
Case Modeler

Title Shadow
CMMN Modeler July 18, 2017 (Version: 5.2.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • When selecting multiple models (to move or delete them), you can now use standard shortcut keys to select multiple models (CTRL-key) or a range (SHIFT-Key). Also, you can now access the multiple selection operations using the right click mouse button without deselecting other models.
CMMN Modeler July 6, 2017 (Version: 5.2.1)
New and Improved Features:
  • It is now possible to move models to different sub folders in one of your Trisotech Cloud places.
  • It is now possible to select multiple models to delete or move in a single operation.
  • Case file item and case file item definition names are now synched automatically.
CMMN Modeler June 19, 2017 (Version: 5.2.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now set the font size and family on all the shapes. Additionally, you can also change the color and font attributes such as bold and italic through the Home ribbon.
CMMN Modeler June 1, 2017 (Version: 5.1.15)
New and Improved Features:
  • You can now clone places. To clone a place, go under the File tab under Open/Save/Save As and right click on the place to clone to provide a new name.
  • It is now possible to use multiple languages (FEEL, XPATH, JavaScript and Python) for all CMMN formal expressions.
CMMN Modeler May 29, 2017 (Version: 5.1.14)
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue with the documentation export that would fail for pages containing a shape with many special characters.
CMMN Modeler May 12, 2017 (Version: 5.1.13)
New and Improved Features:
  • Heatmap visualization is now available through the View->Manage Heatmaps ribbon button. They can also be accessed using the flame icon in the top right shortcuts. You can now visualize an heatmap of value and quality that will overlay the data that you entered in your diagram.
CMMN Modeler May 1, 2017 (Version: 5.1.11)
Bug Fixes:
  • When changing a shape of type, some non-visual attributes were lost and are now kept.
CMMN Modeler March 15, 2017 (Version: 5.1.7)
Bug Fixes:
  • The logviewer is now always fully shown
  • Fixed a bug that was creating invalid an invalid XML export when they had comments in some browser
CMMN Modeler February 23, 2017 (Version: 5.1.6)
Bug Fixes:
  • Visio import improvements to recognize Visio master shapes for a small number of stencils.
CMMN Modeler February 9, 2017 (Version: 5.1.5)
New and Improved Features:
  • Saving a file will now notify all other users that have the same file opened of your modification and ask them if they want to load the changes you just saved.
CMMN Modeler January 9, 2017 (Version: 5.1.2)
New and Improved Features:
  • Colored flags can now be set on elements using the Detail pane. Flags can be shown on the diagram by showing the flag overlay. To show overlays, you can toggle them using the Manage Overlay button in the View ribbon.
Bug Fixes:
  • Improved the round tripping of vendor extensions in the XML import and export.
CMMN Modeler December 21, 2016 (Version: 5.1.1)
Bug Fixes:
  • Fill and Font color can now be changed on multiple elements at a time.
CMMN Modeler December 6, 2016 (Version: 5.1.0)
New and Improved Features:
  • New overlays for analysis data (Time, Cost, Quality, Value) are now available under the overlay pane accessible through the View Ribbon -> Manage Overlay (or the flag icon at the top right of the application). These can be toggled on/off individually or together.
  • Improved the way we share a place (repository):
    • Customize the email being sent for the invite
    • Option to not send the invite email
    • Auto-complete user names from the current users of your Digital Enterprise Server (only available to corporate users)
  • We have received some questions about the new launch screen of the Digital Enterprise Server and its interaction with the unsaved work cache that we used to have in the product. Simply put, this unsaved work cache is still there but to access the last unsaved model, you need to open the product using the tile menu at the top (9 small squares). Clicking on a model in the navigator will open the last saved version of that model from your place (repository).
Bug Fixes:
  • In some rare cases, the delete key stopped responding when entering labels.
CMMN Modeler November 24, 2016 (Version: 5.0.36)
New and Improved Features:
  • Accelerators are now sorted alphabetically with the Digital Enterprise Graph always being the first.
CMMN Modeler November 8, 2016 (Version: 5.0.35)
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected a rare occurrence where the report would not generate due to a discretionary item configuration.
CMMN Modeler October 28, 2016 (Version: 5.0.34)
Bug Fixes:
  • Prevented a rare case where on page creation, we would give the same name as an existing page.

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