
Digital Enterprise Suite

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Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 4, 2020 (Version: 10.2.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Double clicking on the canvas could prevent selecting shapes under some conditions.
  • Updating reuse links were suffering from a performance issue.
  • Links from accelerator could be incorrectly considered as broken after the first save.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 2, 2020 (Version: 10.2.2)
Bug fixes:
  • Changing the owner of a place could corrupt the access control list persistence under rare circumstances. This would prevent the ACL from being reloaded from persistence but would not allow unauthorized access to the place.
  • Places with read only access were not properly displayed from the client access license admin page when checking the places rights for a specific user.
  • For clients with hundreds of places, the client access license page would fail to display the places when checking the places rights for a specific user.
  • Copying a data association to a new process could cause issues when trying to save the model.
  • Collections of collections were sometimes incorrectly rendered when using the Test button.
  • The excel import could fail for coding systems that were formatted as number in excel.
  • Sometimes user would be required to click twice to close a model open by a link in the Kommunicator.
  • Sometimes the detail dialog would also open when clicking on a link in the Kommunicator.
  • The commenting panel does not refresh properly when an element name is changed.
  • Complex FEEL expression containing filter and multiple context access could fail if used with a compartor expression.
  • The last entry of FEEL code auto-completion had an improper indentation in some cases.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 29, 2020 (Version: 10.2.1)
Bug fixes:
  • The information markers for boxed context results were not always depicted for all types of decision logic when testing a decision. Note that to have a consistent behavior across all types of decision logic, the information marker was moved to the header of the context.
  • The Excel export functionality was generating errors on most models.
  • The Excel import/export functionality was adapted to support multiple coding.
  • The DMN XML export failed when exporting a model containing associations connected between a shape and a link.
  • The DMN XML import failed when importing a file containing an empty encapsulatedLogic.
  • Element reused by reference from included models are now automatically refreshed.
  • FEEL autocompletion of fields on Collection of Date and Duration was not available.
  • Description of the interfaces, operations and inputs were not visible anymore after importing from an XML model.
  • PMML constraints defined as double were not parsed with enough precision when including a PMML model.
  • An error occurred when trying to export the documentation of a model containing an empty function inside a boxed context.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 24, 2020 (Version: 10.2.0)
New and improved features:
  • The Data Mapping of tasks was greatly simplified by integrating the four dialogs: Data Input, Data Input Mapping, Data Output and Data Output Mapping into a single one.
  • The new Data Mapping dialog now also integrates the multi-instances (parallel and sequential) mapping in the same interface.
  • Called process through a call activity are now bundled in the deployment to the Trisotech Digital Automation Suite.
  • Call activities calling a process defined in the same model will now have its inputs and outputs read only and synched with the source.
  • Dragging a process from the Digital Enterprise Graph will now also bring in the inputs and outputs of the process.
  • In the Service Library Try-It form, the option to continue a service are now presented before the intermediate results.
Bug fixes:
  • The Service Library Try-It button was not properly displaying the form to start workflow processes with a message or timer start event.
  • The REST endpoint required to have a Content-Type set to a non-null value for REST calls. It now assumes JSON if missing.
  • The HTML login page of the Digital Modeling Suite will now return an HTTP 200 code instead of an HTTP 401 code to align with industry best practices and allow insertion of Digital Modeling Suite links in the Microsoft Office Suite.
  • Fixed an issue that could generate an error at deployment time when using CQL and PMML data types in workflows.
  • When including a model that reuse elements (by copy or by reference), two locks were incorrectly displayed on the shape.
  • Included elements detail panel could be locally modified in some cases.
  • When creating a data output mapping from the Data Output Mapping dialog, the ellipsis did not properly immediately appear on the task.
  • Sometimes Create a Subprocess From Selection failed for some specific model because of unconnected edges.
  • When an accelerator contained duplicated URIs across two models or having different values, the XML export would fail. Note that URI defined in custom accelerators should always be unique.
  • Test cases generated with a null value for a date field were generating an invalid DMN XML file.
  • Participants were not always correctly merged when a choreography participant is renamed.
  • Improved the graph reconnection potential when importing a model from and OMG XML standard.
  • In the viewer, it was sometimes impossible to click on the “Details” button in the Terms view for items under the control bar.
  • When executing workflow process, the process description and task descriptions are now properly rendered in the Service Library Try-It button.
  • Workflow process resume point without labels will now be clickable in the Service Library Try-It button.
  • The XML template generation for invoking services generated an error on most services.
  • The plain HTML form to invoke a services generated incorrect selection options for text enumerations.
