
Digital Enterprise Suite

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Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 20, 2022 (Version: 11.0.4)
Bug fixes:
  • Test cases could not be properly overwritten from the save test button.
  • When testing a non-straight thru workflow model, it was possible that some output variables are incorrectly reported in the results.
  • Test cases were not properly persisted in the model for some workflow models.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 17, 2022 (Version: 11.0.3)
Bug fixes:
  • When testing a decision model that had decisions returning null, it was possible depending on network latency, that their result was not displayed in the outputs panel.
  • Restore the default values of the form input controls to their version 10.X values: Texts are empty strings and all other controls defaults to null.
  • Null text value can be entered in the form input control by pressing the delete or backspace key on an empty text input.
  • On the form input file control, it was not possible to re-select the same file after clearing it without selecting a different file before.
  • The DMN TCK test case export for numeric value was exported with an invalid xsd:number data type.
  • Fixed a very rare case where the modeler would froze when changing page or exporting to image.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 14, 2022 (Version: 11.0.2)
Bug fixes:
  • The OpenAPI generated for services were under certain conditions not marking a collection property as an array for objects.
  • The response section of the OpenAPI documentation of a specific decision service was incorrectly containing all possible model outputs.
  • The numeric constraints of a data type were not documented in the OpenAPI documentation of a service based on a workflow process.
  • When testing decision models that include other decision models, the inputs form could ask for data inputs from the included models.
  • While testing a boxed context logic with one context entry returning a function, the result of the evaluation of all of the context entries was not displayed.
  • In the debug execution profile, ServiceNodeFinished were not being published if the node was implemented using a boxed context that contained a function definition.
  • The export of decision test cases could generate an XML file that was not schema compliant with the DMN TCK XSD under rare conditions.
  • Linking a call activity to a process defined in the current model was not working properly when the feature was accessed through the process icon on the call activity.
  • The test input form was incorrectly asking users to provide the content of data inputs bounds to data stores.
  • The form interface incorrectly displayed an Errors label even when there was no error in the execution of a decision service.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 11, 2022 (Version: 11.0.1)
Bug fixes:
  • For certain license configuration, the DMN Test functionality was considered unlicensed and was not starting properly.
  • In the modeling execution test (Wofklow and Decision modeler) and the form interface (launched from the Service Library) accentuated characters could be incorrectly rendered under some browsers configurations.
  • A workflow model containing a human task with no resources defined could create an exception at deployment time.
  • Importing an OpenAPI model that contains an enumeration of numbers import them as strings instead of numbers.
  • Importing a BPMN model with an invalid association could cause an exception preventing proper import.
  • Some duration values were not correctly serialized to Cloud Events which cause the Test functionality of the Workflow and Decision Modeler to sometime display the duration as a complex object instead of as a duration.
  • Test cases containing a number were not properly backward compatible with previous releases and were loaded as 0.
  • Copying from a model that used recursive data types could prevent the copy function from properly working.
  • In a Distributed Container deployment, the root path of the container was not properly redirecting using the base.url preference when the x-forwaded-port header was sent.
  • Environment variables can now overload Digital Enterprise Suite preferences.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon July 6, 2022 (Version: 11.0.0)
New and improved features:
  • Digital Modeling Suite graphical interface changes
    • Under the execution ribbon, the Cloud Publish button was renamed Deploy.
    • The Operation library, CQL and PMML includes buttons moved to the execution ribbon.
    • A feedback button is now available under the home ribbon of the modelers.
  • Digital Automation Suite graphical interface changes
    • The system of engagement (user interaction forms) was redesigned. See details below.
    • In the service detail dialog of the Service Library, the button position and grouping were slightly modified.
  • The Test functionality of the decision modeler was redesigned and added to the Workflow Modeler.
    • The execution path is highlighted on the diagram.
    • It is now possible to add breakpoints before and after a task execution (workflow), on sequence flows (workflow), before and after a decision/bkm/decision service (decision).
    • Intermediate evaluation results are displayed in overlay on the diagram.
    • It is possible to update values on breakpoints.
    • Complete execution events are available in the history view.
    • It is now possible to input a collection of collection in the test interface.
  • New system of engagement (user interaction forms) is now available for all users.
    • Simplified interfaces targeted at end-user interaction through web form or file.
    • Supports styling using CSS at various levels (environment, group, artifact, version).
    • An advanced developer mode allows to visualize the form structure, the received results, load and save test cases.
    • A new Test Bench allows to save test data associated with a data type name. This data can be used across different models.
  • New system of records (data stores) is now available (requires a separate subscription).
    • Store data across process instances and decision executions using a persistent data storage.
    • Access the data using standard FEEL functions to manipulate collections.
    • Integrates in the workflow automation as data stores and in the decision automation as decision inputs that are provided by the system.
    • Integrates with Excel (through WebDav) to manipulate (import/export/edit) the data inside the data store.
  • Introduced an alternative JSON response format (application/json+result) to the REST API.
