
Digital Enterprise Suite

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Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 21, 2021 (Version: 10.13.2)
Bug fixes:
  • The OpenAPI documentation of a decision service could be incorrect for some models containing multi-level data types.
  • Under some conditions, picking the same decision logic in the data mapping after clearing it would not do anything in the data mapping for tasks.
  • Fixed the visual margin of a function inside boxed context entry of a Business Knowledge Model.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 15, 2021 (Version: 10.13.1)
Bug fixes:
  • The DMN XML export (all versions) can contain an unknown attribute (isCollection) for newly created decisions which makes the XML file not DMN schema valid.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 14, 2021 (Version: 10.13.0)
New and improved features:
  • A new system of engagement is now available in beta.
    • To activate the new system of engagement locally, you will need to toggle an option in the Service Library Preferences. The new system of engagement will replace our Try it Form with the release of version 11 at the beginning of 2022.
    • The Try it option was replaced by a Form option that provides a customizable form-based user interface to interact with deployed services. This form can be customized using cascading style sheets (CSS) defined globally, at the environment, at the group or at the artifact level.
    • A new user interface is available to interact with the service with files. Supported formats are XML, JSON, PDF and Excel.
    • A developer mode for the form is also available to customize the styling in line, generate test cases, inspect the service invocations and debug execution.
    • A test bench allows to generate and reuse test data between services (test data is keyed by data type across the instance).
  • There is a new user interface to assign performers to user/manual tasks.
    • The assignation based on user, group or expression is now simpler to understand.
    • There is additional control on the email sending preferences.
    • A template can be created for the email content being sent.
  • Performers can now be defined for intermediate/start messages to limit who is allowed to send these messages.
  • DMN 1.4 is now supported.
    • Import and export using the new DMN 1.4 XML schema.
    • A collection marker was added to decisions that outputs a data type marked as collection.
    • New DMN 1.4 feel functions are now available: is, floor and ceiling with scale attribute, round up/half up/down/half down, string join.
  • The dependency side panel now displays incoming and outgoing dependencies for this model.
  • A Where used tab was added to the detail of most elements to show where this element is reused in the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Client Access License report can now be downloaded in CSV format from the admin CAL page.
  • The healthcare information can now be displayed on terms.
  • The detail of most elements now contains a share button to create a URL that links directly to this element in viewing or editing mode.
  • When publishing a model from the collaboration ribbon, it is now possible to publish to a different place.
  • The ribbon bar now displays the place name.
  • Attachments in an element detail can now be sorted by using drag and drop.
  • A button was added to the data types dialog to allow the sorting of the data types alphabetically.
  • When using the JSON REST API for a service execution, the null values for outputs are now provided (they were omitted before).
  • It is now possible to send emails through service tasks to anyone with an assigned license for Trisotech Hosted clients.
  • When reusing by reference a Data Object from the Digital Enterprise Graph, it can now be changed to Data Input/Output while keeping its reuse link (lock).
  • The loading time for large Knowledge Entity models was greatly improved.
  • In the data mapping, more boxed logic choices are now available to express the mapping.
  • In a boxed context, increased to 15 the number of context entry that will get automatically populated based on the expected data type (from 6). If more than 15 context entry would be created, the user is still required to create them manually with autocompletion.
Bug fixes:
  • The HTML template for a service requiring a boolean input now properly document the value that should be sent to the service (true) on a check.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented to import a BPMN XML model containing no IOSpecifications but Data Inputs/Outputs.
  • When parsing DMN TCK test cases with excessive spaces in the values, certain data types parsing would not work as expected.
  • In the generation of a Decision Service from a Decision Model, inputs and outputs of type any would be represented incrrectly in the OpenAPI as string.
  • The REST service endpoint can now parse all of the PDF content if the input of the service is of type Any.
  • The web hook emitter would not work correctly if configured without identity.
  • When failing to delete a process instance, the output schema of the REST api could not be followed in exception cases.
  • Boundary conditional events are now properly supported for embedded subprocess.
