Decision Modeler

Decision Modeler – Release Notes – February 17, 2020

Title Shadow
New and Improved Features:
  • The DMN Modeler is now named the Decision Modeler.
  • When using the viewer (or within the Kommunicator), the search bar is now accessible.
  • A dash character (-) is now available after the auto-completion choices for decision table input columns.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue preventing the import of DMN 1.1 models generated from some other vendors that were incorrectly formatted.
  • When importing an OpenAPI in the Service Library, the first output is now chosen instead of the last when multiple operation outputs are present.
  • Overlays were not shown after the animation completed if they were hidden when the animation started.
  • In the Operation Library. The option to enable the Rich Text editor for Text parameters was not visible immediately after changing the type to Text.
  • Fixed an issue with long file name that would wrap over other names in the move dialog of the place navigator.

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