    • Previous result format is still available using a content type of application/json+metadata in the Accept header.
    • This change is fully backward compatible and using an Accept header of application/json will use the application/json+metadata formatting by default.
    • The administrator can change the application/json format.
    • The Open API v3 definition of the services documents both formats.
  • The workflow and case REST API to retrive running instances now support a tag parameter to find only instances matching a given tag.
  • A new product is available for automation customers called the Cookbook. It contains Generic Automation and Healthcare recipes.
  • System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) is now supported to synchronize users and groups.
  • Users access can now be disabled.
  • A new public API resource allows to export a zip archive of a model and all its dependencies (/publicapi/repositorycontent/package).
  • Groups shapes can now be created in diagrams in the Knowledge Entity Modeler.
  • It is now possible to control if the end (workflow) and milestones (cases) variable are part of a service output. Backward compatible to default to true.
  • Issues were added to the HTML and Word reports.
  • Added an option to prevent copy of links from being generated when exporting to BPMN or CMMN.
  • The Client Access Licenses CSV usage report now includes the date of users last activity. Note that this information starts being recorded with this release.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon May 31, 2022 (Version: 10.15.5)
Bug fixes:
  • Under certain conditions, the message OpenAPI documentation could be empty.
  • Certain OpenAPI REST connectors could not be used by clients who have deployed the modeling environment on-premises.
  • In a case model, multiple cases can cause a problem when publishing for automation.
  • Terms linking could fail when a newline character was present in the selected text.
  • When linking terms, sometimes an additional space is also selected.
  • Autocompletion of FEEL expression inside squared bracket could confuse its internal context.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon May 15, 2022 (Version: 10.15.4)
Bug fixes:
  • XSLT script tasks did not properly accept a Data Object Reference as input.
  • Discretionary stages could cause an error when deploying them for automation.
  • Importing data types from an XSD does not properly validate duplicated data types from the current model.
  • Under some conditions, it was impossible to add input parameters to an operation in the Operation Library.
  • The FEEL functions list contains and the in keyword were too strict when matching numbers and 1.0 would not match 1 in the collection.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon May 1, 2022 (Version: 10.15.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Where used requests were not showing results outside of the same graph where the element was saved in.
  • Selecting a different location to publish a model could display the place selector in an improperly sized interface.
  • The File -> Print option would hide linked terms when printing.
  • The styling of the drop-down menu to change the data type of an activity input/output was not displaying properly.
  • Using Azure Container Registry as a source for Digital Distributed Container base image could create an issue with URLs generated that contains two consecutive slashes.
  • Publishing a workflow service with inner data inputs that were not typed could incorrectly display a warning at deployment time.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 18, 2022 (Version: 10.15.2)
Bug fixes:
  • XSLT script tasks returned an error when using XSLT 2.0 constructs.
  • The running process instance data access endpoint of workflow services did not display the filter selector.
  • In the new system of engagement, if an error is present, it will be displayed as intended in the service instance view.
  • When searching for a data type from an accelerator, it was not possible to select a result as a datatype.
  • The identity management page could return an error in rare cases
  • The group REST API was not returning newly added users between server restarts.
  • Active triggers were not registered on Digital Distributed Containers.
  • Workflow services now continue to process events when in error state.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 11, 2022 (Version: 10.15.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Sometimes the data types from cloud data store would stay read only after deleting it from the settings interface.
  • The back button for the operation library would not be clickable under some rare circumstances.
  • The report (HTML/Word) would not properly generate for certain models exported from Discovery Accelerator.
  • Assigning a trigger from the connector panel to an existing start or intermediate event would incorrectly change the name of the message in the data mapping.
  • When exporting issues to CSV, in rare case an undefined field could prevent the export from completing.
  • When a null variable was used in a sequence flow condition, there could be a parsing issue if that variable had a FEEL keyword in its name.
  • When a model contained multiple message events bound to the same message, it was possible that a caching issue prevented the proper triggering of the event.
  • In the new beta system of engagement, a rare condition could prevent the collection data from being displayed from a decision service.
  • In the OpenAPI/Swagger definition of a service, the FEEL data type Any was incorrectly mapped to an object instead of an untyped property.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 4, 2022 (Version: 10.15.0)
New and improved features:
  • The data type selector available inline when changing the type of data elements was improved
    • There is no need to unlink to link to a new type anymore.
    • Existing types can now be searched.
    • Datatypes can be referenced from the Digital Enterprise Graph or from an Accelerator directly from the type selector.
  • Flags that were previously converted to tags (v10.0.0) in the modelers are now back as an overlay and in the detail panel.
  • It is now possible to import and export models from Discovery Accelerator, Knowledge Entity Modeler, Landscaping and Capability Modeler.
  • Issues of a model can now be exported to a comma-separated file from the modelers issue view.
  • Place issues can now be exported to a comma-separated file from the place issue view.
  • It is now possible to define interfaces to servers that require the implicit, password and client credentials OAuth 2 flows.
