
Digital Enterprise Suite

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Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 19, 2023 (Version: 11.6.4)
Bug fixes:
  • The DMN validation and XML export were producing incorrect results in the 11.6.3 build due to an issue with the compression and delivery of the decision modeler.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 18, 2023 (Version: 11.6.3)
Bug fixes:
  • An additional fix was required for using File data objects in service tasks for workflow automation under certain conditions.
  • Testing a model with multiple identities could not properly propagate the identities correctly.
  • Validation of an operation without parameters could cause an unexpected error.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon April 15, 2023 (Version: 11.6.2)
Bug fixes:
  • The title, author and publication date should not have been part of the Table of Content when exporting as a Word document.
  • When creating a new row in a decision table, it was possible that the FEEL context was not properly assigned resulting in some elements not being available for autocompletion.
  • When creating a copy of a workflow or case model using the Save As functionality, the identifier of process and cases are changed to make sure there is no collision in the automation.
  • Improved the error message when deploying two process models with the same identifier.
  • Importing an OpenAPI containing a schema using the oneOf keyword was incorrectly imported as a text.
  • Call activities with cycles in their reuse could not be properly tested or deployed.
  • Under certain conditions, it was not possible to use File data objects in service tasks for workflow automation.
  • Defining a path parameter in the Operation Library without adding that parameter to the path will now generate a validation error.
  • The REST API to download DMN and CMMN XML models was not working properly when deployed on OpenShift.
  • Data Store columns names were capitalized and should respect what was entered as an input.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon March 31, 2023 (Version: 11.6.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Some boxed context were not rendered completly.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon March 26, 2023 (Version: 11.6.0)
New and improved features:
  • Renaming a Data Object or a Data Store in the canvas now also updates the data mapping, conditions and test cases that depended on that name.
  • It is now possible to define a retry on error policy for process and tasks.
  • A new custom FEEL function library was added to allow manipulation of Unit of Measure. It is now possible to convert and format measures taken into different units such as mass, length, concentration, etc.
  • Added support for the CDS Hooks: medication-prescribe, order-dispatch, order-review, order-select, order-sign, appointment-book, encounter-start, encounter-discharge.
  • It is now possible from the Healthcare dialog in the execution ribbon of the modelers to control which CDS Hooks type is implemented by your model.
  • The SMART on FHIR configuration was moved from the deployment dialog to the healthcare dialog in the execution tab.
  • Deploying and testing models speed has been improved significantly.
  • Loading an incompatible test case in the test dialog now inform the user of the mismatch.
  • It is now possible to import an excel file without headers as the first column in relation and lists decision logic.
  • The administration page for accelerators now load faster.
Bug fixes:
  • Renaming a folder did not always properly re-index the graph.
  • BKM breakpoints (before and after) were stopping only once when testing a decision model.
  • Testing with the full validation disabled the mutable FEEL functions for altering data stores.
  • Some docker clients were not able to properly pull images successfully from our image registry.
  • When using a rare data type condition, the OpenAPI specification for a service could not be generated.
  • Changing the header type of a referred field could modify read only element.
  • For boxed context expressions, the attributes of a file data type were not suggested in the autocompletion.
  • The trace panel of the test functionality now shows all BKM invocations and not just the last one.
  • An issue was preventing the proper edition of the data mapping of multi-instances call activities.
  • Data Stores without data associations to a task will not appear anymore in the autocompletion suggestion for FEEL expressions.
  • It was possible to generate duplicated inner data outputs when synchronizing it with the graph.
  • Invoking a BKM or Decision Service with the same name as its model did not work properly.
  • The collection marker was not always displayed properly when editing or viewing the details of a data type.
  • The Method and Style validation of decision tables could fail if a cell was left empty.
  • When downloading test results, the file name now always reflect the name of the service.
  • Improved the error message when a decision model is not properly linked or could not be properly loaded on service publication.
  • Corrected the text rendering of FEEL functions returned from decision logic.
  • It was possible that the header of a decision table was displaying the wrong right side inclusion marker for range when refering a data type that allowed null.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon March 13, 2023 (Version: 11.5.4)
Bug fixes:
  • Some SMART on FHIR applications providing their identities could fail to launch.
  • Data Stores used in the output data mapping of a task could fail unless the data association with the task was bidirectional.
  • Most Data Stores data mapping will fail when using the data type validation: always.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon March 7, 2023 (Version: 11.5.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Some decision services referencing collections of elements could not be deployed because of an incorrect message about a missing type.
  • After testing a model and downloading the resulting JSON file, the file name and content could be different depending on the context.
  • Decision Table validation could fail with a null message when a decision table output cell was not filled in with a value.
