
Release Notes

BPMN Modeler January 30, 2020 (Version: 6.8.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to use images as diagram elements.
  • Send Tasks operations can now be defined using the Operation Library in a similar fashion as Service Tasks.
  • It is now possible to enter a custom process instance name expression using the contextual menu (right-click) on a process and selecting Attributes then Process Instance Name…
Bug fixes:
  • The search bar will start searching when the user stop typing instead of waiting for the 3 first characters to be entered.
  • Linking DMN Decision on a Rule Task could yield duplicated Input/Output Data.
  • Data types of linked DMN decisions on a Rule Task were not always properly imported when they were basic FEEL types.
  • Re-linking the same DMN Decision on a Rule Task could incorrectly not update the data inputs/outputs.
  • Don’t overwrite data types if user decides not to import an existing interface in the Operation Library.
  • The Operation assignment editor is not properly refreshed right after creating an operation.
  • Saving a file to a different folder would sometimes ask to overwrite the file even if it did not exist.
January 30, 2020 (Version: 6.8.0)
Bug fixes:
  • The search bar will start searching when the user stop typing instead of waiting for the 3 first characters to be entered.
  • Saving a file to a different folder would sometimes ask to overwrite the file even if it did not exist.
DMN Modeler January 13, 2020 (Version: 6.7.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to reorder the Input Data of a model in the Hidden Items dialog.
Bug fixes:
  • Transitive dependencies from included models were incorrectly shown in the data type picker.
  • FEEL functions buttons in the DMN ribbon could be hidden on small screens.
  • In some cases, the diagram image was not properly published when doing a Cloud Publish.
  • When editing a decision logic header, right-clicking on a column different header now properly deselect it.
CMMN Modeler January 13, 2020 (Version: 6.7.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Connector labels are now positioned at the start by default.
BPMN Modeler January 13, 2020 (Version: 6.7.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Process Data Inputs and Data Outputs are now accessible in the contextual menu of a process.
Bug fixes:
  • Data Inputs/Outputs with spaces and carriage returns were not properly escaped in the FEEL editor.
  • In some cases, the diagram image was not properly published when doing a Cloud Publish.
Discovery Accelerator January 13, 2020 (Version: 5.7.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • A search bar is now available in the ribbon bar that search through all the defined elements of the current model.
  • Improved the initial loading speed of the product.
January 13, 2020 (Version: 2.3.2)
Bug fixes:
  • Display an error message when loading without access to any environment.
Kommunicator January 13, 2020 (Version: 1.1.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Keep the same status of marker visibility across pre-loaded viewers.
December 18, 2019 (Version: 3.9.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added a graphical user interface to edit and test email sending settings for on-premise clients.
  • The flow for SAML logout will not automatically try to log back in the same user.
DMN Modeler December 18, 2019 (Version: 6.6.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • A search bar is now available in the ribbon bar that search through all the defined elements of the current model. If your screen size is not wide enough, this may hide the right panels access buttons. They are also available under the view ribbon.
  • The button to go back to the diagram depicting the current decision logic will now offer a choice of diagram if it’s depicted on multiple pages.
  • When using the viewer (or within the Kommunicator), it is now possible to view the details of hidden items using the ellipsis menu.
Bug fixes:
  • The Allow Null checkbox was not properly display when the output type was a data type with an enumeration.
CMMN Modeler December 18, 2019 (Version: 6.6.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • A search bar is now available in the ribbon bar that search through all the defined elements of the current model. If your screen size is not wide enough, this may hide the right panels access buttons. They are also available under the view ribbon.
BPMN Modeler December 18, 2019 (Version: 6.6.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • A search bar is now available in the ribbon bar that search through all the defined elements of the current model. If your screen size is not wide enough, this may hide the right panels access buttons. They are also available under the view ribbon.
  • When using the viewer (or within the Kommunicator), it is now possible to view the details of hidden items using the ellipsis menu.
Bug fixes:
  • Data association labels are now preserved using BPMN extensions when saving a model or exporting it to BPMN.
December 18, 2019 (Version: 6.6.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • A search bar is now available in the ribbon bar that search through all the defined elements of the current model. If your screen size is not wide enough, this may hide the right panels access buttons. They are also available under the view ribbon.
December 18, 2019 (Version: 6.6.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • A search bar is now available in the ribbon bar that search through all the defined elements of the current model. If your screen size is not wide enough, this may hide the right panels access buttons. They are also available under the view ribbon.
Bug fixes:
  • An error message will not be displayed if two capabilities have the same hierarchy value in the Excel import.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented certain Excel files from being imported.
DMN Modeler November 21, 2019 (Version: 6.5.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Decision logic headers (decision table and relation) are now kept visible when scrolling large logic. Please note that this feature is not available on Internet Explorer 11.
  • Semantic links can now be viewed in viewer mode (through the Kommunicator).
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that would cause an infinite loop when validating models with cyclic dependencies.
  • Fixed an issue that would incorrectly identity data types from PMML models.
  • Augmented the size limit of PMML files to 50MB.
CMMN Modeler November 21, 2019 (Version: 6.5.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Stages depicted on a separate diagram now have their labels displayed in the top left corner.
  • Semantic links can now be viewed in viewer mode (through the Kommunicator).

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