Building a Bullet-Proof Business Case Using Business Process Simulation
bpmNEXT 2016 Becoming Digital
Devenir digital (Fr)
BPMN MIWG Capability Demonstration Reston 2016
ABPMP January 2016 Webinar
What is new in CMMN 1.1
BPMN-CMMN-DMN An intro to the triple crown of process improvement standards
Digital Enterprise Graph
Integrated BPMN, CMMN and DMN – Combining Processes, Cases and Decisions
BPMN MIWG Capability Demonstration Berlin 2015
bpmNEXT 2015 – Digital Enterprise Graph
Discovery and Analysis for Case Management
BPSim The Interchange Format
Introducing Trisotech BPMN Process Animator
BPMN + BPSim PEX Week 2014
La gestion des processus d’affaires
Learn how it works
Confirm your budget
Discuss your project
If your Business runs on Rules, it should run on Trisotech!