
Decision Modeler

Title Shadow
DMN Modeler June 5, 2018 (Version: 6.0.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • The new FEEL functions accepted for DMN 1.2 are now available. These includes the following functions: sqrt, log, exp, odd, even, mode, stddev, median and product. These are all available in the FEEL functions section of the DMN ribbon under Math and List.
Bug fixes:
  • The spacer tool did not properly reduce the size of containers in certain conditions.
  • Pasting content in the FEEL editor would replace the whole expression instead of inserting the pasted value at the cursor position.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the XMl import of a DMN file with labels without bounds.
DMN Modeler May 24, 2018 (Version: 6.0.8)
New and Improved Features:
  • Support DMN 1.2 ellipsis marker on DMN elements to indicate that some requirements are not currently depicted. Clicking on the ellipsis icon will display these requirements in a contextual menu. From the contextual menu, you can click or drag a requirement to add it to the current diagram. This is especially useful combined with the scope side panel to expand the requirements of an element after having dragged it to a new diagram.
  • Support DMN 1.2 generalized unary tests in decision tables. FEEL functions can now be used in decision tables rule. The symbol ? can also be used as a function parameter to indicate the current value of the input decision table column.
  • For the places and accelerators side panels, the highlight button was moved to the header from its original location in the panel.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved the loading time when changing page on most browsers.
  • Removing elements from a multiple selection using the CTRL key did not work properly.
  • Moving elements within a container using the arrow keyboard keys had some issues when approaching the boundaries of certain containers.
  • Under certain specific conditions, overlays on edges would be duplicated.
DMN Modeler May 3, 2018 (Version: 6.0.7)
New and Improved Features:
  • The Accelerator side panel is now sub-divided into an Accelerator and a Places panel. The Digital Enterprise Graph is now displayed under the Places side panel.
  • A new Scope side panel is now available that present all the elements available in the current model DRG.
  • Elements with the same name and type are now automatically merged together.
  • Data Inputs now have a maker in its top left corner (same shape as a BPMN Data Object and a CMMN Case File Item) to identify the same concept. Clicking on that marker let you enter the data type.
  • Added a filter in decision tables and relations to filter only row matching a given text.
  • DMN XML import and export now use the final DMN 1.2 namespace (and FEEL namespace). We still support the beta namespace for backward compatibility.
  • The comment overlay was changed from a document icon to a speech bubble.
  • The parameter types are now displayed in boxed invocation.
  • Input Data and Knowledge Source are now resizable on the canvas.
Bug fixes:
  • When changing a decision without decision logic shape into a BKM shape, we will not create a blank decision logic anymore.
  • In the DMN XML Export, the label attribute is not serialized anymore if it’s the same as the name.
  • Corrected an issue that would sometime prevent the generation of images when the description overlay was visible.
  • Speed improvement when a large number of data types are used in a model.
DMN Modeler April 10, 2018 (Version: 6.0.6)
New and Improved Features:
  • Various usability improvements on the Quick Connect arrows:
    • When hovering a shape then quickly hovering one of the arrow, the quick connect did not always disappear.
    • When quickly dragging a quick arrow, sometimes it would not register.
    • When more than one shape is in the quick arrow direction, if one of them is not connected, the quick arrow will now appear.
    • The quick arrow now stays longer after you stop hovering a shape so that you can click them more easily.
  • When copying an element using the copy/paste feature, the copied element will now have a Copy of prefix to make it clear that it’s a copy and not the same element.
Bug fixes:
  • Morphing a decision to an input prevented the proper saving of the model.
  • Some label positions were not properly saved on models with multiple pages under certain conditions.
  • DMN XML vendor extensions were not properly kept when round tripping under certain conditions.
  • Edges dropped from the palette were incorrectly moved to the top left of the diagram.
  • When exporting the report, sometimes blank lines were added around the project charter information.
DMN Modeler March 20, 2018 (Version: 6.0.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to transform decision logic (whole) or a cell (for context) to a different type of decision logic using the Home ribbon (under the Decision logic or Cell group).
  • Copying the complete decision logic versus the selected cell(s) is now easier to do. There is now a separate button to do each. There is still a single paste button.
  • It is now possible to paste a decision logic when no decision logic type is selected.
Bug fixes:
  • Changing the output type of a context entry did not make the model dirty.
DMN Modeler March 8, 2018 (Version: 6.0.4)
New and Improved Features:
  • The FEEL editor auto complete suggestions are now context sensitive and provide suggestion scoped to the current level only.
  • Data inputs that are typed as collections are now depicted with a new marker (three vertical bar) in the diagram.
Bug fixes:
  • Create output data type did not work under certain conditions
  • There was an issue importing some decision logic inside a BKM.
  • Copy and pasting of decision logic inside BKM could sometime introduce duplicate ids.
DMN Modeler February 21, 2018 (Version: 6.0.3)
New and Improved Features:
  • Decision logic creation options are now contextual to the encapsulating graphical element.
  • Refactoring a Decision to and form a Business Knowledge Model (BKM) is now smarter. It will automatically convert the decision logic type to fit the new container.
  • Added examples to the FEEL functions buttons in the DMN ribbon bar.
  • Added support for the new “for” loops of FEEL (DMN 1.2) with the partial keyword.
