
Digital Enterprise Suite

Title Shadow
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 9, 2021 (Version: 10.4.2)
Bug fixes:
  • Some modeling products would not properly load on some version of Internet Explorer 11.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 4, 2021 (Version: 10.4.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent a proper copy of certain elements in the Workflow Modeler.
  • PATCH Operations are now properly imported from Open API files.
  • The now() FEEL function could generate an invalid date and type string in the API.
  • The Try it form XML, JSON, Excel and PDF modes were not properly uploading the information to the automation API.
  • The Try it form XML template download incorrectly downloaded the JSON template.
  • The import an invalid BPMN model with certain specific characteristics around data associations would fail.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon February 1, 2021 (Version: 10.4.0)
New and improved features:
  • When entering a definition or a note on an element, it is now possible to reuse terms using the _ character in a similar fashion that you would use the @ character to mention someone on comments and issues.
  • The collection marker of Data Objects is now synchronized with the defined data type (if one is defined).
  • When assigning a message to an event, its data input or output (depending if throwing or catching) will be read-only and based on that message name and data type.
  • When assigning a data type to messages, errors, escalation and signals event, we now favor reusing existing message, error, escalation or signal instead of always creating new ones.
  • The Import from Graph button was renamed Reuse from Graph.
  • It is now possible to use the Digital Enterprise Suite users and groups as performers in the Case Modeler.
  • The XML version of the REST endpoint of services automation will now output an additional xsi:type attribute for complex objects.
Bug fixes:
  • When testing a model, under some condition, the time widget would always send the value null to the service instead of the entered time.
  • Message events (start/intermediate/boundary) would consider only one output data mapping.
  • Process using the data type year and months duration could fail to execute correctly and report an error if it needed to wait for external events (message, human interaction, …).
  • It was not possible in the Cloud Execution to view the called process details of process without instance tags.
  • When publishing a process, some referenced models that were not required for execution could be sent to the automation engine.
  • In a rare occasion, a case model could be generated with duplicated sentry ids.
  • Sometimes the term description overlay stayed visible after losing focus in the business rule view.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 19, 2021 (Version: 10.3.5)
Bug fixes:
  • SECURITY ISSUE. Under certain conditions, automation API endpoints could be used without a proper OAuth token containing the relevant automation grants.
  • Automatic layout of CMMN models could layout more than one case per diagram over each other.
  • For certain models including CQL or PMML models, the documentation export would fail.
  • Extensions on messages and specific types of formal expression could cause an invalid BPMN XML export.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 13, 2021 (Version: 10.3.4)
Bug fixes:
  • In rare cases, adding or removing a user from a group could incorrectly generate an error message.
  • The DMN 1.1 export could use the incorrect FEEL namespace for some models.
  • Read only data type with an element of type Any would incorrectly display the selector for a new type.
  • The delete button for rows of a read-only data type was displayed but had no effect.
  • The data output mapping literal expression context did not autocomplete the extended FEEL functions such as today and now.
  • The data type selector was not always properly visible in the message, escalation and error dialogs.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 8, 2021 (Version: 10.3.3)
Bug fixes:
  • A workflow model containing an extension with a duplicated ID with a process could cause an issue when saving and exporting to XML.
  • The data mapping dialog was not properly accessible from the event trigger dialog.
  • The QR code generated for Ideation session could be invalid depending on the suite security settings.
  • Text annotations could not be translated correctly in the Case Modeler.
  • Emails sent from workflow processes could fail to be sent when the email server configuration was done through environment variables.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon January 6, 2021 (Version: 10.3.2)
Bug fixes:
  • CMMN graph indexing of reused elements within stages duplicated some graph properties for the element.
  • Removing a deleted user from a shared place does not properly affect the persisted store.
  • Submitting multipart encoded form to the REST endpoint of a service when the input data type was not fully defined could cause an internal error and prevent the proper input parsing.
  • Fixed details on the translation attributes of models when exporting to the XML format.
  • The language selector when viewing a decision model did not always drop down properly.
  • Improved the performance when dropping a large connector into the workflow modeler.
  • Semantic links are now always synchronized when reusing an element by reference.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 22, 2020 (Version: 10.3.1)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a condition preventing some variables from not being accessible when using expression in Timer Events.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 21, 2020 (Version: 10.3.0)
New and improved features:
  • Models created with most modeling applications can be translated in multiple languages from the view ribbon.
    • A display language selector is available in the view ribbon.
    • A translation dialog allows to automatically translate terms and import/export translations from/to excel.
    • Translation languages can be added and removed from the model.
  • Process instance tags expressions can now be assigned to process.
  • Process instance tags can be viewed in Cloud Execution.
  • Message event correlation can now be defined in the workflow modeler.
  • A new API endpoint is now available to receive messages that will be correlated to the proper instances.
  • When defining timer events for intermediate events, it is now possible to enter duration and date expressions.
  • A new page is available to configure the Digital Distributed Container.
  • Identities can now be deleted when publishing services.
  • The client hosted deployment now supports the definition of an https certificate.
Bug fixes:
  • Resetting the branding logo in the admin interface incorrectly reports an error.
  • Request access feature is not accessible in certain configurations.
  • Attachments with missing type cause an indexing issue.
  • Operations inputs are now properly exported in the documentation.
  • Data input mapping autocompletion does not use the full name of the data object.
  • Non-text process instance names are now supported.
  • Some accelerators could not be deleted from the user interface.
  • A rare pattern in a BPMN XML model could cause excessive resource consumption when importing in the Workflow Modeler.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 12, 2020 (Version: 10.2.4)
Bug fixes:
  • The last few characters on a large literal expression were not always accessible with the scrollbar.