  • FEEL functions to alter data stores were not always altering the persistent value of the data store when used in the data mapping.
  • The settings page style was overlapping with the left menu for non-administrator.
  • The order of the inputs is now better preserved when submitting a JSON or XML file.
  • Creating a new OAuth2 identity could result in a blank page.
  • In rare occasions, a highly compressed Excel file was incorrectly identified as a security problem when uploading to a data store.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 23, 2023 (Version: 11.5.2)
Bug fixes:
  • There was an error when importing an excel file into a relation table that had non-textual cells in its first row.
  • The process instance termination could not be unchecked if it was imported from a BPMN XML file.
  • The event documentation was not properly displayed when accessed under the /publicapi/doc-events path.
  • In the administration page for User Provider, the Trisotech Account option was not properly displayed as selected after a page refresh. It was instead presented as its SAML2 equivalent.
  • When using a SAML2 authorization using a metadata document that contained multiple signature certificate, the first one was always used to validate the signatures.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 20, 2023 (Version: 11.5.0)
New and improved features:
  • Renaming an InputData, Decision, BKM or Decision Service in the canvas now also updates the decision logic and test cases that depended on that name.
  • The decision modeler now supports entering expression in the input headers of decision tables.
  • The decision modeler will not automatically generate input requirements for missing input columns. A new action allows to Create Input Data that are missing.
  • BPMN escalation events were improved with support for automatic escalation triggering after a certain time from either activation or the last update time of the process instance.
  • BPMN timer events now allow to specify the duration reference time point between activation and last process update.
  • A process instance termination policy can now be set on a process to automatically terminate a process instance after a given time relative to either its activation or last update.
  • Added support for SAML2 AuthnRequest signing.
  • Added support for pasting the SAML2 IdP metadata.
  • The digital distributed container base image can now use a virtual current tag to point to the base image that corresponds to the current version of the Digital Enterprise Suite.
  • The validation messages for a type mismatch in DMN were improved to be more user-friendly.
  • The administrator can now configure a maximum of concurrent web session and an inactivity timeout for users.
  • Delete all button in the data types dialog now also delete reused data types that are not in use.
  • New Prometheus statistics are available to track the number of instances and runtime of service execution.
  • The EU-Rent documentation was ported to a new platform.
Bug fixes:
  • The test trace could report an empty input incorrectly for some decisions.
  • Improved the display of multiple errors in plain html REST endpoint for services.
  • CQL execution would fail if the validation level was set to always.
  • When entering an invalid license in the administration section, the Client Access Liceses are not unallocated anymore.
  • When a license expires, it is possible to enter a new one from the web interface.
  • When changing the collection attribute of a data type, the marker on decisions isn’t refreshed without a page change.
  • When editing a term alternative name or its type in the Details dialog the “Link to a term” button disappeared.
  • Multiple markers could be shown on BKMs shapes when testing after changing the page.
  • Genereating the default I/O mapping doesn’t assign the data type.
  • Sometimes the test form doesn’t refresh the inputs.
  • Sometimes linking a term in the digital enterprise graph create an extra space after the linked term.
  • The spacer tool does not work properly in some CMMN stage page.
  • Data types/Terms of reused element that are in a different graph are not created.
  • Sometimes test cases are not shown on the panel.
  • Improved the error messages when building multi service containers.
  • Improved the log layout in the debug view.
  • The test case panel could appear blank in a rare condition.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 9, 2023 (Version: 11.4.5)
Bug fixes:
  • Revoking a user license for a user that has a product open can cause the product to try to reconnect resulting in an asynchronous communication channel partially initialized that prevent the proper operation of the asynchronous events.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 25, 2023 (Version: 11.4.4)
Bug fixes:
  • The Digital Distributed Container base image now contains additional utility libraries.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 23, 2023 (Version: 11.4.3)
Bug fixes:
  • An incorrect validation error could be reported for output decision tables columns defined using an included data type.
  • The option to allow null on decision tables input and output columns was not always visible.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 20, 2023 (Version: 11.4.2)
Bug fixes:
  • It was not possible to edit a decision table cell when defined in a column that was typed as a complex structure.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 19, 2023 (Version: 11.4.1)
Bug fixes:
  • When validating a model with open range numeric constraint, the validation was failing.
  • The responsiveness of the Settings interface was improved for a small range of screen width.
  • Certain plugins installed on Safari could cause an error when exporting a Word report.
  • There was an error when trying to export a diagram to an image if it had a newline character in its name.
  • The OpenAPI import in the Operation Library now properly consider the enumeration of number extension (x-enum).
