Decision Modeler

DMN Modeler – Release Notes – May 5, 2018

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New and Improved Features:
  • The Accelerator side panel is now sub-divided into an Accelerator and a Places panel. The Digital Enterprise Graph is now displayed under the Places side panel.
  • A new Scope side panel is now available that present all the elements available in the current model DRG.
  • Elements with the same name and type are now automatically merged together.
  • Data Inputs now have a maker in its top left corner (same shape as a BPMN Data Object and a CMMN Case File Item) to identify the same concept. Clicking on that marker let you enter the data type.
  • Added a filter in decision tables and relations to filter only row matching a given text.
  • DMN XML import and export now use the final DMN 1.2 namespace (and FEEL namespace). We still support the beta namespace for backward compatibility.
  • The comment overlay was changed from a document icon to a speech bubble.
  • The parameter types are now displayed in boxed invocation.
  • Input Data and Knowledge Source are now resizable on the canvas.
Bug fixes:
  • When changing a decision without decision logic shape into a BKM shape, we will not create a blank decision logic anymore.
  • In the DMN XML Export, the label attribute is not serialized anymore if it’s the same as the name.
  • Corrected an issue that would sometime prevent the generation of images when the description overlay was visible.
  • Speed improvement when a large number of data types are used in a model.

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