  • An issue prevent the creation of a Decision Table within a Boxed Context.
  • Data type of type Any are not always properly synched in the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • We could get a blank page when clearing the decision logic inside a boxed function and then undoing that change.
  • Examples in the FEEL Quick Guide can now be selected with the mouse.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 6, 2021 (Version: 10.12.1)
Bug fixes:
  • When using a data object with the same name as a read-only inner data input or output of a task, the data type of that data object could become incorrectly read only as well.
  • The concurrent modification message could incorrectly be displayed if the computer clock of the client was significantly different from the server clock.
  • Output data mapping defined from a previous version could be incorrectly upgraded resulting in the data mapping not being executable anymore.
  • The trigger dialog on message events could fail if no triggers were defined in the model.
  • Deleting a process instance that was created with a previous version of a process definition could fail leaving the instance undeletable.
  • DMN node names are now indexed using their sanitized names instead of their display names in the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Data Store content are not serialized anymore into events for services using them as input or output.
  • The help section about the Kafka emitter was missing from the Asynchronous Events documentation topic.
  • Kommunicator links were opening in a new window instead of within the Kommunicator.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon October 27, 2021 (Version: 10.12.0)
New and improved features:
  • A new application tile was added to control personal settings such as Identities, Event Emitters, Data Stores and language preferences.
  • Cloud Data Stores (currently in beta and will require an additional subscription) are now available for the automation of workflow and decisions.
    • Represented in modelers as a collection of a flat complex type. In workflows, they are bound to the Data Store BPMN element . In decisions, they are bound to the Input Data DMN element .
    • Can be created by all users under their personal settings tile. They can be shared with a group.
    • Access (as the owner or shared with you) allows to directly interact with the data store in the management interface (import, export, edit) and the ability to use it in the modelers.
    • Once deployed, any user can interact with a process or decision that uses a data store even if the data store is not shared with them.
    • Can be directly opened in Microsoft Excel to edit their content through the personal settings page.
    • The FEEL functions append, concatenate, insert before, remove, reverse, sort and union were augmented to interact with data stores and modify them.
    • Two new FEEL functions were added to support additional functionality for data stores: insert after (similar to insert before) and replace (to update one or more element of a collection)
    • Their scope is instance wide which mean that the same data store can be used in multiple process and decision.
  • The place navigator files and folder columns are now sortable.
  • The place navigator offers a new action to copy and move models to a different place.
  • The place navigator can now recover deleted models to their original location.
  • New automation FEEL functions were added.
    • current user: returns the user currently calling the automation API
    • initiator: returns the service initiator (user who started the process)
    • task history(name): returns the automation history (previously completed tasks)
  • New FEEL context funtions from DMN 1.4 were added: context, context put, context merge.
  • New FEEL text function funtion was added to generate URIs: uri.
  • FEEL expressions using the automation functions can now be used in performer assignments.
  • The healthcare tab in the Knowledge Entity Modeler now allows to enter the Resource Type.
  • Service library will now refresh without having to reload the application when a new service is deployed or deleted from another session.
  • Invocation boxed expression now offer autocompletion of FEEL methods.
  • Invocation boxed expression can now be used in the data mapping.
  • Linked terms in the name of elements are now dragged when reusing from the Digital Enterprise Graph
  • When right-clicking on a case file item, a new option allows to automatically create a case input or output based on the case file item.
  • When publishing to automation, a warning message will now appear if a version of the published model exist in the environment with a greater version number.
  • The ideation application can now be installed directly from the browser instead of requiring an app store download.
  • The environment event EnvironmentArtifactPublished message now contains additional information (language, the name, description, publisher and published date).
Bug fixes:
  • Attended task for the output of a service task configured before the data mapping would not work properly.
  • It was not possible to use the public api to download an audit log that was not registered on an environment message targeting none or more than one environment.
  • Renaming an element from the translation dialog could break name uniqueness under some conditions.
  • When dragging a process from the Digital Enterprise Graph in the workflow modeler, the description, notes, tags attributes of process inputs and outputs are now properly transferred.
