
Release Notes

CMMN Modeler August 7, 2019 (Version: 6.2.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • Data types can now be duplicated.
Bug fixes:
  • Stages now support the identifier property.
BPMN Modeler August 7, 2019 (Version: 6.2.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • Data types can now be duplicated.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime prevent the import of BPMN XML containing an event sub-process.
  • Improved the synchronization of the start event type for collapsed event sub-process.
August 7, 2019 (Version: 6.2.7)
Bug fixes:
  • The summary panel would sometime not display properly.
  • Enablers overlay did not always update properly when assigning a new enabler to a capability.
August 2, 2019 (Version: 3.7.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • A new Client APP grant allows using the Admin API.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime prevent the deletion of accelerators.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime prevent the upload of new accelerators on recent versions of Chrome.
CMMN Modeler July 17, 2019 (Version: 6.2.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • Model validation is now available through a new Validate button in the CMMN ribbon.
  • Alternate standard events are now supported in the case animator.
  • Details marker are not shown anymore when animating.
  • The delete key can now be used to delete a row in the data type editor.
Bug fixes:
  • When dragging the quick connect arrow, a forbidden sign would sometime be displayed in error.
  • The Rename and Delete options are now properly ordered in the diagram contextual menu (right-clicking on a diagram).
  • Fixed an issue where some links were disconnected when changing the type of a shape.
  • Task “isBlocking” attribute is now properly exported to CMMN XML.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime display the file extension in the model name for previous versions of a model.
  • The HTML table of content was not always pointing to the right page.
  • Report generation could fail with discretionary tasks.
BPMN Modeler July 17, 2019 (Version: 6.2.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • Details marker are not shown anymore when animating.
  • The delete key can now be used to delete a row in the data type editor.
  • The Operation Library now supports generating operations from OData 4 XML metadata documents.
Bug fixes:
  • When dragging the quick connect arrow, a forbidden sign would sometime be displayed in error.
  • The Rename and Delete options are now properly ordered in the diagram contextual menu (right-clicking on a diagram).
  • Fixed an issue where some links were disconnected when changing the type of a shape.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime display the file extension in the model name for previous versions of a model.
  • The HTML table of content was not always pointing to the right page.
July 17, 2019 (Version: 6.2.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • A new canvas is now available: Two axis graph.
  • This new canvas features zones that can be renamed with user defined values.
Bug fixes:
  • The canvas instruction button is now available in the ribbon bar.
  • The Rename and Delete options are now properly ordered in the diagram contextual menu (right-clicking on a diagram).
  • Fixed an issue that could mix-up the canvas zones on rare occasions.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime display the file extension in the model name for previous versions of a model.
  • The HTML table of content was not always pointing to the right page.
July 17, 2019 (Version: 6.2.6)
New and Improved Features:
Bug fixes:
  • The Rename and Delete options are now properly ordered in the diagram contextual menu (right-clicking on a diagram).
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime display the file extension in the model name for previous versions of a model.
  • The HTML table of content was not always pointing to the right page.
July 17, 2019 (Version: 3.7.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added online SAML 2.0 user provider documentation.
DMN Modeler July 17, 2019 (Version: 6.2.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to include Predictive Models in PMML XML format and execute them in Business Knowledge Models (BKM).
    • A new PMML button is now available in the DMN ribbon. This button lets you upload and manage PMML models in your modeling places and select which predictive model to include.
    • Once included, a PMML model can be assigned to a BKM logic by changing the language from the default FEEL language to PMML (F icon).
    • Note that PMML execution in BKM is a separate subscription that is not available to all users.
  • Introducing the Operation Library to DMN:
    • Allows to define Interfaces and Operations that can be used in BKM decision logic.
    • Interface and Operation definition is based on the Open API/Swagger standard.
    • The Operation Library let you directly import your Open API/Swagger files.
    • Importing OData 4 metadata XML can also be done to automatically generate Operations to manipulate data sources.
    • Once defined, Operations can be assigned to a BKM logic by changing the language from the default FEEL language to Operation (F icon).
    • Note that the Operation Library and the Operation execution in BKM are only available to users deploying to the Trisotech Automation.
  • Details marker are not shown anymore when animating.
  • The delete key can now be used to delete a row in the data type editor.
Bug fixes:
  • When dragging the quick connect arrow, a forbidden sign would sometime be displayed in error.
  • There was an issue with the clear logic functionality for boxed functions that could leave the expression blank.
  • The Rename and Delete options are now properly ordered in the diagram contextual menu (right-clicking on a diagram).
  • Fixed an issue where some links were disconnected when changing the type of a shape.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometime display the file extension in the model name for previous versions of a model.
  • The HTML table of content was not always pointing to the right page.
DMN Modeler June 21, 2019 (Version: 6.2.5)
Bug fixes:
  • Decision logic were not exported if you selected None for the level of DMN attributes.
  • It was possible to have the data type text bleed out of the detail dialog.
  • There was a typo for the spelling of the Years and Months data type.
CMMN Modeler June 21, 2019 (Version: 6.2.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to change a task into a stage and vice-versa.
  • It is now possible to add a label on Criterions. This label is associated to the CMMN sentry.
  • Tasks dropped on the canvas from the palette are now manually activated by default.
  • It is now possible to defined multiple alternate standard events on OnParts.
Bug fixes:
  • When importing and exporting to CMMN XML, the vendor extensions on Sentry are now considered.
  • The FEEL editor was not always working properly in CMMN.
  • When changing the type of a shape, its attached nodes were detached.
  • Sometimes some entry criteria were not present in the report.
  • There was a typo for the spelling of the Years and Months data type.
BPMN Modeler June 21, 2019 (Version: 6.2.5)
Bug fixes:
  • When changing the type of a shape, its attached nodes were detached.
  • There was a typo for the spelling of the Years and Months data type.
June 21, 2019 (Version: 6.2.5)
Bug fixes:
  • The red selection square was staying on yellow sticky notes.
  • Sticky notes were not properly sized in the ideation application.
June 13, 2019 (Version: 3.7.5)
Bug fixes:
  • Added an offline Trisotech Account option for on-premise clients.
  • Fixed a typo in the User Provider section.
June 13, 2019 (Version: 2.1.0)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where all buttons could be renamed Advanced Options incorectly.

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