
Decision Modeler

Title Shadow
DMN Modeler March 29, 2017 (Version: 5.1.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Relation columns now display their types. It is also possible to change their type in the same way as decision table columns.
  • New overlay to display the data type on a decision diagram. Overlays can be turned on/off from the overlay sidebar accessible in the View ribbon though the Manage Overlays button.
Bug Fixes:
  • Improved the DMN XML serialization by always serializing input and output constraints of decision tables columns.
  • Fixed an occasional issue with inserting row above/below new columns in the data type dialog.
DMN Modeler March 23, 2017 (Version: 5.1.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to create a reusable data type from a simple type with a constraint by clicking the Create Type button from the same interface where you can enter constraints.
  • Item definition (Data Types) are now part of the generated report in HTML and Word format.
  • Type and constraints are now displayed in boxed context.
Bug Fixes:
  • Text of annotation were not properly imported in Internet Explorer.
DMN Modeler March 15, 2017 (Version: 5.1.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • The animator now supports all types of boxed expression
  • Decision table input and output types and constraints are now synched across the decision graph. Changing the type or constraint of a decision table will now propagate that change through information requirement links making sure that the model stay consistent and that reuse of constraints is easier. Note that this new feature will not automatically sync document previously created where the type or constraints are inconsistent across the information requirements.
  • When dropped on the canvas, Input Data are now assigned a text type by default
  • Inputs of a decision are now part of the auto completion when editing FEEL expression
Bug Fixes:
  • Title of the data type window was changed from the diagram name to simply “Data Type” to avoid confusion when editing a type
  • Fixed a bug with decision tables name on copy/paste
  • Fixed a bug that was sometimes preventing to remove the name of a decision
  • Fixed a bug on DMN XML serialization that was sometimes including a result into a boxed context even after it has been deleted
  • The logviewer is now always fully shown
  • Fixed a bug that was creating invalid an invalid XML export when they had comments in some browser
DMN Modeler February 23, 2017 (Version: 5.1.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • While defining Data Type, the constraints are now displayed under the field type.
  • In the decision table headers, simple constraints for column with complex (user defined) types will be displayed under their type name.
Bug Fixes:
  • The S-FEEL quick guide was renamed as Decision Table Quick Guide and aligned with the DMN 1.1 specification.
  • Carriage return in decision/bkm/input data names will now produce valid DMN Variable names.
  • today was added as a recognized feel function.
  • Fixed some minor serialization issues in XML.
  • Visio import improvements to recognize Visio master shapes for a small number of stencils.
DMN Modeler February 9, 2017 (Version: 5.1.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • Saving a file will now notify all other users that have the same file opened of your modification and ask them if they want to load the changes you just saved.
  • The IDIOM execution is now located under the Execution tab.
  • The IDIOM execution is now aware of type definitions done at the input data level.
  • Using the IDIOM execution, constraints defined in the decision table columns are now available when you enter execution parameters.
  • The DMN XML serialization will now contain input data for decision table columns which did not reference existing input data on the diagram.
Bug Fixes:
  • Under some specific circumstances, the user interface was slightly shifted up after executing using IDIOM.
DMN Modeler January 31, 2017 (Version: 5.1.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the possibility to define constraints on item definitions. Now when creating new data types, these data types can be constrained using a FEEL expression (or one of our quick widget).
  • Aligned the constraint definition on decision tables with the new item definition constraints.
Bug Fixes:
  • Various small improvements to our DMN XML serialization
DMN Modeler January 19, 2017 (Version: 5.1.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added the possibility to switch the expression language from FEEL, Uninterpreted FEEL (no content assist) or Natural Language.
Bug Fixes:
  • Properly serialize the Java and PMML functions.
DMN Modeler January 9, 2017 (Version: 5.1.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • Colored flags can now be set on elements using the Detail pane. Flags can be shown on the diagram by showing the flag overlay. To show overlays, you can toggle them using the Manage Overlay button in the View ribbon.
Bug Fixes:
  • Improved the round tripping of vendor extensions in the XML import and export.
DMN Modeler December 21, 2016 (Version: 5.1.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • Allow editing a complex type from the type assignment dialog.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fill and Font color can now be changed on multiple elements at a time.
DMN Modeler December 6, 2016 (Version: 5.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the way we share a place (repository):
    • Customize the email being sent for the invite
    • Option to not send the invite email
    • Auto-complete user names from the current users of your Digital Enterprise Server (only available to corporate users)
  • We have received some questions about the new launch screen of the Digital Enterprise Server and its interaction with the unsaved work cache that we used to have in the product. Simply put, this unsaved work cache is still there but to access the last unsaved model, you need to open the product using the tile menu at the top (9 small squares). Clicking on a model in the navigator will open the last saved version of that model from your place (repository).
Bug Fixes:
  • In some rare cases, the delete key stopped responding when entering labels.