  • Empty invocation bindings were not properly serialized to DMN XML.
  • When publishing to automation, the last modeling version is now always transfered as the default version for publishing.
  • Data mapping containg Conditional, Iterator or Filter boxed expression could result in a deployment error.
  • Cyclic data type usage between the Workflow and Decision Modelers could result in errors at synchronization with the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • When publishing a service that is not the latest version of that service, the dialog with the service options was not displayed.
  • When filtering the list of services in the Service Library, the count of selected artifacts could be incorrect.
  • Prevent non automation audit logs from being displayed in the audit tab.
  • When using message events (intermediate) inside subprocess that is invoked via call activity the API generated for such events does not include the data model. In addition, triggering that endpoint (even with proper data model) will not be able to parse properly.
  • When the name of a data type is changed, the datatypes overlay on shapes was not always updated correctly.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon October 5, 2021 (Version: 10.11.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Certain Knowledge Entity terms containing sources could prevent the testing a publication of decision models for automation.
  • Improved the resilience of the branching conditions that are not returning boolean results.
  • When testing a numeric, date, time or date and time data type containing multiple consecutive spaces, the label could contain escape characters.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon September 22, 2021 (Version: 10.11.2)
Bug fixes:
  • The detection of the absolute URLs was not working in some configurations causing absolute URLs to be displayed. This prevented the container location strings from being valid.
  • A term containing healthcare coding missing a system definition could cause a deployment issue.
  • Fixed the screen flickering when loading the service library.
  • Custom attributes that were renamed did not properly show up in the diff view.
  • Method and Style validation of decision table was incorrectly reporting issues when the output of the column was a variable with the same data type as the column.
  • When testing a decision logic that returned a number, in some cases the info marker would not display the execution result.
  • When publishing for automation a workflow model linking to a decision model that uses a namespace from a different vendor, that model would not be properly packaged resulting in an incomplete deployment.
  • The FEEL unparsed language was not always kept after a reload in some rare conditions in the workflow and case modelers.
  • The ellipsis marker and menu could be out of sync when undoing the morphing of a data association.
  • In the word/html report, the data mapping color could be incorrect.
  • Clicking on a type inside the data mapping of a call activity would not properly open the data type dialog.
  • There was a rare issue that would duplicate the content of the ellipsis menu for included decision.
  • Updating the name of an element in the original model would not always update in the more referencing it for copy of links.
  • State information could be duplicated when updating it from a different language.
  • Undoing a decision logic clear could leave the decision logic page blank.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon September 15, 2021 (Version: 10.11.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Decision models logic containg boxed expression rendered blank in the Kommunicator.
  • The translation dialog was not properly displaying for all users.
  • Method and Style validation of adhoc subprocess does not return errors anymore when containing tasks without connections.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon September 14, 2021 (Version: 10.11.0)
New and improved features:
  • Kafka messages can now be generated from the workflow automation.
  • It is now possible to subscribe to Kafka topics to trigger start or intermediate events while automating workflows.
  • A new Kafka emitter type is available to publish events (modeling and automation) to Kafka brokers.
  • Data Mapping FEEL expression issues are now reported when deploying a workflow to the automation.
  • The data object documentation is now displayed when available for user tasks in the Try It form.
  • The PKCE authorization flow is now supported for obtaining bearer tokens from the Digital Enterprise Suite.
  • The repository content Public API now offers models in DMN 1.3.
  • Triggers can now be edited from the Operation Library.
  • Iterator, Conditional and Filter decision logic are now usable in workflow process data mapping.
  • Data Mapping for case tasks is now available in the case modeler.
  • Operation library outputs now allow to define any Content-Type for the body of a response.
Bug fixes:
  • An error could occur when executing test cases in decision models that included other models.
  • When not using a gateway to branch after a script task in a workflow model, an unexpected error could prevent the proper execution of the model.
  • Under rare conditions, the process name was not properly updated after a manual task.
  • With a container deployment, setting only the SMTP_HOST environment variable without the SMTP_PORT caused an error instead of using the default value.