  • When exporting to BPMN or CMMN, do not generate links unless the Digital Enterprise Graph is subscribed.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 10, 2020 (Version: 10.1.5)
New and improved features:
  • The coding tab in the term details dialog is now only available to healthcare customers and now support entering multiple codes per term. You can resquest access to the coding tab through the normal support channel.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing decision models with operations that were transferred using DMN XML to properly index in the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the validation of decision models that contained test cases with null values for date inputs.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented certain DMN XML models from being uploaded to the public api repositorycontent endpoint.
  • The Method and Style introduction courses required an extra click to start them.
  • Adding or removing rows in a boxed context did not properly refresh the user interface.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 5, 2020 (Version: 10.1.4)
  • Fixed an issue with calling REST operations inside a Decision Model. This affected only recently deployed models.
  • When modeling a choreography on multiple pages, a structure error in the model could prevent our code from properly saving or validating the model.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon October 27, 2020 (Version: 10.1.3)
Bug fixes:
  • The automation will now encode spaces with the %20 character instead of the + character for parameters in query paramerters to improve the compatibility with legacy systems.
  • Restored the help buttons in the learn ribbons of the modeling applications.
  • Imported OData operations could not properly be assigned to service tasks.
  • Testing a decision model that returned a list of complex elements with a value of null could result in the left panel not displaying any result.
  • Improved the type detection for iterator decision logic.
  • Using the public API to extract XML versions of CMMN and DMN models could fail when the model was not assigned a version and state.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon October 19, 2020 (Version: 10.1.2)
  • Fixed an issue with the Digital Enterprise Graph indexing that was preventing some semantic links from being properly indexed.
  • Improved HTML cache settings of products to better handle new deployments.
  • It was not possible to properly change a task type to a case task.
  • Changing the iterator type on an iterator decision logic was not properly undoable.
  • Deleting a decision logic tab does not always properly remove the decision logic type marker from the associated shape.
  • It is now possible to send yourself email notifications by mentioning yourself in comments of elements and issues.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon October 15, 2020 (Version: 10.1.1)
Bug fixes:
  • When using a conditional or a filter logic inside a BKM, the decision logic layout was not correct unless the tab was toggled.
  • Improved the docker image labels and rights management for OpenShift deployments.
  • On a mac, in the Cloud Execution Audit Configuration, the filters were not properly updated when selecting a group.
  • There was a condition under which the Automation was not properly generating a list for a data type in the Try It form and the Open API file.
  • The excel input for services in the Try It form could incorrectly parse the encoding of the excel file resulting in an upload error.
  • The HTML rendering of the REST automation endpoint was producing an incorrect output.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon October 14, 2020 (Version: 10.1.0)
New and improved features:
  • Tasks that send emails can now raise BPMN signals when a link in the email is clicked or when the email is open.
  • A description field is now available for describing boxed expressions.
  • Assigning an issue to a new user will now notify that user by email.
  • It is now possible to mention users in issues and comments. When doing so, these users are notified by email.
  • From the Digital Enterprise Suite application, it is now possible to open an issue using by clicking on the model when viewing an issue.
  • The decision logic choices were limited based on the context for conditional, iterator and filter expressions.
  • The Digital Enterprise Graph now indexes model properties and process parameters and outcomes.
  • OAuth Bearer tokens generated from the main Digital Enterprise Suite container can now be used by extra processing nodes.
Bug fixes:
  • The administration interface did not load properly on Internet Explorer 11.
  • Fixed an issue where the data mapping of service tasks by data input name (without using the Input Data Mapping) could fail under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the opening of models in the Kommunicator with some license configuration.
  • Unlinking a relationship in Landscaping could generate an error.
  • It is now possible to correctly link terms within the Knowledge Entity Modeler without subscribing to the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Fixed and issue that was preventing entering systems from activities.
  • The input and output data mapping in the workflow modeler now offers extended feel functions.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the invocation of a decision model from a process model when a null value was passed at runtime.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon September 29, 2020 (Version: 10.0.2)
Bug fixes:
  • CDS cards could render lists results as incorrect mark down.
  • The BPSim simulation ribbon was not offered correctly to certain clients.
  • The data input binding for user, manual and none tasks could be ignored at automation.
  • The export and import of the extended boxed expression (iterator, conditional, filter) were not available.
  • Copying and pasting the extended boxed expression (iterator, conditional, filter) could result in duplicated ids.
  • Reuse overlay is duplicated on shape after unlocking it.
  • Sometimes the current graph isn’t selected in the graph filter.
  • DMN 1.2 exports incorrectly exported as DMN 1.3.
  • Unlocked (reuse by copy) Business Rule Tasks Data Input / Output are not read only anymore.
  • Fixed an issue in the reporting styling for invocation decision logic.
  • The issue manager did not load properly on the Digital Enterprise Suite application.
  • Decision models with PMML or REST calls could fail to publish to automation.
  • The request access page was causing a memory pressure issue on the server.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon September 18, 2020 (Version: 10.0.1)
Bug fixes:
  • The Method and Style introduction courses were not available to all clients.