  • A FHIR trigger connector was added to work with the FHIR Subscription resource.
  • A RabbitMQ connector is now available to push and pull messages from a queue in workflow services.
  • A RabbitMQ emitter is now available to push events to queues.
  • In the knowledge entity modeler healthcare tab, Resource was renamed FHIR Resource.
  • A new place shared place can be added from the places tab in the admin for clients subscribing to the Healthcare Feature Set.
  • Allow to use error definitions without error code to support ‘catch all’ error events in workflow automation.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a backward compatibility issue with rare workflow models.
  • The public API functions to retrieve issues without an open parameter was incorrectly only returning the closed issues.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon March 28, 2022 (Version: 10.14.4)
Bug fixes:
  • Improved our support for reverse proxy that partially pass forwarded headers.
  • Do not send SMTP credentials when the username is an empty string.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon March 27, 2022 (Version: 10.14.3)
  • Method and Style decision table analysis could report non-existent gaps for date intervals.
  • The retrieval of terms from a value set was limited to the paging size of the FHIR terminology server.
  • Under some conditions, it was possible to export a DMN 1.2 XML with the incorrect FEEL namespace.
  • The issue overlay would sometime not find the proper element to attach to.
  • Optimized the workflow process services resource consumption for models with large data definitions and data mappings.
  • Decision Service audit execution profile does not output the decision outputs.
  • Decision Service audit execution profile outputs invocations inputs/outputs only using the debug profile. They should be available with the audit profile.
  • Service startup could cause a race conditon that would return an error response.
  • It is now possible to deploy message start/intermediate/end events and send/receive tasks without having to defined a message data type.
  • CDS Hooks prefetch for queries by ID could generate an invalid count parameter internally.
  • An error was generated when trying to resume a service task in error without input parameters.
  • Allows the usage of error events in workflow services without code (catch all).
  • Documentation for the public api service deployment was added.
  • Various edge case improvements to he FEEL parser: context scoping levels, spaces before the [] operator, inline collection detection, crash prevention.
  • It was possible for collections types to be incorrectly displayed in red in the data mapping.
  • The issue navigator was not always loading from the launcher application.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 23, 2022 (Version: 10.14.2)
Bug fixes:
  • Using special characters could prevent the term linking from properly working.
  • The BPSim editor was generating an error preventing it from opening.
  • The Method and Style decision table validation will not detect gaps between dates anymore.
  • The colon (:) character was not properly encoded in path parameters when doing REST operations.
  • Accessing the form API of a service directly would not refresh the user session if it was expired.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 21, 2022 (Version: 10.14.1)
  • Using the new system of engagement, the CDS Hooks endpoint was not visible anymore if the service was not published as a SMART on FHIR service.
  • Context autocompletion could not work properly inside invocations boxed expression.
  • The Visio import could produce an error using a very specific combination of stencils in a model.
  • The eLearning and more information on how to fix validation issues could become unclickable when using some security settings.
  • Event subprocess that uses conditional events as start event were prematurely completed even when having timers that should keep it active.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 12, 2022 (Version: 10.14.0)
New and improved features:
  • Case automation is now available as a beta.
    • The case modeler now has an option to cloud publish case models.
    • The service library can now launch case services.
    • This initial release support most of the constructs of CMMN (case file item, human tasks, stages, entry/exit criterions with their on/if parts, performer assignation, case file items authorized roles, discretionary tasks and milestones).
  • It is now possible to publish a service as a SMART on FHIR app. This new app is only usable with the new beta system of engagement. A new Healthcare integration dialog is available under Rest API.
  • Execution environments now have a global access (default access to all users) access right.
  • A new group was created to represent all users with a client access license to the instance. This group can be used anytime a resource is shared.
  • An SVG export is available under the image export. Note that the SVG export uses foreign objects containing HTML and may not work with some SVG tools.
Bug fixes:
  • Collections of Any are now always parsed according to the JSON data type.
  • When using datastores, the detection of a date vs a date time was improved from Excel.
  • When using datastores, numbers could be rendered with a different precision when serializing to JSON for service calls.
  • In the new beta system of engagement, user task information is now displayed in the order of the defined data type.
  • Slash characters inside the path of an operation (REST call) are now properly encoded.
  • The output data mapping of a script task was limited to a single data object assignation.
  • In very rare occasion, the validation of a DMN model would generate an unexpected cryptic error.
  • Healthcare terms coming from decision models called within a workflow model were not considered in the healthcare FEEL functions.
  • CDS Hooks now receive additional information when an error occurred (new error key as an extended attribute to the response).
  • Emitters configured from the user interface could create a filter with an empty string that caused the emitter to match no messages.
  • The security model of certain message topics was too aggressive in preventing administrators from emitting events from other users.
  • Conditional expression were not properly imported in process instance name and process instance tags.
  • Data types created by data stores should now be properly removed even when the model is not open when the data store is deleted.
  • Terms defined in the Knowledge Entity Modeler could not be referenced with a semantic link.

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