Dr. John Svirbely's blog post - Getting FHIRed Up with SDMN
Dr. John Svirbely, MD

Getting FHIRed Up with SDMN

By Dr. John Svirbely, MD

Read Time: 2 Minutes

People unfamiliar with BPM+ Health often ask if the models can work with FHIR. The answer of course is “Yes”. This can be done in several ways, but probably the best is through the use of the Shared Data Model and Notation (SDMN) standard.

What Is SDMN?

SDMN stands for the Shared Data Model and Notation, which is an open standard of the Object Management Group (OMG). Its specifications are freely accessible at www.omg.org/spec/SDMN.

SDMN offers a graphical environment where data structures can be explicitly defined. The various data types generated can then be used in the BPMN, CMMN and DMN models.

Where Does SDMN Fit In?

When creating a clinical practice guideline, you normally progress through a sequence of steps using BPMN, CMMN and DMN to capture the information.

Narrative Elicitation
Concept Model
Computational Independent Model (CIM)
Shared Data Model
Platform Independent Model (PIM)
Platform Specific Model (PSM)

The final step in the sequence is the Platform Specific Model (PSM), which stage where system integration takes place. This typically involves a bidirectional interface for importing data and exporting information. This is the step where models conforming to the SDMN can be interfaced with FHIR.

What Does SDMN Look Like?

With SDMN you can document the required data structures visually. An example of a data structure is shown in Figure 2.

SDMN Data Structure

Sex is addressed as Patient Health Record.Demographics.Sex with type tSex. To make our knowledge about sex richer, all of the relevant information about sex can be documented in the Knowledge Entity Modeler, as shown in Figure 3.

Entry for Sex in the Knowledge Entity Modeler

Is There Extra Work to Use SDMN?

At the start of a project you need to create all of the data structures that will be needed. This can take thinking and careful planning. However, the amount of work is usually quite manageable for several reasons.

First, this is work that needs to get done. Doing in an organized manner significantly reduces the rework encountered when you just jump in building models.

Second, the FHIR standard specifies the template for each datum being exchanged. This template can be implemented into SDMN. Once created it can be reused repeatedly (build once, use often).

Third, when looking at what data is used in modeling, only a relatively small number of data items are used frequently (like age or weight). Once these items have been built they can be also be used over and over again. The need to create brand new data structures is low and these will usually have a FIHR/SDMN template to start from.

If your software vendor has implemented the modeling tools properly, then you can use SDMN seamlessly with BPMN. CMMN, DMN, and the Knowledge Entity Model (KEM). Sharing the data items reduces variation, improving the quality of the models and easing maintenance.

If you would like to learn more about SDMN and are coming to HIMSS this year, just stop by one of the Trisotech booths and we will be glad to answer your questions.

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