case study


Process Discovery and Modeling Help Create Supply Chain Real-Time Release of Raw Materials Interoperability Standard

The biopharmaceutical industry produces vaccines, gene therapies, and other products that save and improve lives. The manufacturing processes are sophisticated, but with room for improvement.

With both improvement and standardization in mind, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) funded a project between a leading biopharmaceutical company, OAGi (originally Open Applications Group Inc.), and NIST to create supply chain interoperability resources for improving a key business process – the real-time release of raw materials.

The project participants used Trisotech’s Digital Enterprise Suite to discover and model the process and OAGi’s connectCenter to create profiles of OAGi’s connectSpec standard. The project’s success resulted in OAGi publishing a “Real-Time Release of Raw Materials” connectKit standard that is available on OAGi’s website for any supply chain participant.

Faster Process Discovery icon

Process Discovery

Improved Business-IT Collaboration Icon

Business-IT Collaboration

Enhanced Data Interoperability icon

Data Interoperability



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