  • Corrected an incorrect XML serialization of the constraint values
  • Formal parameters are now properly serialized in XML for BKM implementation with Decision Table
  • DMN XML serialization/deserialization use names to refer to item definitions
DMN Modeler November 24, 2016 (Version: 5.0.36)
New and Improved Features:
  • Accelerators are now sorted alphabetically with the Digital Enterprise Graph always being the first.
  • Improved the scrolling on decision logic on mobile devices.
  • Extended the automatic pre-filling of the decision logic parameters to invocations.
DMN Modeler November 8, 2016 (Version: 5.0.35)
New and Improved Features:
  • When creating a decision logic, the inputs and outputs will be automatically prefilled from the information in the diagram if available. For instance, this means that having Input Data depicted graphically on the diagram and creating a Decision Table, the input columns will be prefilled with the information from the diagram.
  • Added the date type as a supported data type.
Bug Fixes:
  • Groups are now imported and exported in DMN xml serialization.
DMN Modeler October 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.34)
New and Improved Features:
  • Export to DMN 1.2. This new version of the standard is under heavy development at the moment and should be used only for experimentation. DMN 1.1 is the version that should be used as a stable export from the DMN Modeler.
Bug Fixes:
  • The decision logic of Business Knowledge Model is now kept when you cut/paste them.
  • Corrected an issue with the undo of the creation of decision logic.
  • Prevented a rare case where on page creation, we would give the same name as an existing page.
DMN Modeler September 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.33)
New and Improved Features:
  • New and improved Visio import. When importing Visio files, you can now map each shape from the stencil to get the best and most accurate import of your model.
  • When dropping accelerators which have several levels of artefacts, the top level is dropped as a shape and the lower levels become Data Types.
  • When importing files into the DMN Modeler, the external type is now displayed in itemDefinition and its components.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the previous file name was still used in some rare cases.
  • Fixed an issue during the export to documentation where it would stop the export when encountering an empty diagram.
  • Fixed a bug where parameters would be duplicated when copy/pasting a row of boxed function with context entries.
  • Fixed a bug where the Type Ref were not imported on function parameters and context entries.
  • Copy/pasting of item definition does not introduce duplicate IDs anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple help windows would open when more than one pages were created.
  • Rows and columns are now deleted only be clicking the remove icon and not the whole cell.
DMN Modeler September 19, 2016 (Version: 5.0.32)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to import DMN XML files. The import DMN XML files function is located in the Import tab.
  • Added the possibility to define data type in the decision model and assign them to:
    • Decisions,
    • Business Knowledge Models,
    • Input Data,
    • Context Entries,
    • And Function Parameters.
  • It is now possible to use accelerators in the DMN Modeler.
  • It is now possible to change a shape into all the main DMN shape types.
  • Improved decision table naming in boxed expression types.
  • Files are now filtered to the proper types when using import services.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a few bugs during the DMN export. The DMN export is now more aligned with the DMN 1.1 specification.
  • Fixed an issue where the delete column icon would not be in the right place after reordering a column.
  • To follow the DMN 1.1 specification, output cells with the same content in a decision table, cannot be merged together anymore.
  • Fixed a bug where, in decision tables, the output cells would be merged together.
  • The scrollbars are not shown anymore in the input/output cells of a decision table when editing them while the browser is zoomed in.
  • The description formatting is now kept when exporting to DMN.
  • Fixed a bug where the markers would not be displayed in the diagram when using import services.
  • Fixed an issue where the cursor would disappear in the decision table in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where renaming a function parameter cannot be undone.
  • Fixed a bug which would prevent from editing attributes in the latest version of the Chrome browser.
DMN Modeler July 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.31)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the quick connect feature. The quick connect functionality will now always create a valid link when such links exists.
  • The default name of the decision table output option is now synchronized with the name of the decision table and is not editable anymore. When the decision table has more than one output, each of those output’s components name can be edited and the output label is now properly depicted over them.
  • The name cell for the decision table in a boxed context is now displayed in edit mode.
  • Added auto-completion to invoked logic header.
Bug Fixes:
  • Copy/pasting the entire decision logic now works properly.
  • Improved the copy/cut of decision table lines.
  • Fixed an issue where the quick connect arrow would not come back in some rare cases.
  • Fixed an issue where inserting a row above would place the new row at the wrong position in boxed context, boxed invocation, boxed function for the first row.
  • Stopped unrequired scrolling when adding new rules in the decision table or new rows in boxed context.
  • Renamed the context menu attributes option for Knowledge Source shape, from “Details” to “Owner, Type, Location”.
  • When exporting to DMN, the association name is now exported in the label attribute.
  • Fixed an issue upon exporting to DMN XML, where the type time would not serialize correctly on inputValues.
  • The resulting XML file when exporting to DMN is now valid when the Boxed Context has a result.
  • The edge selection shadow of the quick connect arrow now disappears when selecting the arrow and dragging.
  • Fixed some size flickering when renaming input and outputs in the decision table.
  • Fixed the text color when editing the input and output name in the decision table so it is always visible.

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