  • Clinical Decision Service (CDS) cards could be rendered without summary in some conditions.
  • Workflow tasks without implementation were incorrectly treated as human/manual tasks at automation.
  • In some automation deployment scenarios using an extra processing node, a valid bearer token could be refused.
  • Expression to constraint a BPMN data type were not properly indexed in the digital enterprise graph.
  • The workflow automation tasks for sending email could fail on certain email service (amazon ses) for specific emails.
  • Some user tasks using files as inputs could be rendered incorrectly in the Try-It form.
  • When importing an excel file in a decision logic, the value 0 was not properly imported into a text column.
  • Fixed a few issues with the styling of the new type of decision logic.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon September 11, 2020 (Version: 10.0.0)
New/Improved Features
  • New component: Knowledge Entity Modeler
    • Part of the Digital Modeling Suite Foundation.
    • Create Business Vocabularies of terms with their definition, examples, notes, alternatives and data types.
    • Define Business Rules that can reuse existing terms.
    • Relate terms by creating Concept Maps diagrams.
  • Digital Enterprise Graph now supports the reuse of concepts by reference or by copy.
    • Dragging elements from the Digital Enterprise Graph add them to the canvas with a closed lock (by reference) or an open lock (by copy)
    • When reusing an element (closed lock), the dragged element can’t be modified locally and will automatically be updated when it changes in the source model.
    • When using a copy (open lock), the dragged element can be locally modified while keeping its connection to the source model. It can be re-synchronized with its source through the detail panel.
    • An element that is reused can be transformed into a copy by unlocking the reference from the detail panel. It can be converted back to a reuse link later.
    • Reuse and copy links are visible in the right column of the detail panel of an element.
  • Terms defined in the Knowledge Entity Modeler can be used in the description and notes of all the elements in all types of models.
  • The Decision Modeler Dictionary panel was removed.
    • The Digital Enterprise Graph offers an alternative way of reusing Decision Model elements without including a complete Decision Model with a prefix. Single elements can be reused through the graph.
    • The inclusion of complete Decision Model with prefix, as described in the DMN specification, is still available through the Include button in the DMN ribbon.
  • New Decision Logics types are available in the Decision Modeler.
    • Iterator: Iterate over collection of data using the FEEL for, every or some functions.
    • Conditional: Visually represent if/then/else statements.
    • Filter: Facilitate the filtering of a collection.
    • These new decision logics are supported by the Digital Automation Suite.
  • Unstructured binary data is now fully supported in the Digital Automation Suite.
    • Use files to start a process.
    • Use files in user and service tasks.
    • Generate files as output.
  • It is now possible to reuse by reference data types indexed in the Digital Enterprise Graph from any model (Workflow, Case, Decision, Knowledge Entity).
  • Every model element can now be tagged with a free text Tag. Tags are accessible from the detail panel of elements. Flags were migrated as tags.
  • The Project Charter was renamed Model Details and now contain structured entry for stakeholders and goals. Challenges were migrated to notes of the model.
  • Knowledge Sources (originally from the DMN palette) are now available as extension artifacts to BPMN and CMMN diagrams.
  • Decision Modeler now displays the type of decision logic in the top left corner of decisions and business knowledge model.
  • When viewing models (through the Kommunicator), clicking on elements now displays their detail panel.
  • Saving a model that contains links (semantic, copy, reuse) in a different place (save as), the links will now automatically reconnect on the target place if the target models already exists.
  • Workflow process deployed to the Digital Automation Suite now expose an API to update the instance data.
  • Groups of users are now available.
    • Groups are composed of users and other groups.
    • A place can now be shared with group(s) and/or user(s).
    • The administrator interface can be used to manage groups and assign access to Places and Execution Environments.
  • It is now possible to use a group or a user of the system as performer for human and manual tasks.
  • Public API Changes.
    • The Place Content API now uses the model namespace as the file id in the API. This allows an easier transition from the digital enterprise graph identifier to the places identifiers which are now aligned. This change is backward compatible and previous file identifier can still be used to access the content from this API.
    • The Login API now return groups membership.
    • The Places API now also return your rights on the place.
Non-backward compatible changes
  • Workflow Process needs to be redeployed from sources if they were using data mapping.
  • API Changes
    • The Digital Enterprise Graph API metamodel was changed. The SPARQL endpoint is still the same but some objects and properties were renamed. New objects and properties are now also available. A separated document is available to document the new graph metamodel. Our support can help customers that integrated through the SPARQL endpoint to highlight changes that will affect them and collaborate with your development team to make the changes in private integrations.
    • The public API endpoints for places (/publicapi/group and /publicapi/groupmember) were removed and replaced by the group API. The information that was available from these endpoints were moved to the /publicapi/repository and /publicapi/repositorymember endpoints.

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