  • Publishing decision models linking terms with sources information would fail.
  • Renaming a decision with the same name as an input data could generate an error when undoing the operation.
  • Creating a data type from the output of a decision table inside a context could fail.
  • Clicking on the data type of a context entry could edit the global data type of the logic instead of the specific one clicked on in rare conditions.
  • Adding a new row to a decision table while editing a table cell could cause the operation to silently fail.
  • HTML tags were not properly escaped in the information, warning and error markers displayed on the diagram (validation errors, export problems, …) .
  • Exporting to an image with a shape selected causes the shape to appear black in the rendering.
  • Exporting to an image with a shape containing term links and user entered new lines could generate a blank label.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon August 25, 2021 (Version: 10.10.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Certain internal services results were not properly unwrapped when they were used in Business Knowledge Model (BMK) in decisions.
  • Attended tasks with multiple inputs could under certain conditions display one of the inputs as a GUID.
  • A decision table column with an enumeration containing an empty string could fail when editing or entering a value.
  • A decision model referencing a collection of X data types only inside an iterator, conditional or filter boxed expression would fail to properly validate.
  • Assigning twice the same name in the input mapping clears the context when adding a new line.
  • Missing line borders for Decision tables inside filter, conditional and iterator boxed expression.
  • Certain codes were not properly expanded when retrieving them by ID from terminology servers.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 29, 2021 (Version: 10.10.2)
Bug fixes:
  • The dependency panel was not always properly refreshed when a workflow task had data associations.
  • When searching for Value Sets with a space in the name, some FHIR server could return an error that prevented the proper matching.
  • Value Sets returning codes without coding systems were not indexed in the graph.
  • Using the underscore character to link to a term in Discovery Accelerator does not properly link the term.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 25, 2021 (Version: 10.10.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Making a REST call that returns information in an HTTP header would fail if the Header was not present.
  • Copy/pasting a boxed context result row would generate an invalid model.
  • Data types are not updating their missing status in the dependency panel.
  • When searching for a term in the graph, the automatic matching should not occur if more than one match is found.
  • When renaming a recursive data type, the recursive names are not updated properly.
  • Removing an included model does not properly sync with the dependency panel.
  • Decision services with missing nodes cannot be unlocked.
  • Hitting CMD on MacOS while a shape is selected could clear the label.
  • Changing a collapsed sub-process to/from an event sub-process does not update the icon next to the page tab.
  • Internal DES services can now be called from Decision Models.
  • Discovery accelerator could fail to load models whith a dependency to an accelerator.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 19, 2021 (Version: 10.10.0)
New and improved features:
  • The Knowledge Entity Modeler tab Coding was renamed to Healthcare and now offers autocompletion of codes using ValueSets of CodingSystems from a FHIR Terminology server.
  • New healthcare specific FEEL functions (healthcare codes, healthcare term codes, healthcare code in term) are now available to access terms codes at automation.
  • The FEEL functions ribbon was moved to the LEARN ribbon and added to the workflow and case modelers.
  • A new admin interface allows to configure the FHIR Terminology server settings.
  • We now support decision and workflow models that defines CDS Hooks Cards as outputs to explicitly control the content of the returned cards. The default implicit mapping still applies for existing models.
  • A new wizard is accessible to define emitters. This wizard is accessible under the /management/emitters URL. From this wizard, both user and system emitters can be created.
  • It is now possible to document item components of data types.
  • The identity management page (/management/identities) now allows to share identities with groups. Shared identities are usable by member of the group but can be deleted only by their owner.
  • The identity management page (/management/identities) now offers an improved wizard to create HTTP identities.
  • The progress when searching for a term in the graph is now visible in the rich text editor.
Bug fixes:
  • Assigning a constant value in a user task mapping could generate an error for numeric data types.
  • A workflow model containing an operation without input or output would not be allowed.
  • Posting invalid or incomplete CDS Hooks prefetch data could generate an error without further information on how to fix it.
  • The term selection dialog style was aligned with the other modeling products.
