeling publication state and version in a new Trisotech Extended Attribute.
Bug fixes:
  • When a data type is defined as an enumeration of numbers, the autocomplete would sometime complete the number as a string.
  • Expression logic could be displayed incorrectly on Internet Explorer 11.
  • Input Data dragged from an accelerator used an incorrect default size.
  • When a FEEL expression contained the greater than or less than character, it could be truncated when displaying it in read only mode.
  • The FEEL function max() now properly work with year and month durations.
CMMN Modeler May 22, 2019 (Version: 6.2.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to resize the shapes to their default sizes if they were resized. This functionality is accessible by selecting Reset Size in the contextual menu (right-click) of a resized shape.
  • The default position of labels on links can now be changed using the contextual menu (right-click) under the Label Position menu.
  • Updated the Microsoft products icons with their new branding.
  • The CMMN XML export now adds an extended attribute for the modeling publication state and version in a new Trisotech Extended Attribute.
BPMN Modeler May 22, 2019 (Version: 6.2.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • The default position of labels on links can now be changed using the contextual menu (right-click) under the Label Position menu.
  • It is now possible to resize the shapes to their default sizes if they were resized. This functionality is accessible by selecting Reset Size in the contextual menu (right-click) of a resized shape.
  • Updated the Microsoft products icons with their new branding.
  • The BPMN XML export now adds an extended attribute for the modeling publication state and version in a new Trisotech Extended Attribute.
Bug fixes:
  • When using the animator, it was possible to have a sticky tooltip that would not disapear in a rare case.
  • Vendor extensions at the collaboration level were not properly re-exported in the BPMN xml export.
  • BPMN Diagrams were not always properly loading on an iPad.
May 22, 2019 (Version: 6.2.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • The default position of labels on links can now be changed using the contextual menu (right-click) under the Label Position menu.
  • It is now possible to resize the shapes to their default sizes if they were resized. This functionality is accessible by selecting Reset Size in the contextual menu (right-click) of a resized shape.
  • Updated the Microsoft products icons with their new branding.
May 22, 2019 (Version: 6.2.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • The default position of labels on links can now be changed using the contextual menu (right-click) under the Label Position menu.
  • It is now possible to resize the shapes to their default sizes if they were resized. This functionality is accessible by selecting Reset Size in the contextual menu (right-click) of a resized shape.
  • Updated the Microsoft products icons with their new branding.
Discovery Accelerator May 22, 2019 (Version: 5.3.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Updated the Microsoft products icons with their new branding.
May 22, 2019 (Version: 3.7.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Renamed Execution Repositories to Environments to aligne the nomenclature with the Service Library Product.
BPMN Modeler May 2, 2019 (Version: 6.2.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • FEEL is now the default language (for script tasks, conditions, …).
  • A new clear button was added to the data mapping (input and output) to change the boxed expression type. It is available in the contextual menu (right click) of the row.
  • The constraint on the data type is now displayed on data mapping (input/output) rows.
  • The FEEL parser now properly supports the inline context definition in literal expressions using curly brackets.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that prevented events from being depicted at their intended sizes when importing certain BPMN XML file from other vendors.
Discovery Accelerator May 2, 2019 (Version: 5.3.9)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the scrollbars on the right side of the Discovery Accelerator that could disapear under the right side panel.
DMN Modeler May 2, 2019 (Version: 6.2.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added get values and get entries to the feel function documentation.
  • A new clear button was added to Context and Invocations rows to change the boxed expression type. It is available in the contextual menu (right click) of the row.
  • The FEEL parser now properly supports the inline context definition in literal expressions using curly brackets.
Bug fixes:
  • Custom attributes on Diagrams were not exported to DMN XML.
  • When undoing the rename of a data input element, it would sometime loose its original data type.
  • Fixed an issue that sometime prevented the change type dialog from closing.
CMMN Modeler May 2, 2019 (Version: 6.2.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • The FEEL parser now properly supports the inline context definition in literal expressions using curly brackets.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue often preventing to link a CMMN model to a DMN model.

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