
Decision Modeler

Title Shadow
DMN Modeler August 25, 2020 (Version: 6.12.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Test cases generated with an empty string input could in some cases generate an invalid input and incorrect results when validating it.
DMN Modeler August 5, 2020 (Version: 6.12.2)
Bug fixes:
  • In some rare cases, the test case expected values were not properly saved in the test case resulting in an incorrect result when running the test again.
DMN Modeler June 30, 2020 (Version: 6.12.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • The simple data type selector now offers Collections of simple types.
  • The simple data type selector now offers a File type to represent binary data.
  • The data type dialog now offers a button next to data type to create a new Collection of type with a single click.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a TCK test case serialization issue where empty string would be incorrectly marked as null.
  • Undoing the creation of an expanded decision service diagram deletes related decisions that are not depicted elsewhere.
  • When changing the type of an element that is part of a decision service, it could cause improper DMN XML serialization.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the proper import of a model referencing a predictive model (PMML) that does not exist.
DMN Modeler June 3, 2020 (Version: 6.11.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that prevented cloud publication when an included model was missing.
DMN Modeler April 30, 2020 (Version: 6.11.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • The ability to import and export DMN XML 1.3 is now available to all clients.
  • It is now possible to reopen or delete a closed issue.
Bug fixes:
  • FEEL autocompletion of today() and now() functions will now properly autocomplete when used inline. Ex: today().day
DMN Modeler April 22, 2020 (Version: 6.10.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible for Kommunicator users to open issues on models.
    • Issues contain a title and description and a complete commenting thread for interaction.
    • Issues can be assigned and resolved from the modeler.
    • Issues can also be created from the modeler.
  • Predictive Models (PMML) data types can now be reused without duplicating them in the DMN model.
Bug fixes:
  • When exporting a list from the result of a decision test to excel, some defined data type could generate an empty column.
DMN Modeler February 17, 2020 (Version: 6.9.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • The DMN Modeler is now named the Decision Modeler.
  • When using the viewer (or within the Kommunicator), the search bar is now accessible.
  • A dash character (-) is now available after the auto-completion choices for decision table input columns.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue preventing the import of DMN 1.1 models generated from some other vendors that were incorrectly formatted.
  • When importing an OpenAPI in the Service Library, the first output is now chosen instead of the last when multiple operation outputs are present.
  • Overlays were not shown after the animation completed if they were hidden when the animation started.
  • In the Operation Library. The option to enable the Rich Text editor for Text parameters was not visible immediately after changing the type to Text.
  • Fixed an issue with long file name that would wrap over other names in the move dialog of the place navigator.
DMN Modeler January 30, 2020 (Version: 6.8.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to use images as diagram elements.
Bug fixes:
  • The search bar will start searching when the user stop typing instead of waiting for the 3 first characters to be entered.
  • After dragging a decision logic column without dropping it at a new location, the delete column image button was rendered at the wrong place.
  • In some cases, data in list were not properly remembered between tests.
  • Don’t overwrite data types if user decides not to import an existing interface in the Operation Library.
  • Saving a file to a different folder would sometimes ask to overwrite the file even if it did not exist.
DMN Modeler January 13, 2020 (Version: 6.7.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to reorder the Input Data of a model in the Hidden Items dialog.
Bug fixes:
  • Transitive dependencies from included models were incorrectly shown in the data type picker.
  • FEEL functions buttons in the DMN ribbon could be hidden on small screens.
  • In some cases, the diagram image was not properly published when doing a Cloud Publish.
  • When editing a decision logic header, right-clicking on a column different header now properly deselect it.
DMN Modeler December 18, 2019 (Version: 6.6.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • A search bar is now available in the ribbon bar that search through all the defined elements of the current model. If your screen size is not wide enough, this may hide the right panels access buttons. They are also available under the view ribbon.
  • The button to go back to the diagram depicting the current decision logic will now offer a choice of diagram if it’s depicted on multiple pages.
  • When using the viewer (or within the Kommunicator), it is now possible to view the details of hidden items using the ellipsis menu.
Bug fixes:
  • The Allow Null checkbox was not properly display when the output type was a data type with an enumeration.
DMN Modeler November 21, 2019 (Version: 6.5.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • Decision logic headers (decision table and relation) are now kept visible when scrolling large logic. Please note that this feature is not available on Internet Explorer 11.
  • Semantic links can now be viewed in viewer mode (through the Kommunicator).
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that would cause an infinite loop when validating models with cyclic dependencies.
  • Fixed an issue that would incorrectly identity data types from PMML models.
  • Augmented the size limit of PMML files to 50MB.
DMN Modeler November 15, 2019 (Version: 6.4.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • When dragging elements from the Digital Enterprise Graph side panel, the attachments, custom attributes, time, cost, value, quality and gaps attributes are now copied.
  • The Semantic dialog of the element details dialog can now create semantic links using the same interface as the Digital Enterprise Graph side panel (search or hierarchy drill down).
Bug fixes:
  • Importing an Excel file into a decision logic will now resolve the defined types referencing simple types.
DMN Modeler November 7, 2019 (Version: 6.3.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • The description of elements is now searchable in the Accelerators and the Digtital Enterprise Graph side panels.
  • The load time of the Accelerators, Digital Enterprise Graph and Dictionary side panels was improved.
  • It is now possible to highlight only a portion of the Accelerator and the Digital Enterprise Graph usage in the canvas.
  • The dialog to create semantic links from the elements details was simplified.
  • Missing elements that are referenced from included models are now colored red instead of being erased.
  • The offset parameter of the FEEL function time() is now optional.
Bug fixes:
  • OData import was not working properly on Internet Explorer 11.
  • When an element had no name, it could cause invalid DMN XML roundtrip.
  • Special characters were lost when dropping DMN elements from the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Fixed an issue where a decision table inside a BKM could not be renamed after a DMN XML import under some specific conditions.
DMN Modeler October 1, 2019 (Version: 6.2.11)
New and Improved Features:
  • New FEEL functions are available:
    • Interval logic: Based on the 13 unique relations from Allen’s Interval Algebra. An additional function: overlaps() was also added as an higher level of abstraction for business users.
    • Date & Time: day of week(), month of year(), day of year(), week of year().
    • These functions are extensions to DMN 1.2 and should be part of the upcoming DMN 1.3 revision. An introduction presentation can be viewed on our website.
  • The dialogs to view included models (DMN and PMML) now has an hyperlink icon next to the included models that let you navigate to the included model.
  • When closing the data type dialog without first saving a change, that change would be ignored. It will now be considered.
Bug fixes:
  • When publishing to the Trisotech Automation Platform (Cloud Publish) the dialog to view the published service would not show up if errors or warnings were reported.
  • An invalid DMN file could be generated when a data type constraint was picked without entering any constraints.
  • It’s now possible to use the slash ‘/’ character in the name of a DMN element.
DMN Modeler September 12, 2019 (Version: 6.2.10)
New and Improved Features:
  • When using the Cloud Publish functionality, it is now possible to include the documentation of the service.
DMN Modeler September 5, 2019 (Version: 6.2.9)
New and Improved Features:
  • The data type marker on Input Data now disappears when no datatype is defined.
  • The last group and artifact used to publish a service using the Cloud Publish button are now persisted and re-used on the next publication.
Bug fixes:
  • PMML mining fields marked for target usage are no longer mapped as inputs to the model.
  • Fixed a DMN export issue when on data types where an enumeration was selected by no element entered in the enumeration.
  • Fixed a DMN export issue where sometimes an XML namespace was missing.

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