  • The view ribbon was not fully displayed on smaller screens.
  • It was not always possible to change the column data type of decision tables embedded in the return statement of iterator boxed expression.
  • Under rare conditions, it was not possible to switch back from Natural Language to FEEL for an expression.
  • Under certain circumstances, it was not possible to publish a workflow model including a decision model that includes another decision model.
  • Data type subcomponents were truncated after 1 level when exporting the documentation.
  • OpenAPI import does not import properly files with undefined object or arrays.
  • Creating recursive data types was not allowed in the user interface.
  • Links could be created for basic FEEL data types in the report.
  • The OData create operation output was not properly poupulated with the OData-EntityId. That value was always null.
  • A call activity that call a non executable process did not provide an adequate error message.
  • Including a PMML model that contains spaces in its name would fail at publishing.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon June 29, 2021 (Version: 10.9.2)
Bug fixes:
  • Under some circumstances, the operation path containing spaces could be incorrectly encoded.
  • To improve the support of legacy OData servers, query parameters containing spaces are URL encoded using %20 instead of +.
  • When expanding a knowledge entity model that contains business rules from the digital enterprise suite, it could create an error and prevent the expansion.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon June 22, 2021 (Version: 10.9.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Some Workflow and Decision models invoking models could fail to publish to the automation.
  • In certain conditions, decision services with missing data types would generate an error when synchronizing with their reference.
  • The dependency panel could fail to load if a graph was unknown.
  • When an element that is reused from the digital enterprise graph is reconnected, the lock stay red.
  • The name of elements in the dependency panel is not always properly refreshed from the source model in Discovery Accelerator.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon June 20, 2021 (Version: 10.9.0)
New and improved features:
  • The automatic model comparison is now available in Discovery Accelerator (subscription required).
  • The dependency panel is now available in Discovery Accelerator.
  • A new security page is available to admins to control the web session length, the cross origin and iframe usage settings.
  • For services that have a single input, the REST endpoint now supports submitting the input name or omitting it in the API call. By default the Open API representation of the input will omit the single input name but this change is backward compatible and messages containing it will still behave as they did before.
  • The expression context in the Case Modeler now offer FEEL autocompletion.
  • Roles cannot be assigned to Case File Items.
  • The severity level of messages when opening a model where there are missing references to the Digital Enteprise Graph were adjusted to warnings.
  • A new shortcut option was added to compare with the last saved version of the current model.
  • The reuse buttons in the ribbon bar of the modeling products now display the product names instead of the standard they implement (BPMN to Workflow Modeler).
  • Now supports the header x-forwarded-port when deployed behind a proxy.
  • A new function is available for workflow automation to extract the text of an HTML string.
  • When deployed in audit and debug mode, invoking BKM and Decision Services will now emit ServiceNodeStarted and ServiceNodeFinished messages.
Bug fixes:
  • Re-importing OData definition disconnected the invocations to the operation.
  • Generating a Word report containing test cases could produce an invalid Word document.
  • It was possible to create an invalid BPMN XML file when using attended tasks.
  • Sometimes Data Types would show up in the model comparaison without having been modified.
  • Attachments URL and obsolete alternative names are now properly compared between models.
  • Some performers of tasks could be impossible to rename.
  • Data Types imported from a different Digital Enteprise Graph were not always properly mapped.
  • Automatic translation could fail when translating a text with large images.
  • Events are interrupted from being delivered to websocket emitters after a timer execution.
  • A start message without data mapping introduced a context with the message name to the target data object.
  • When resuming a workflow from a timer event, the base url setting of the automation is not considered when generating absolute URLs.
  • The OpenAPI definition file could incorrectly represent messages that were input for messages when they were collections.
  • The same message can now properly be used for both starting and during a workflow automation.
  • The scope input field size was not aligned with the description and notes.
  • Exporting to BPMN, the Data Objects are not properly connected to their activities.
  • It should not be possible to lock missing copy of relationships.
  • Reuse links can now be changed to copy links (unlocking) even when the link is broken.

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