Bug fixes:
  • Changing the color of an edge did not take effect until a movement occurred.
  • Fixed a DMN XML serialization issue that affected Internet Explorer 11 in certain conditions.
  • When exporting a Word document, for certain documentation construct, the layout was not properly respected for the description attribute.
  • Addressed some edge cases of importing an XSD as Data Types where unions, choice and extension of simpleType were used.
  • Collection icon was missing in the report for some data types.
DMN Modeler February 8, 2018 (Version: 6.0.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • The button to return to the diagram using a decision logic that was available from the DMN ribbon is now also available in the bottom right of the screen on decision logic pages (in the location where the zoom control are for a diagram).
  • A search bar is now available in the Data Types dialog.
  • Data Types import from an XSD improvements:
    • XSD complex types are now imported.
    • XSD complex types reused in element and complex type will now yield a Data Type reuse instead of a copy of the type.
    • Import speed and memory consumption.
DMN Modeler February 1, 2018 (Version: 6.0.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • A new description overlay is now available. When toggled on (through the overlay panel), a text icon will appear in the bottom right of the shape if a description is entered. Hovering on that icon will display the description.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved our FEEL syntax highlighting:
    • Properly recognized the date, time and duration properties (such as year, month, day, hour, …).
    • Operators (=, !=, <, >) when a number was the left operand.
    • Negative time duration.
    • Subtractions of numbers without spaces between the minus sign.
    • split() function.
    • Lists in sort functions.
    • Non-breakable spaces.
    • Keywords inside quotes.
  • Prevented an issue that would generate invalid test cases for decision tables with dash (-) in an output column of a decision table.
  • Fixed an issue preventing to import a DMN XML file with a custom logo.
  • The buttons to change color will now always display the current color of the selected element.
  • Data Type with the collection attribute will now always display the collection icon in the report.
  • The Identifier overlay will not overlap with other overlays in certain conditions.
  • The page order was not always saved in certain conditions.
DMN Modeler January 28, 2018 (Version: 6.0.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • This new version brings major improvements in our modeling platform. These will be gradually exposed through new features in 6.X future releases. This version is fully backward compatible with the 5.X version from a user point of view.
  • The reporting (html and word) was improved to allow users to export the documentation elements in a user defined order:
    • Each shape now has the concept of an Identifier. This identifier has a numeric value with dots (1, 1.6,, …).
    • You can set the identifier of elements using the right click contextual menu under Attributes then Identifier.
    • There is also a new overlay available called Identifier that will display the current identifier (or a dash if none is currently set) in the top left corner of the element.
    • Using the overlay, you can click on the identifier to quickly enter a value.
    • In the documentation export dialog, you will now find an option to change the Sort Order and use By Identifier.
    • Note that exporting using the By Identifier ordering will not output elements that have no identifier defined.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved the excel list import of files that contains double quotes in their data.
  • Fixed a FEEL parsing issue with negative durations.
DMN Modeler December 7, 2017 (Version: 5.2.14)
New and Improved Features:
  • The FEEL autocompletion will now propose the current function name when editing a function inside a boxed context.
  • Relaxed the type checking when testing and animating decisions to accept non complete type mapping. This is particularly usefull when building a boxed context that has only a portion of the attributes of a type.
  • Improved the Excel import for relationships:
    • When importing in an empty relationship, columns will automatically be created.
    • When column header name mismatches, an warning will inform of the non matching columns.
    • Now converts the Excel data types to the relationship columns.
DMN Modeler November 28, 2017 (Version: 5.2.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Improved the loading time on the first use of the accelerator panel.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the autocompletion not being populate properly in specific cases of deep recursion.
DMN Modeler November 22, 2017 (Version: 5.2.12)
New and Improved Features:
  • Dragging a Decision or a Business Knowledge Model (BKM) will now also copy the decision logic and the output data type.
  • Dragging a Business Knowledge Model (BKM) from the Digital Enterprise Graph accelerator will now create a BKM instead of a Decision.
  • Search in the accelerator panel can now be filtered by element type.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved our cycle detection handling in the XSD import for data types.
DMN Modeler November 15, 2017 (Version: 5.2.11)
New and Improved Features:
  • XSD import for Data Types now support includes and import.You can now drag multiple files when an XSD import/includes other schemas.
Bug fixes:
  • Small bugfixes in DMN Method and Style validation concerning multiple output column tables and date, time, and duration values.
  • Added support when animating and testing decisions for the weekday field on dates.
  • The animation and testing of Priority decision table now support multiple output columns with only one that have values list.
DMN Modeler November 7, 2017 (Version: 5.2.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • Added a new feel textual function: split
Bug fixes:
  • When testing or animating a decision, date and datetime will now display seconds.
  • Fixed an issue with the output column automatic generation when creating a decision table.
  • Fixed some edge cases of dragging artifacts with data types on the canvas from an accelerator.
  • Various improvements to the XSD Data Type import such as:
    • Add support for nested group element (xs:group, xs:choice, xs:sequence)
    • Add support enumeration for indirect built-in type (eg: simpleType referencing to a built-in type)
    • And more smaller issues…
DMN Modeler October 31, 2017 (Version: 5.2.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • Dragging an artifact from an accelerator such as the Digital Enterprise Graph will also copy the Data Type associated with that artifact.
  • You can now search in the accelerator window.

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