Landscaping Modeler – Release Notes – December 6th 2016
New and Improved Features:
Improved the way we share a place (repository):
Customize the email being sent for the invite
Option to not send the invite email
Auto-complete user names from the current users of your Digital Enterprise Server (only available to corporate users)
We have received some questions about the new launch screen of the Digital Enterprise Server and its interaction with the unsaved work cache that we used to have in the product. Simply put, this unsaved work cache is still there but to access the last unsaved model, you need to open the product using the tile menu at the top (9 small squares). Clicking on a model in the navigator will open the last saved version of that model from your place (repository).
Bug Fixes:
In some rare cases, the delete key stopped responding when entering labels.
Image shapes don’t show a black border anymore in the viewer