  • Moving a model to a new folder caused the model indexing to wrongly index with no model name.
  • Deleting a group still associated with a place could cause a persistence issue preventing the access to that group after a server upgrade.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 4, 2020 (Version: 10.2.3)
Bug fixes:
  • Double clicking on the canvas could prevent selecting shapes under some conditions.
  • Updating reuse links were suffering from a performance issue.
  • Links from accelerator could be incorrectly considered as broken after the first save.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon December 2, 2020 (Version: 10.2.2)
Bug fixes:
  • Changing the owner of a place could corrupt the access control list persistence under rare circumstances. This would prevent the ACL from being reloaded from persistence but would not allow unauthorized access to the place.
  • Places with read only access were not properly displayed from the client access license admin page when checking the places rights for a specific user.
  • For clients with hundreds of places, the client access license page would fail to display the places when checking the places rights for a specific user.
  • Copying a data association to a new process could cause issues when trying to save the model.
  • Collections of collections were sometimes incorrectly rendered when using the Test button.
  • The excel import could fail for coding systems that were formatted as number in excel.
  • Sometimes user would be required to click twice to close a model open by a link in the Kommunicator.
  • Sometimes the detail dialog would also open when clicking on a link in the Kommunicator.
  • The commenting panel does not refresh properly when an element name is changed.
  • Complex FEEL expression containing filter and multiple context access could fail if used with a compartor expression.
  • The last entry of FEEL code auto-completion had an improper indentation in some cases.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 29, 2020 (Version: 10.2.1)
Bug fixes:
  • The information markers for boxed context results were not always depicted for all types of decision logic when testing a decision. Note that to have a consistent behavior across all types of decision logic, the information marker was moved to the header of the context.
  • The Excel export functionality was generating errors on most models.
  • The Excel import/export functionality was adapted to support multiple coding.
  • The DMN XML export failed when exporting a model containing associations connected between a shape and a link.
  • The DMN XML import failed when importing a file containing an empty encapsulatedLogic.
  • Element reused by reference from included models are now automatically refreshed.
  • FEEL autocompletion of fields on Collection of Date and Duration was not available.
  • Description of the interfaces, operations and inputs were not visible anymore after importing from an XML model.
  • PMML constraints defined as double were not parsed with enough precision when including a PMML model.
  • An error occurred when trying to export the documentation of a model containing an empty function inside a boxed context.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 24, 2020 (Version: 10.2.0)
New and improved features:
  • The Data Mapping of tasks was greatly simplified by integrating the four dialogs: Data Input, Data Input Mapping, Data Output and Data Output Mapping into a single one.
  • The new Data Mapping dialog now also integrates the multi-instances (parallel and sequential) mapping in the same interface.
  • Called process through a call activity are now bundled in the deployment to the Trisotech Digital Automation Suite.
  • Call activities calling a process defined in the same model will now have its inputs and outputs read only and synched with the source.
  • Dragging a process from the Digital Enterprise Graph will now also bring in the inputs and outputs of the process.
  • In the Service Library Try-It form, the option to continue a service are now presented before the intermediate results.
Bug fixes:
  • The Service Library Try-It button was not properly displaying the form to start workflow processes with a message or timer start event.
  • The REST endpoint required to have a Content-Type set to a non-null value for REST calls. It now assumes JSON if missing.
  • The HTML login page of the Digital Modeling Suite will now return an HTTP 200 code instead of an HTTP 401 code to align with industry best practices and allow insertion of Digital Modeling Suite links in the Microsoft Office Suite.
  • Fixed an issue that could generate an error at deployment time when using CQL and PMML data types in workflows.
  • When including a model that reuse elements (by copy or by reference), two locks were incorrectly displayed on the shape.
  • Included elements detail panel could be locally modified in some cases.
  • When creating a data output mapping from the Data Output Mapping dialog, the ellipsis did not properly immediately appear on the task.
  • Sometimes Create a Subprocess From Selection failed for some specific model because of unconnected edges.
  • When an accelerator contained duplicated URIs across two models or having different values, the XML export would fail. Note that URI defined in custom accelerators should always be unique.
  • Test cases generated with a null value for a date field were generating an invalid DMN XML file.
  • Participants were not always correctly merged when a choreography participant is renamed.
  • Improved the graph reconnection potential when importing a model from and OMG XML standard.
  • In the viewer, it was sometimes impossible to click on the “Details” button in the Terms view for items under the control bar.
  • When executing workflow process, the process description and task descriptions are now properly rendered in the Service Library Try-It button.
  • Workflow process resume point without labels will now be clickable in the Service Library Try-It button.
  • The XML template generation for invoking services generated an error on most services.
  • The plain HTML form to invoke a services generated incorrect selection options for text enumerations.
  • When exporting to BPMN or CMMN, do not generate links unless the Digital Enterprise Graph is subscribed.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 10, 2020 (Version: 10.1.5)
New and improved features:
  • The coding tab in the term details dialog is now only available to healthcare customers and now support entering multiple codes per term. You can resquest access to the coding tab through the normal support channel.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing decision models with operations that were transferred using DMN XML to properly index in the Digital Enterprise Graph.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the validation of decision models that contained test cases with null values for date inputs.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented certain DMN XML models from being uploaded to the public api repositorycontent endpoint.
  • The Method and Style introduction courses required an extra click to start them.
  • Adding or removing rows in a boxed context did not properly refresh the user interface.
Release Notes - Digital Enterprise Suite icon November 5, 2020 (Version: 10.1.4)
  • Fixed an issue with calling REST operations inside a Decision Model. This affected only recently deployed models.
  • When modeling a choreography on multiple pages, a structure error in the model could prevent our code from properly saving or validating the model.

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