Digital Enterprise Suite

Digital Enterprise Suite – Release Notes – October 11th, 2022

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New and improved features:
  • Custom FEEL function libraries are now available for modeling and automation.
    • The Trisotech extended (non standard) FEEL functions were removed by default from the Learn ribbon.
    • Custom FEEL libraries can be added to a model through the Learn ribbon (custom drop-down) or the standard ribbon (BPMN/CMMN/DMN) in the include section.
    • The initial offering for the custom FEEL libraries includes:
      • Automation: access the automation runtime. Those functions were previously always available in the default context.
      • Financial: domain-specific functions for the financial domain. Those functions require the optional Financial Feature Set subscription.
      • Healthcare: domain-specific functions for the healthcare domain. Those functions require the optional Healthcare Feature Set subscription.
      • Non-Null: specialized list functions that better handle null in lists. Those functions were previously always available in the default context.
      • Utility: conversion utility methods. These initially include converting from unix/epoch time to FEEL date and time, encoding/decoding JSON/Base64.
    • Some of the functions (Automation, Non Null, Healthcare) that previously existed in the default namespace had their names slightly changed to be namespaced in their new library (ex: healthcare term codes() becomes healthcare.term codes()). That change is backward compatible with previous version of the automation and the models will automatically get updated with the new function names. Note that the automation backward compatibility will be guaranteed only for the 11.X serie and models will need to be published before the release of the 12.X serie.
    • A few functions in the default FEEL namespace are not yet standard and were documented accordingly.
  • The delivery platform for most of the modeling suite was updated to provide much faster load times.
  • The data type interfaces now allows to import data types coming from a JSON schema.
  • The OpenAPI endpoint for receiving messages on workflow services will now explicitly have the name of the message its receiving in its description.
  • The Trisotech Help was moved to a new platform.
Bug fixes:
  • Textual search in the modelers was not finding text in BPMN annotations, certain types of links and some other minor elements.
  • The learn tab was not displayed in the Landscaping Modeler.
  • Using the copy and paste modeling functionality on an element that is reused from the graph could not paste the graph link properly.
  • Deleting the last row of a boxed context inside a Boxed Function would not render properly.
  • Some models were generating duplicated identifies when exporting to CMMN XML.
  • When binding a data store with a definition containing a non-typed column, it would cause a typing issue.
  • The public API functionality to download a model with all of its dependencies (/publicapi/repositorycontent/package) will now consider modeling dependencies. It previously only considered execution dependencies.
  • Deployment errors would prevent the ability to test a decision model.
  • SMART on FHIR application relying on patient inputs could only receive their identifier at runtime.
  • Some case file item data types could cause the automation form to think that a case file item is not available to a user incorrectly.
  • Notes added to a new term could be lost when reloading the browser.
  • Semantic link information were not always properly updated when the target of the link was renamed.
  • The Microsoft Visio import was not working properly for the Case Modeler.
  • The Save As action could fail in rare cases when workflow models were referenced from a different place.
  • The change data type button was still usable when displaying the interface in read-only mode.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes multiple dialog opened in the relationship view.
  • Sometimes copy of links were incorrectly reported as missing after the referred model was saved.
  • Keyboard shortcut could not be used anymore after a Visio import.

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