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 18, 2023 (Version: 11.4.0)
New and improved features:
  • Improved the data type validation
    • It is now possible to enter multiple constraints on a data type. Additional constraints are FEEL expressions.
    • A user-provided validation failure message and code can be entered for each constraint.
    • A new convenience Not Null constraint has been added to restrict null values from being considered a valid value.
    • The Simple constraint type was renamed to Range.
    • When entering an expression constraint, FEEL code completion is now available.
    • Expression constraints now fully support the question mark (?) explicit value identifier for unary tests.
    • Expression constraints for structures can now reference their sibling fields (an improvement coming to DMN 1.5).
    • When deploying a service, a new option now allows to define the validation level for the service: None (backward compatible), External data entry (validate data types when new data is sent to the service), Always (validate data types every time data is generated).
    • It is possible to set the validation level for the test functionality in the preferences (File -> Preferences). We strongly suggest to change this value to always for testing.
    • The service REST API for service deployed with a validation level different from None could now return validation errors (HTTP 400).
    • Enumeration type constraint is not offered anymore for boolean data types.
  • It is now possible to change the identities and server URL (override service descriptors) used by services once they have been deployed.
    • When promoting a service in the Service Library that defines an interface to an external system, the promotion dialog now allows to override the security information defined in the model.
    • Using a Digital Distributed Container (Single or Multi Service), it is now possible to override the service descriptors to update the security information used by the service(s). See the Digital Distributed Container Help for more information.
  • The Service Library detail dialog now has a direct link to the running instances of a service when applicable.
  • The default mapping (when no mapping expression is provided) is now displayed in the data mapping dialog.
  • A new dialog now allows to edit conditions for outgoing sequence flows (Conditions in the contextual menu).
  • The process animator now animates loops.
  • A warning is added when a boxed context entry name collides with an existing name in the context (override a function for instance).
  • A new custom FEEL function is available under the Automation library to retrieve user task assignation information: automation.task assignees(name).
  • A new custom FEEL function is available under the Automation library to retrieve the current instance information for long running services: automation.instance info().
  • Improved our locking mechanism for long-running service instances using the file system persistence.
  • A new visual spinning icon next to the model name indicates that the Digital Enteprise Graph is synchronizing.
  • The number of calls required to synchronize the elements reused in a discovery accelerator model was significantly reduced.
Bug fixes:
  • When testing a business knowledge model (BKM) with multiple inputs, in some cases the parameters were not sent in the proper order.
  • Invoking a decision service through a boxed context invocation defined in a model that contains multiple consecutive spaces in its name does not work as intended.
  • For case automation, the email sent to the performer of a task could contain an invalid URL to perform the task.
  • The Public API for endpoint for building containers was not accepting bearer tokens with the Execution Environment Download claim.
  • When an element linked using a Copy Of link source was deleted, the lock icon was not immediately became red.
  • Text can now be selected in the FEEL function help dialogs.
  • The dialog for the details of a linked term is displayed under the rich text editor toolbar preventing it from completely being visible.
  • The test and publish buttons became temporarily disabled when creating a blank page.
  • An incorrect error message was shown when adding a date or a date and time enumeration constraint.
  • Validation errors are now displayed when testing a model.
  • Markers were lost on the diagram when switching between a decision logic and a diagram while testing
  • The play button on attachment in the Decision Modeler was not visible.
  • Dynamically generated decision services did not properly validate the direction of links.
  • DMN XML import did not properly import the definition of terms.
  • The XSD data type gYear is now imported as a text because it can also contain a timezone.
  • When automating a case, the on part of was not always properly considered when multiple entry criterions were present.
  • Updating data to null while testing could keep the old value.
  • A decision table with a column using a numeric enumeration will not add double quote around numbers when selecting them from the suggestion.
  • Submitting a form using a numeric enumeration with an empty value would submit 0 instead of null
Non-Backward Compatible Changes:
  • The OpenAPI data type definition for an enumeration will not be nullable by default anymore. The data type can be modified to check allow null on the enumeration to explicitly make it nullable again.
  • For clients not deploying in a container, this release requires the Java 17 JRE.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 11, 2022 (Version: 11.3.7)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an additional potential issue where it was possible for scopes to not be sent properly when refreshing an OAuth token if the token URL did not echo back the scopes originally in the response.
  • The form interface to resume a process instance in error could incorrectly return an error that the instance was not found.
  • Optimized working with large boxed contexts.
  • When importing an XSD from the data types dialog, the Gregorian XSD types were not imported (gDay, gMonth and gYear).
  • When requesting to select a shape in the modeler, if that shape was on another page, it was not always selected properly.

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